Slips Posted September 21, 2015 Share Posted September 21, 2015 Reverse-Kneed works pretty well I feel. Hope you can fit the kneepads on or the legs might end up too wonky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kriegriss Posted September 21, 2015 Share Posted September 21, 2015 I like it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 (edited) I'm also working on a pair of deredeos. What are everyone's thoughts on reverse hinging the legs? The model on the left has them and the model on the right doesn't:The "reverse knees" thing is an artists misconception of digitigrade locomotion. In birds the upper legs are hidden by feathers, giving the mistaken impression that their knees are backwards, when what looks like their knees is actually analogous to ankles. Digitigrade is basically walking on the toes, with the ball of the foot becoming the whole foot and the heel really only being used when fully sitting (like dogs and cats who are sitting up.)Â The IG Sentinel has proper digitigrade, for reference. The Star Wars AT-ST and the Macross Glaug are classic examples of the artist misconception style. Â I mean, rule of cool at all times, but being a /m/echa fanboy it bothers me to see legs just turned around (old projects of mine included.) Edited September 22, 2015 by Warsmith Aznable Arion 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Son of Carnelian Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 I'll be super honest: whatever is going on on the middle Centurion's head isn't grabbing me. Love the other two though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brofist Posted September 23, 2015 Author Share Posted September 23, 2015 Thanks everyone for the feedback!   I'm also working on a pair of deredeos. What are everyone's thoughts on reverse hinging the legs? The model on the left has them and the model on the right doesn't:The "reverse knees" thing is an artists misconception of digitigrade locomotion. In birds the upper legs are hidden by feathers, giving the mistaken impression that their knees are backwards, when what looks like their knees is actually analogous to ankles. Digitigrade is basically walking on the toes, with the ball of the foot becoming the whole foot and the heel really only being used when fully sitting (like dogs and cats who are sitting up.) The IG Sentinel has proper digitigrade, for reference. The Star Wars AT-ST and the Macross Glaug are classic examples of the artist misconception style.  I mean, rule of cool at all times, but being a /m/echa fanboy it bothers me to see legs just turned around (old projects of mine included.)  I really appreciate this feedback and hear what you're saying. I did some research and think I can add an additional piece to give the legs a better Z shape while keeping them forward facing. Normally I wouldn't touch the legs of a warhammer robot, but I feel that the giant guns and long torso on these things could be balanced out a bit visually with a little tweak to the legs.  I'll be super honest: whatever is going on on the middle Centurion's head isn't grabbing me. Love the other two though. Thanks for being honest! Keep it coming! I was a bit worried it might not come across:  I'll play around with pose and see if I can make it more clear that the helmet is at rest on his head. Spagunk 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brofist Posted October 6, 2015 Author Share Posted October 6, 2015 Between working on my Sergents I've had time to focous on my Allied detachment. I'm just about done modelling my Dark Admech Magi:   Oh and one of them has a pimpin ride: Dosjetka, lokkorex, The Pounder and 12 others 15 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phalanx Warder Posted October 6, 2015 Share Posted October 6, 2015 What an EPIC thread!  Followed.  Now back to the shadows  Brofist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ninjasuperspy Posted October 6, 2015 Share Posted October 6, 2015 Good lawd those Magos kitbashes are completely next level. Following. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimbo13 Posted October 7, 2015 Share Posted October 7, 2015 I'm beyond excited to see your handiwork!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brofist Posted January 7, 2016 Author Share Posted January 7, 2016 (edited)  +++ PROCESSING CAMPAIGN DATA +++ Last month our group played the first two turns of our introductory narrative campaign. The campaign takes place near the outbreak of the Horus Heresy and follows the Sons of Horus, Blood Angels, Thousand Sons, and Iron Warriors as they fight a war of reconquest on Keopsis VII- an important staging system on the fringes of Ultima Segmentum. Keopsis uses rules based on the Horus Heresy Conquest campaign system, but has been modified to emphasize a narrative focus including unit mustering, character advancement, unique abilities, and hidden objectives. Each player was given a sealed envelope to be opened at a later time. What secrets lie inside?  