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Close combat scouts.


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So, I have a question. I typically leave my CC scouts barebones, but how many of you give them camo cloaks? Melta bombs seems like an excellent investment, but I'm not so sure about the cloaks.



I wouldn't bother with cloaks except on snipers.


I disagree, I run my CC scouts with cloaks, and it works well. Makes them far harder to shoot off midfield if they have solid cover, makes up for their 4+ save a lot.

But, I always give the sarge a PW and MB, so they are a bit more expensive than a bare bones squad, but I'd rather pay an extra 40 pts to give the unit +1 cover save, an I5 PW, and something to crack armor with.


I guess I'm not worried about people shooting my scouts and ignoring my death company/vanguard/sanguinary guard/bikes or whatever the nastier threats are.  I'm using scouts to be a cheap but not useless way to pay the troop tax.


If a scout squad is just going to hunker down in cover and shoot, camo cloaks all the way.  But for a squad you want in combat, I think there are better ways to spend the points.

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Here is a thought, why not grab 10 scouts, combat squad them giving half bolters or sniper rifles and the other half cc weapons? One goes hunting other stays on objectives. Granted you could just grab 2 5 man scout squads, but this could give a good amount of versatility in the backfield while other things are being targeted
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Here is a thought, why not grab 10 scouts, combat squad them giving half bolters or sniper rifles and the other half cc weapons? One goes hunting other stays on objectives. Granted you could just grab 2 5 man scout squads, but this could give a good amount of versatility in the backfield while other things are being targeted


Possible n00b question, but without my rulebook to hand I have to ask; If you combat squad a unit, does your opponent have to wipe out all 10 models for a kill point, or is each combat squad worth a KP?

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Hmm, not really much advantage combat squadding Scouts then, unless you (for some weird reason) are running out of troop slots.

Wounds can't bleed over if you combat squad, he can only assault one unit (or loose charge bonus due to diordered) and you can shoot and assault different units. It's a big advantage when your playing any other mission. 

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Hmm, not really much advantage combat squadding Scouts then, unless you (for some weird reason) are running out of troop slots.

Wounds can't bleed over if you combat squad, he can only assault one unit (or loose charge bonus due to diordered) and you can shoot and assault different units. It's a big advantage when your playing any other mission. 



Sorry, should have been more clear.

Not much advantage combat squadding a ten man unit of scouts rather than just taking two squads of five.

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I think it costs the same now that sarge upgrade is optional, dont have the book here so not 100% sure.  My impression is 2x5 is better if your not going for obsec lists (min squad for troop tax) If you are bringing a lot of troops with a cad you want 10 man squads so you dont auto loose kill point games. 

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A ten man squad is cheaper than two squads of five.

It's exactly the same price if you don't upgrade the sergeant to a veteran sergeant actually. And since a sergeant is a character and has a BS/WS of 4 instead of 3, two squads of 5 gets you more bang for your buck if you intend to always combat squad them anyway. A squad of ten takes up one less Troops slot of course, but SM players rarely run out those.

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@simison that's hilarious I forgot to ask a while back but how did the game against the templar go? Did you win?


I lost by one or two points. But that was after a game where I creamed him to the point where he quit on Turn 2, so, it was a good day regardless.

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