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The quad mortar barrels are from the DKOK thudd gun battery. The beamers will be from contemptors like you say. Meanwhile I've been working on a tutorial for my deredeo dreadnought leg conversion. Used it as an opportunity to create another one:







Should have it up over the weekend!

Edited by Bulbafist


It’s been a while since I did a tutorial, so here’s the one people have been requesting for a while. Hope you dudes get something out of it. It covers everything I did to create my deredeos along with some advanced modeling and conversion techniques.


I was planning to cross post it here, but I guess I blew the image limit out of the water... again :smile.:

This is a gorgeous army. I'd been considering coming back to 40 or 30k recently, and you've finally tipped my choice into the Iron Warriors bin. There's so much amazing stuff in here, you've managed to rekindle my love for the IVth!


Amazing work! Where did you get your Imperial Army models? I couldn't find it in the thread.

Those definitely look like Death Korps of Krieg models (check these out, for example).

Thanks dudes! Those are indeed DKOK bodies with dark eldar heads swapped in. Glad to help with your hobby enthisuasm, Spinsanity!


I spent my holiday break chilling and getting back into painting. I'm mostly focusing on upping my painting game and getting back to where I was before I converted :cuss for like 2 years straight. Painted up some new crows: each is a slightly different recipe. Leftmost is the oldest and the right most is the newest. What's your favorite?







Here's all my crows. Rightmost is the first time I really picked up a brush in years. Right most is after about a week of painting:



Along the way I also upped my basing game:



I finally took the time to learn how to paint leather:



The crows need tanks too, so I'm figuring out what that's going to look like. Still haven't finalized a recipe, but I think I'm close. Thoughts?




I don’t know if it’s you specifically, but I swear I saw something like these guys on the Blanchitsu-style website Iron Sleet as part of the Thorne Moons crusade.


Either way your an absolutely brilliant painter!

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I’m really excited to be painting again and sharing progress with you folks.


I don’t know if it’s you specifically, but I swear I saw something like these guys on the Blanchitsu-style website Iron Sleet as part of the Thorne Moons crusade.


Either way your an absolutely brilliant painter!

Cheers dude. I can’t take credit for the idea- I spotted a conversion on B&C years ago with some similar looking DKOK. I always wanted to do an army, so here I am. Now I need to write up some fluff. The Thorne Moons crusade is extremely inspirational and narrative gaming is definitely the direction I’m headed now. Thanks for sharing!


A minor WIP (harsh lighting so they are very washed out):



I’m up to 12 crows, including an ‘old crow’ leading this pack. I timed myself and it takes me about 80mintues to paint a crow, which is too long. I’m trying to get it down to 60min so I can smash about about 15 per week. Harder to do in practice without sacrificing quality :sad.:

Here's my murder:



Gota thank my friends who suggested I try different hues. This latest batch I painted in different colors entirely to give the group a non-uniform feel. Really happy with the results, especially my new weathering and highlighting method. I think these are probably the best things I've painted to date, especially the eyes. Finally nailed that satisfying glow effect.




The Crows are looking brilliant, especially en masse; can't wait to see more of them backed up with some armour.


Using different tones was certainly a good idea, creates a nice effect.

  • 4 weeks later...

Work has been crazy so my painting progress has suffered. For now I'm going to focus on putting together an army for a Tactical Strike campaign next month. Here's a mockup of a Tyrant. Thoughts on the concept?




Bolter will get another barrel and the SOH markings will get shaved off :smile.:

Spike Missiles or Round Missiles?



Round missiles. Spike missiles are a bit too much to the point where believability suffers (I'm not going to use a word like "realism" for WH...). Everything else looks amazingly ace though. I'm definitely going to steal some ideas from you.

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