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I decided it was time to start assembling my Scouts, starting with my Scout Bike Squad; I decided to make the Sergeant a Veteran Sergeant, and did what I do with all of my Veteran Sergeants, which is to put them in an action pose having killed, killing, or about to kill a Chaos Space Marine. I decided to change it up a bit, though, and, instead of making the CSM yet another Undivided Black Legion Marine, made it a Plague Marine "Sergeant". After all, there are many CSM in service to the 4 Chaos gods, and all of them are Traitors to the Emperor, and thus all deserve the same fate. Below are some pics of both models separately, and together in the final pose:

I decided to give my Veteran Scout Sergeant a Power Fist, because why not?





This is my first crack at kitbashing a Nurgle Plague marine; I already had a few bits from the CSM sprues I had, and used a regular SM chest piece, as well as the legs from my Sanguinary Guard sprue. I replaced the "vent arms" on the backpack with the legs of the Bloodletter bits I got (I used the sword for my Mephiston conversion), and used one of the arms to replace his right arm; I used the skeleton that is part of the Nurgle icon for my Cypher conversion, so I replaced it with part of a spear from the Fantasy Warhammer Skeleton soldiers I had. I also carved up the Power Sword a bit to make it look worn and damaged, and replaced the hand on the right arm with a CSM hand holding a bolt pistol. After that, it was just a matter of adding Green Stuff all over for the Nurgle Rot, as well as adding a tentacle coming out of the backpack and slithering around the Nurgle icon. One thing that isn't really noticeable (due to being covered with Green Stuff) is that, on the left shoulder pad, the 3 postules are actually 3 balls of GS sitting on top of a barrel piece for a Grey Knights Psilencer weapon (the 3-barrelled gatling gun), which I surrounded with more GS and smoothed together. All-in-all, not a bad job for my first attempt, though I may have gone a bit overboard wanting to try out so many things. Ah well. biggrin.png





Here they are together, in the final pose (a fair amount of small glue points that will hopefully work together to hold everything in place):





Before I got to those guys, though, I decided to kitbash together a couple more Chaplains and Sanguinary Priests, as well as another Librarian:

Librarian, using mostly Grey Knights pieces:





Chaplain (potentially to be Griswold, High Chaplain of the Angels Adamantine); I made his combi-weapon by using a regular bolter, shaving the top flat, and then using the top piece for a combi-plasma from a Blood Angels sprue I had, and just used a CSM head for the skull helm:





Sanguinary Priest (this is going to replace the Sanguinary Novitiate that normally accompanies BA and Successor Command Squads):





(continued in next post...)

Edited by Riconas

Sanguinary Priest (potentially to be Adrial, Sanguinary High Priest of the Angels Adamantine); I made his Blood Chalice using one end of a melta bomb as the base, a piece of a Power Stave as the neck (I think), and a Dreadnought grapple claw as the basin:






And, even though they aren't kitbashed (in fact, they were both the "simple build" type which are mostly one piece with a few parts to glue on), I really like them, so I figured I'd share them as well; here we have a Chaplain (that came with the Reclusiam Command Squad) and a Vindicare Assassin (to replace the one I lost with the rest of my old army; so excited to get him back, though I liked the pose I had before with him aiming and looking through the scope):



I dig all the new models with your update, but I have one (stupid, unnecessary) niggle: everytime I see a Power Fist on any model riding a bike, all I think is, "How is he gonna operate the hand brake??"


  The over the top flavor of your chaptor is cool. I really like some of the stuff you're doing. I actually dig the "all black save one red hand" thing - if you really give your black recipe some love, that could be a super striking, minimalist army on a table. 


  Keep it up!

I dig all the new models with your update, but I have one (stupid, unnecessary) niggle: everytime I see a Power Fist on any model riding a bike, all I think is, "How is he gonna operate the hand brake??"

