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We stand now upon the precipice of war. Arrayed before you are forces of the enemy in their many faces and forms. We must stand at the ready, with warcries on our lips and hate in our hearts. So go forth, assemble your fleets and muster your armies for battle. It is our time to shake the enemy to their rotten core, the throne of terra, the seat of their corpse god.

Let's get ready folks, ETLIV is coming, and I think we should try to break 100k this year, we almost did it last time. We shall be victorious once more!

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The Heralds of Despairstand ready brother. We shall spread the truth of Grandfather Nurgle and to add or swollen and pustule laden bulk to the armies of the true champions of the ether. Death stalks the corpse God worshipping lapdogs of terra and all of those that proclaim this so called truth. They shall cry out for death and we will be there to feast upon the cries of the weak.


In other words. I already to add some painted Nurgle lovin baddies to the pile.



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The infamous Lord Carrack, called Slayer of Multitudes, Doom of Kasr Woolten, Conquerer of Frederic III, Genuinely Unpleasant Guy, etc... Is marshaling his Black Legion forces for a Black Crusade the likes the loyalist have never seen. May they tremble in the fear they claim to know not.
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Those are not the words you are looking for Teetengee ;)


Nothing I can currently do properly as I'm mobile (yup, off to work). One of us could merge this with the other ETL topic though.


Till then here's a lock.

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