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Dark Angels Stand Fast! - ETL Preparations

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I'm hoping to get as much done on it as I can before the ETL starts, after that you can blame the good Captain Semper for any avoidance of duty. ;)


Looking forward to an excuse to paint moar tanks though, I do love Armour a lot for an ex sapper and infanteer.

  On 4/5/2015 at 8:39 PM, Captain Semper said:

The ETL will run for three months and I'm working with May 1st as a kick-off date. However until the official announcement in mid April this can change...

Now the question is: WILL THE FIRST PREVAIL?

I wonder HOW you can ask such question.... <_<



Last year I was too busy, but this time I'm in!


My initial plan is to paint what I need to have a fully painted 1500 Dark Angels force, so I need about 440 points. When I finish that, if I see I have enough time I have a couple of Preds half built, plus a couple of Dreads, one of them Venerable.


I don't think I'll have time to paint more. But if we need that extra push and I get crazy, I have about 5-6 Terminator squads in reserve to build & paint...

I would encourage you to get the models for the ETL built to painting level with all the associate magnets and other conversions done before the event starts. That way it is all painting. 

I have a couple of characters to paint. Maybe some dreadnoughts or something, nothng big, but every it helps. I also have a big IW army to paint. How wrong would it be t paint a Chaos army and vow it to DA? teehee.gif

Unfortunately Brothers, I will be jumping ship this year to my growing Imperial Guard force. There are just so many tanks to paint. :(


Also being a Commissar on the guard forum does mean that one has to set an example to the guardsmen don'tch know.... ;)


I hope the First does well. For the Lion and The Emperor.

Hmm well i'm keen to get involved again this year but I don't know if i'll have anything like as much time.


First things first, captain can you illuminate me on the rules regarding forgeworld models again? I have a storm eagle thats almost ready to paint and might make it into a vow if its acceptable to do so.


Other than that ive been busy over the dark winter nights getting ten vets (4 combi plas, 4 combi melta, 1 plasmagun and 1 meltagun), a command squad with 4 plasmaguns and an apothecary, a captain with thunder hammer and plasmagun, a vindicator and two five man missile launcher devastator squads ready.  if i some how get all that done i have a set of the space hulk termies that need painted up (all blood angels icons removed hopefully).  The decision as to what to paint first is my problem.


And to all those who are considering taking part for the first time, DO IT! i really enjoyed all the support from everyone on my first attempt last year and it really helped me to get paint on models.


Fingers crossed I can throw my support behind brothers of the First!!  Good luck everyone



Well, I have an entire ravenwing army, 3 dreadnoughts, 5 landspeeders, 3 rhinos that are going to be used for scorpius/helios turrets, about 60 tactical marines/HQ, 2 land raiders, and the entire 1st company. 


Plus other things that are half converted.


I also have (almost) the entire summer free. The only problem is that I'm also planning on putting together a Skitarii force with heavy modified units using 3d printed parts.



Good timing! I'm planning on filling out the HQ slots in my army. A couple grandmasters, a libby or two. And a chaplain! Not to mention some terminators. There's always room to deep strike more terminators, mishaps be damned.


More than anything else, I'm looking forward to all of the work in progress threads. Y'all always put out awesome work throughout the event, and I'm ready to be inspired again... I'm also ready to reclaim the title.

  On 4/6/2015 at 4:54 PM, elmo said:

Unfortunately Brothers, I will be jumping ship this year to my growing Imperial Guard force. There are just so many tanks to paint. sad.png

Also being a Commissar on the guard forum does mean that one has to set an example to the guardsmen don'tch know.... msn-wink.gif

I hope the First does well. For the Lion and The Emperor.

*Blammo!* Heretic!

J/k ;) I had to do it... just to show Stobz he's not the only one. :P

I'm of two minds about this. On one hand I have some stuff that I keep putting off, over and over... like actually putting color to drop pods for example. Then I have things that truly motivate me like Deathwing Knights..... Actually a 3rd option. To do a special interest piece like a Knight for the DA!.

Dang that's 3 minds... which is 3 more than my wife accuses me of having. Lots of options here, but I'm going to wait to see the start date. And it depends (quite a bit) on how many vows I can make so I don't over commit.

I learned my lesson from last year - despite the warnings I guess I had to learn the lesson myself.

So this year I will be starting 1 unit at a time starting off with 1 full tac squad.

Let it be that my shortcomings in ETL3 be a warning to any new battle brothers as I seek my own redemption and forgiveness from my fellow dark angels.

One green grunt at a time.

** DISCLAIMER: any early release of rumoured DA summer campaign would throw the huge spanner into the works.

All previously stated plans and promises go out the door! biggrin.png

another termie squad prepped, and I started my first armor today...a predator and trying to strip the blue off this rhino from ebay(unassembled) I usually use 91% alcohol but it didnt work over night....trying simple green now..I'd hate to add black primer over blue...and not going to sand off all the detail either. 


doing inventory and realized I also have a scout squad, vet squad, command squad, and like 6 full tactical squads on top of everything else...  most are still in boxes/on the sprue though...so realistically unless I became a speed painter since last ETL I wont get to it all.


Time management.. thats the key.  The good news  is my kids soccer(two teams at once) will be over so no more 4-6 practices a week + games...the bad news...my wife signed me up for another college course.. priorities though. The Emperor, The Lion, and The First NEED me!

I've not done these before - but am looking forward to getting stuck in. What counts as the 'start state' for the ETL? I have got some unbuilt minis and some primed stuff, can I use this as a good opportunity to get the primed stuff moved along or will it just be the unbuilt stuff I can add to the First Legion's tally?


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