The over the top flavor of your chaptor is cool. I really like some of the stuff you're doing. I actually dig the "all black save one red hand" thing - if you really give your black recipe some love, that could be a super striking, minimalist army on a table.

Keep it up!

Thanks, man! It's great to get some positive feedback and encouragement. It's funny you should mention that about the Power Fist; when I first thought about putting it on, I had that same thought. Then I looked at the handlebars and realized there are controls (which appear to be simple switches or buttons) on both sides, probably so they can wield weapons in either hand. Then I thought "well, if they can wield other weapons and ride with one hand, why not a Power Fist?". I was originally going to have him impaling the CSM through the head with a Power Sword, then realized that was a bit more than I really wanted; then I had the idea of him running him over, and wanted an arm that really conveyed the excitement he was feeling at the prospect, and the fist just kind of jumped out at me while looking through my sprues. I am curious, though, by what you mean exactly by "if you really give your black recipe some love"; are you talking about the mixture of colours for the black paint? Because, to be completely honest, most of the black is simply the black primer that I haven't painted over. I figured it would be faster and easier to paint my army that way, and I would save on paint. smile.png Also, I figured I could explain the matte appearance of the armour by saying they prefer it to keep the moonlight from glinting off the armour at night, but when I hardcoat them they'll likely be shiny anyways. But if you'e got any painting tips, I'm all ears! (Or eyes, in this case, I guess.) :)

Edited by Riconas

Oh, I wasn't actually meaning for it to come across as me talking smack. I just literally meant that with such a strong monotone army, with the one red hand for everyone, it would be a really coherent looking militaristic force on the tabletop. I kinda dig that.


  Like, you see a lot of marines and everyone is so blinged out they all look like independent characters - but your dudes will have a real, true "We are a Company, you can tell" sort of thing going on.


  That being said, I run my Iron Lions as mostly black armor as well, much to the same effect - but I prime white and use animator's india ink mixed with Soft Tone as a wash, to give me nearly true black in recesses and a lighter shade on raised plates of armor. 


  Point is the all black thing is cool.

Edited by Lemainus

Oh, I wasn't actually meaning for it to come across as me talking smack. I just literally meant that with such a strong monotone army, with the one red hand for everyone, it would be a really coherent looking militaristic force on the tabletop. I kinda dig that.


  Like, you see a lot of marines and everyone is so blinged out they all look like independent characters - but your dudes will have a real, true "We are a Company, you can tell" sort of thing going on.


  That being said, I run my Iron Lions as mostly black armor as well, much to the same effect - but I prime white and use animator's india ink mixed with Soft Tone as a wash, to give me nearly true black in recesses and a lighter shade on raised plates of armor. 


  Point is the all black thing is cool.


I know you weren't talking smack or anything; I just thought maybe you were hinting at a painting technique or something, and I'm always open to learning new tricks. :) As for the red hands, that's only for one squad; each squad will have a different piece of armour painted red (so another squad might have one of their greaves painted red, or one of their kneepads, or one of their boots). I thought it might be a neat way of distinguishing amongst squads that isn't really done, at least not very widely. I'm still getting used to using washes (as is likely evident with my Chapter Master); I think I might need to be a little less liberal with them; I think I kinda just slopped it on. :P

  • 2 months later...





So I finally got around to priming my latest batch of models (with the exception of the Scout Bike Sergeant; I'm going to wait until I have the rest of his squad and possibly the Land Speeder Storm assembled first); I feel great having finally done it:





Besides that, I decided to do a bit of painting, including....MEPHISTON!! :D




I finally got around to doing most of the basecoating on him; now I just need to finish applying the layers and tidy up a bit, and then the basing, and he's done!











Since I had my paints & brushes out, I decided to do a tiny bit of work on both Lemartes (whose crozius sadly broke, so I need to fix it) and my Techmarine:






I might do a bit more tonite; for now, though, I'm going to take a break and play some Eternal Crusade. :D

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