Check out our rules here: 1- Campaign Rules, Keopsis Backstory 2- League Rules and Addendums +++ OPEN DATA ARCHIVE: ZD/9546 +++ Nearly a year before the death of gods and angels, the fated hour of mars, and when worlds became ashes. Before all hope had died, the cries of men went unanswered, and that Angels of Death walked amongst the living. Before all this there was Keopsis VII. Its history buried, distant, and forgotten.  Located on the proximal fringes of Ultima Segmentum, no records exist of colonization predating the Age of Strife. Despite this, the surface is pockmarked with ruins of unknown origin. A semi-feudal population holds much superstition over their construction and their eventual decline. When the system was finally declared compliant, the Excertus Imperialis decreed its remote location ideal for a future Crusade mustering site. The plans were approved and the engineering forces of the Great Crusade put to work slowly converting the system to support the will of Mankind. In time attention shifted to closer systems, resources diverted, and construction ground to a halt. Conditions slowly deteriorated. Isolated as it had always been, Keopsis became increasingly difficult to reach by astral-telepathy or navigation. Reports spoke of rising civil disorders, of imperial servants being murdered, and of unexplained outbreaks of violence in the cities.  108.005.M31. A desperate telepathic message finally reaches the light of Terra. The planet is in open revolt, the imperial government collapsed, and the governor assumed dead. Estimates indicate the message is between three and seven years old. By the Warmaster’s command, all nearby Astartes elements are ordered to muster and form a reconquest fleet. Led by a First Captain from the Sons of Horus, the armada consists of nearly a hundred vessels together by happenstance- a Thousand Sons element underway from Prospero, a Blood Angels detachment pursuing distant Ork incursions, and a Sons of Horus taskforce on routine assignment. The single largest force in the sector, the self sufficient 112th Expeditionary Fleet of the 13th Grand Battalion, fails to muster. Famously unreliable and last seen months away, the reconquest fleet sets out without waiting. The Warhamster’s orders are simple: The Imperium’s punishment must be swift and harsh. Keopsis VII must be brought under control, a bloody example made, and a chance made for true loyalty to take hold. +++ DATA DOWNLOAD COMMENCED +++ Click for Massive  Campaign Turn 1: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Location: Uqia Plains, Keopsis VII Details: 750 points per player, 5 unit muster Sons of Horus, Thousand Sons, and Blood Angles make planetfall near Uqia Plains under the cover of night. Legion forces target the planet’s central agro distribution centre- well defended but critical to control of the planet’s population. 4500 points of models clash. Renegade forces make a stubborn stand, but are routed. Heavy local causalities. Astartes casualties minimal. Planetary food distribution disrupted.  Campaign Turn 2: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Location: Trodutov, Keopsis VII Details: 1000 points per player, 7 unit muster Legiones Astartes, reinforced from their orbital fleet, make a direct push against the planet's cultural capitol. A large local resistance force musters in defence. The Battle for Trodutov takes place on the city outskirts. 6000 points of models crash into each other. Resistance is desperate. Rengeade artillery exacts a heavy toll, but the defenders are overwhelmed. Resistance vanquished. Astartes casualties acceptable. Pacification of local population begins. +++ RETRIEVING HISTORICAL INFORMATION +++ Our group is working on custom terrain project so our first games are on stopgap terrain. The goal was to give people experience playing heresy games while getting their armies together so there are a number of proxies for the time being. I played as the renegade militia forces and brought lots of infantry backed by some artillery. Hixson, Panascope, and Stanyer played as their respective legions in their first 30k games ever. They brought lots of bodies and a mixture of armour. From here you’ll be able to watch our meta unfold.