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Check out my WIPs here: @powerfisted30k


I'm not a fast mover, so apologies in advance for how long it takes me to paint. I do promise to make lots of conversions and take many meticulous pictures along the way. I love doing tutorials and will periodically add a link to new ones as I write them up. Enjoy!


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XIII So Far:

WREKF07.jpghttp://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P15/Pre Heresy Iron Warrior Army-%4.1.15.jpg

http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/p11/Iron Warrior Vindicator Conversion 1.2.jpg

http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/p11/Iron Warrior Vindicator Conversion 5.jpg

http://powerfisted.com/public/content/p7/Iron Warrior Rhino Conversion 3.jpg
http://powerfisted.com/public/content/p7/Iron Warrior Rhino Conversion 2.jpg

Breacher Legionaries
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Squad 0.jpg
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Squad 1.jpg
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Squad 2.jpg
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Squad 3.jpg
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Squad 4.jpg
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Squad 5.jpg
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Conversion 6.jpg
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Conversion 7.jpg
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Conversion 15.jpg
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Conversion 26.jpg
http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Conversion 30.jpg


Tactical Legionaries

Many many more pictures, WIPs, rants, and tutorials on my off-site blog.

A quick history of the Army:
If it wasn't for 30k, I'd never have gotten back into 40k. Back in 4th edition I played Iron Warriors. I was never really attracted to the Chaos fluff, but I was absolutely hooked on the idea of ancient Legions fighting in 40k. I liked tanks, technology, and pragmatism- the Iron Warriors seemed the most reasonable and organized when it came to those things. I started this army a few years before Horus Heresy was announced, thinking I'd just model up my take on a Chaos Legion that got lost in the warp and appeared in 40k. Then HH happened and I suddenly was stuck with a project that was half CSM and half pre-heresy legion. That's why I have chaos stars everywhere despite it being the Heresy setting.


The Army Theme
I'm going for 'Renegade Chaos Roman Legion' while still getting across that they're veterans of a long war (see, I promised I had bad puns). They are renegades who fought on both sides of the heresy, depending on which account you read- a battalion that's just as disenfranchised from their Primarch as they are from The Emperor. To drive this home, I chose a specific chaos god who is influencing them and their actions, even though they believe they're neutral. It's a decision I made early on and I've sprinkled hints at who exactly this is throughout my models and fluff. As I work on more of my HQs, I expect it will a bit more apparent. Until then, who doesn't like a bit of mystery :smile.:


I really tried to play up the whole "we don't care about our legion anymore" in how degraded the markings are on some of the models. If you look close, some have scribbled back their pre-unification thunder bolts in a few places:

http://www.powerfisted.com/public/content/P14/Iron Warrior Breacher Conversion 1.jpg

Edited by Brofist

These guys are awesome! Loving the little hints and tricks here and there. Is your secret god nurgle? Just the rust and stuff leads me that way.

* Or Malal/Malice because well black and white everywhere!

Edited by StoneSentinels

Ridiculously big, even for 40k. Too big to even fit a shell for something like that inside the vehicle.


Having said that, there was the Sturmtiger, and if that's achievable, then I can't see why the Vindi's are anything but average :wink:  However, I would hate to be the poor sod lugging around the spare ammo (wtb me some more land raider trailers lol).


Awesome cohesion and paintwork there, plenty of well mixed colours to really give a sense of battle and time worn armour, with breachers to boot, what's not to like!


*edit minor typo*

Edited by infyrana

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone.


Ridiculously big, even for 40k. Too big to even fit a shell for something like that inside the vehicle.

The Vindicator. Nothing really encapsulates the 40k setting better than a tiny tank with a giant cannon that can devastate anything within a very short range. The brilliance of the deign is that it only needs 3 rounds of ammo. This way, when it gets turned into a crater on the second turn thanks to the paper thin armor, few resources are wasted. Just as Perturabo wanted!


I wasn’t a big fan of the original model or the Forgeworld ‘alternative’ (which reminds me of Thomas the Engine) so I decided to go with an aftermarket kit that truly exemplifies the qualities I love about the Vindicator.


These guys are awesome! Loving the little hints and tricks here and there. Is your secret god nurgle? Just the rust and stuff leads me that way.



* Or Malal/Malice because well black and white everywhere!

e: :smile.:

Edited by Bulbafist

This is one of the best IW armies I've seen. For reals. Stunning paint and conversion work. 


Not a fan of the vindicators, but the everything else is perfect. 


Can't wait to see more!

Edited by SteelPaladin

This is an awesome army. I really like how your Paint Job captures the gunmetal grey of IW and the overall grittiness.

May I speculate on your hinted chaos deity and the choice of colour on the bolter casings?

I needed a chance of pace from marines, so I threw together a proof of concept for my eventual Imperial Army detachment. I'm not happy with the plume or respirator, but I'll have time to fix those when I finally do a squad or two of them.






I plan to use them as the voice for any fluff I do to flavor the army. I don't have time for anything as lengthy as this again, but it should help set the stage :smile.:

Edited by Bulbafist

Incredible stuff and very clever use of bits. It's easy to go over the top, but your controlled use of the Chaos-specific parts give this army a sinister edge while fully retaining the 30k Legion aesthetics.

Burnt out from working on infantry for a year, I thought I'd do something really quick and fun instead- explosions! Problem is, despite getting the right clump foliage and tacky glue, its a massive pain in the ass:




Explosion aramatures were easy and fun. Applying the foliage? Nope. While the explosion shape is coming out, the clump material does not want to stay attached. Tacky glue is a big step up from PVA, but it's still pretty loose. Do I need to go over the entire thing with watered down PVA glue after I get the shape where I want?




Frustrated, I put this proof of concept together for my upcoming Chaplain instead. Most of my projects start like this, just exploring the shapes and if they work together:




It's still very rough. I'm going to:

It might not all fit, but I'll put in what works well together. I like to have a lot of ideas so I can cherry pick the ones that work the best.

Dude, that looks expensive, even by normal HH standards. :o Are the heads recasts, or all metal/finecast?


Looking good. I like your breachers, especially the bolt pistol guys.


Keep up the good work. Will we see any more of these guys during the ETL?



Thanks everyone for the kind words.


I was really lucky with the Iron Warrior heads. Back in 5th edition I knew I wanted an Iron Warrior legion army. Back then you could direct order from GW, so I ended up with about 100 for my CSM project. It never happened, so I get to use them here :smile.:


I’m a slow painter and have a really busy schedule most days. I’d love to enter into ETL, but I doubt I’ll be able to stick to any commitments in good faith.

Cool, I had a poke around your blog, and got the feeling that you might have gotten them from GW back in the day. They certainly make for a unique looking army.


I'm a pretty slow painter myself, so I only vowed a single mini ,initially, for last year's ETL. If you get your chaplain built, you could just vow him? Maybe something to think about.



Do I need to go over the entire thing with watered down PVA glue after I get the shape where I want?


I would humbly suggest finding lots of cotton wool. Then spray it black - quick and simple smoke from an explosion. Flames and debris optional. :)

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