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Well, I'm officially a year into the project, having fully converted about 50 models, painting 30 or so to tabletop quality, and now trying to take them beyond.


A year into this, I've greatly enjoyed playing and converting WS. I've also been consistently humbled as a painter. With easily over a thousand hours converting miniatures, I rarely hit a skill ceiling when I want to bring a crazy idea together. With painting... I struggle as soon as I leave my comfort zone, which pits me into a rut as I fall back on what I know I'm good at. Because of this, I'm going to focus my projects to better push my skills as a painter. Still lots of conversions, but also painting.


Once I level up a bit on some individual models, I'll come back and give this army the justice it deserves.

Boring general thread announcement:


Imgur, the host I've been using to anonymously host most of my images, is changing its TOS and cutting all anonymous content. That means that most of the images in this thread are going to become dead links sometime this month. I'm not sure when exactly this will happen, but I will be going through and migrating everything to my old personal web host sometime in the coming weeks. You can look forward to a cleaned up thread and a tightened up 1st page.

Edited by Brofist
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Sup heresy chads. I burnt out working on my projects because GW kept invalidating my armies with each update. So, instead, I've been working on lots of terrain and running events. After hosting the Zone Mortalis event at LVO for something like 7 years, my group decided to branch off and run our own independent ZM focused Heresy event in Seattle: as a 3 day event in the winter and as a 2 day event in the fall.

Our inaugural sold out and went down a few weeks ago. 27 heresy serial killers from around the world showed up to play Zone Mortalis in a bar venue downtown. It was 1500pts ZM, 6RP, open gaming, with special event models, a bunch of custom tables, and a DMed narrative experience. Each player represented a small fleet caught within a cursed system going supernova. Factions of various loyalties had to work together, or against each other, to collect resources in order to escape. Resources were tracked through 21 unique Blanche themed tarot cards of various rarities. The story of what happened to your fleet was determined by which, and how many, cards you collected over 3 days.



Final results were a minor loyalist victory, though many players on both sides gave into daemonic temptations and ultimately did not escape the system.



Anyway here's a bunch of event pictures:














If you want to run something like this yourself, here's the player pack and custom missions play-tested by our heresy community:


Player pack


Expanded missions


This all has gotten me hard for heresy again and to blow the dust off my white scar project :)

Edited by Brofist

I quite like your texture work, it's pretty distinct and sets them apart. The mix with the AoS orc bitz made for a whole that one wouldn't expect, a good eye you had there. The photography from the event is nice too, I am not sure what it is but something about the perspective almost made me feel like they were in smaller scale than 28mm in some photos. 

Thanks man. I'm overall happy with the modeling and the textures I've created, but not super happy with my painting. I'm hoping to focus on getting better as a painter this year so I can give this project justice.

Great to see you back Brofist, the event looked amazing, great work and I hope thoroughly appreciated by the community. 

Just out of interest, what were the changes that affected your force so much? Assuming it was the whitescars? 

I’m still adapting my current forces to 2.0, it’s been a really distraction from actually getting into a new start up force. I found changing loadouts worked reasonably well though. But there are certain things left on the shelf without hope, mainly niche units - iron hands Minotaur and a world eater Omega…. 


My group has been playing exclusively Zone Mortalis for years and my projects are slow... so this is probably unique to my situation. Anyway, my main armies in 1.0 were Militia and Dark Mech. In 2.0 militia got relegated to a .pdf, with substantial changes that made them unplayable in ZM. Mechanicum had a major rework as well and my melee focused list was no longer usable. That army, in general, had a lot of options taken away. Having that happen to me after the 3.5 chaos codex gave me PTSD. I don't want to rant here as I'm sure everyone can relate to having something you spend a lot of time on get invalidated.


That was discouraging so I started the white scars project. I finished a jump pack + bike focused ZM army. That army was the most fun I had playing 30k in years, totally different from anything else, and I loved how the project shaped out. When the ZM rules got the proper treatment cavalry were no longer legal in ZM. Damn! That really crushed me, so I've been working on terrain for almost 2 years because it can't be taken away from me :)


That said, I miss playing so I'm going back to the scars. All my old Iron Warrior stuff will get retrofit into White Scars. There's likely an edition change happening this year so I'm just working on things that look cool and interesting. If you're taking a 1.0 Space Marine list into 2.0 I doubt you'll suffer like I did outside of super heavies and some of the niche units you alluded to. With the edition change almost guaranteed this year I would hold off on committing to a list and just focus on things you know will remain playable- troops choices and HQs etc.

Edited by Brofist

Yeah, that sucks! I generally found some units got worse, but then others got better. But having three full armies relegated to the side lines…..I used to enjoy the range of options we had in 1st, most of which at least were partially viable. 


I have a lot of medusan immortals from 1st, that seem to be nails in 2nd. Perhaps making fluffy choices is the way forward. 

Anyway, good to have you back!



Glad to see you're back. Those photos are crisp, and your White Scars paintjob is extremely memorable and unique. Definitely not to the same extent as you, but I can relate a little. I built my Night Lords in 1.0 around teleporting in Terminators as the hammer to my predators' anvil. With the teleport upgrade being ripped away from the 8th, and tanks becoming squishy due to how powerful lascannons became, yeah - my core list changed quite a bit. 

What Iron Warriors stuff are you repurposing for the Scars?

I have a lot of old vehicle and dreadnought projects- tanks, artillery, vindicators, and 5-6 dreads. Admittedly I could do them as another legion, but I don't really want to do more infantry and the scars are pretty developed at this point from a visual standpoint. Thinking I might as well make it 'my legion' and retrofit those old models. Otherwise they might never get used.

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