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +++ Clash at Uqia Plains +++ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The opposing sides clashed head-on after a triangle deployment. The primary objective was to gain and hold majority control of three different sectors of the board (represented by the little yellow flags). Despite the swiftness of the Astartes assault, the Renegades opened up with artillery well before the Legions could make any actions. The renegades committed everything up front with a strong infantry line supported by artillery and a single heavy tank. The Astartes deployed aggressively forward with the Sons of Horus Preator’s and Justaerin bodyguard acting as the tip of the spear. To the left flank Hixson’s 10K provided anti armor support while Stanyer’s melee oriented Blood Angel supported the right flank (in hindsight I wish they had different color schemes because it’s hard to tell them apart sometimes). Panascope held his Reavers and Hixson kept his land speeders in reserve. Well placed Artillery rained down for the first two turns, but the Legionaries advanced without breaking. The 20 man Astartes blobs proved resilient, but vulnerable to the large AP3 pie plates. The casualties didn’t stop the advance. By turn 3 a struggle had broken out on the bridge leading to the renegade lines that blocked the rest of the Astartes assault elements. Renegade grenadier squads and heavy bolters fired volleys of pre-dark age bolts from the flanks while a large squad of Ogrins moved to cork up the bridge. A unit of SOH Reavers deepstruck into the backfield and destroyed the only militia battle tank. Despite their successful shooting, the advanced equipment of the nearby grenadier squad whittled them away. The following charge, led by a charismatic local warlord, broke the Reavers morale. They were cut down in the fighting, leaving the right renegade flank secured. The bridge turned into a desperate battle as the Justaerins clawed their way through the first of the cult levy horde trying to buy time for the militia artillery. The ogrins remained in reserve, held in control by the shock chains of their task master. The 10K sons advanced into combat and inflicted heavy casualties on a Levy squad trying to advance on the opposite bank of the dried up river. Next turn would see the Blood Angels enter the fray. The weight of the Justaerins and reinforcing Blood Angels crushed the few remaining Levys on the bridge. A counter charge by a full squad of Ogrins slew a Blood Angels sergeant and the last of the Justaerin bodyguard. Despite their rage and physical strength, the skill of the Astartes in close combat would whittle them down to just a few models. The Grenadier squad that had successfully defeated a squad of Reavers in close combat now charged into the oncoming force of 10K Sons. Their commander, skilled in close combat in strong in spirit, challenged and wounded the 10K sons centurion leading the squad. His efforts, however heroic, were the last successes of the militia. With most of the board firmly in control by the Astartes, the last of the Ogrins blocking the bridge collapsed. Nothing standing between them and a marine assault element, the nearby militia support squads broke and fled the scene, leaving their guns behind. The battle was over.    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +++ Battle for Trodutov +++ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A massive battle on the outskirts of the capitol, there are less records of this battle due to alcohol consumption. The renegades mustered more artillery, armor, and inducted Levy squads and would exact a heavy toll on the slowly advancing Astartes. In turn the Astartes deployed much better spaced out, included more mechanized elements, a Volkite support squad, and more deepstriking Reavers. As before, it took almost 4 turns for the Legions to chew through 120 or more fearless cultists. The Ogrin held their line successfully, but it was not enough to turn the tide of the battle. Aggressive use of Hixson’s land speeders proved successfully in breaking the morale of several rear line fire support units who dropped their weapons and ran for their lives. The battle was decided after just 5 turns and the aftermath clear from the picture- a total route to the renegade forces with majority board control for the methodical Astartes. Despite the victory, the pile of Legion vehicle wrecks stands as testament to the effectiveness of militia artillery. As in every game since 4th edition, the Sentinels did absolutely nothing. +++ STANDBY FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION +++ From the very first engagement, it was clear that the renegade militia had been driven to levels of abhuman degeneracy. Hordes of fanatical infantry, frothing at the mouth and chanting gibberish, swarmed the Legionaries. Better armed soldiers, perhaps remnants of the original planetary garrison, fought reluctantly behind them- forced into the depravity by explosive collars chained to their necks. Fearless and with no regard for their own lives, the first major battles on Keopsis proved to be bloodbaths for the cult hordes.  