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Defiler, Maulerfind or Soul Grinder? A Demonkin Question


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After having read the new Demonkin I am rewriting my mono Khorn demon army. Most things translate fairly easily but I got stuck on my Skarbrand, originally I intend to use him as a wingless Prince (either on the board or for summoning).


However upon realising that I need to take an auxiliary choice for the Blood Host I thought that the model could represent one of the Demon engines. However I have never used any of them and need some advice on the pros and cons of each and what upgrades to go to.


The rest of the army will be a Slaughter Cult, Thirster, CAD for two Jugger Lords/Heralds with Hounds and some troop to be determined.



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Personally it goes Mauler > Grinder >= Defiler. I know grinders are in almost every way better, and far cheaper, but there are major fringe cases (Fleet) where I've had my defiler pull through for me.


That said, yes, you could just ally Daemons for now. 

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This new Khorne codex actually has me wanting to shake the dust off of my old defiler and try it out. Haven't usd it since 5th Ed.


Not that the new book makes it better, but I like the model and throwing long range pie plates while my opponent is worrying over 3 flesh hound packs and a BT could be fun again.

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I could ally in Skarbrand if I pay a troop tax, and in larger games I will probably do so. But doing so will mean I still need an auxiliary choice to comply with Bloodhost requirements.

I am leaning towards the Grinder for now, with sword and flamer.

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