With Trodutov and the primary means of food distribution secured, the revolt was seriously hampered. While troubling in nature, the fanatical resistance of the renegades indicates a strong influence of cults long marginalized by the mainstream population. Historical documents point to an upsurge of this activity after excavation efforts in a remote region five years ago. Orbital scans reveal a labyrinth of canyons with deep fortified ruins of unknown origin. Local intelligence suggests a possible cult base of operations. Under command of the First Captain, the Blood Angles detachment is ordered to commit their forces as the vanguard of a large orbital assault on the location. With still no contact from the 13th Grand Battalion, the Iron Warriors are assumed delayed at best, and at worst unable to respond. Their involvement in any future actions is questionable. Major fighting is expected to be finalized within the month. Full recompliance expected 2-3 months after major strategic objectives are secured.  +++ END OF FILE REACHED +++ +++ TERMINAL SHUTDOWN +++ Edited January 7, 2016 by Bulbafist Dantioch, 1000 Sons, Spagunk and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liquid_O Posted January 8, 2016 Share Posted January 8, 2016 Just wanted to say that your minis are freakin awesome! Also loving your tutorials on weathering. Looking forward to more :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brofist Posted January 11, 2016 Author Share Posted January 11, 2016 Thanks mate, I appreciate the kind words. I have a few in the pipeline, but if anyone here is interested in a specific tutorial in the future do let me know :) Just happy to give back to the community. Brother-Chaplain Kage and Spagunk 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galron Posted January 11, 2016 Share Posted January 11, 2016 Beautiful models and awesome you have other 30k players to play with. Question for you on your battle reports, how are you guys getting line breaker victory points outside of the last turn? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pounder Posted January 11, 2016 Share Posted January 11, 2016 I adore your Dark Mechanicum. Can't wait to see you work your magic on painting them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brofist Posted January 11, 2016 Author Share Posted January 11, 2016 Thanks Jud. I'm about done with up my Dark Mechanicum detachment. I'll post up some pictures once I'm done modelling everything. I have a few surprises in there nobody has seen yet :) Â Beautiful models and awesome you have other 30k players to play with. Question for you on your battle reports, how are you guys getting line breaker victory points outside of the last turn? Â We played 'Tide of Carnage'. Ignore that big dice, its just keeping track of the turns. We only tallied up things at the very end! Spagunk 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brofist Posted April 15, 2016 Author Share Posted April 15, 2016 My Iron Warriors got featured on GW's official flickr feed today, which is pretty humbling:  This year my hobby resolution is to finish all of my loose 30k projects. No new models, no new purchases. This way I can spend a few years painting and not worrying about conversions and have a fully playable army. I thought I'd share some of the few projects as they come together in their various states:  Thanks to the threads feedback (especially Warsmith Aznable) I went all ahead full with digitigrade deredeos:  I also shortened the autocannons, staggered them over each other, and did a few other little conversions. I'm really happy with the results. I plan to add larger ammo storage on the guns and armored plates, but otherwise this guy is mostly finished. Except one thing. Which head should I use?  Iron Warrior?  Or stock?  I've also got a nearly completed Leviathan. He needs armoured plates and a melta lance, but is otherwise done. I'm still unsure if I'll do anything else with the chest area, but I can't really think of anything cool to do to the front that doesn't require extensive greenstuff work:  A heresy era navigator. Fun little project. Just needs some greenstuff and he's all done:  My chaplain is also coming together well. He needs greenstuff work and I plan to cover his shield in oaths of moment (along with some of his front armour), but the basic shape and chest armor is done. Since he's a chaplain I made him look more chaosy than usual:  I have 3 sicarans in the work, here's one that's practically finished:  The top hatch is entirely magnatized, so you can take out the tank commander and close the hatch:  Last are a pair of proteus land raiders I got last year. I really like the end result, but the track guards are really annoying to put together. Besides cleaning up more of the model, it's going to take a few more passes of greenstuff work to get the guards to look like part of the model (the left side is finished, the right side is blue tacked on to show off the concept)  The augary array is magnetized. Another question. Should I go with or without the satellite dish? Xin Ceithan, Warsmith Aznable, poom and 12 others 15 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legio Draconis Posted April 15, 2016 Share Posted April 15, 2016 That sicaran is purty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted April 15, 2016 Share Posted April 15, 2016 Wow the models are all rally nice. Â I especially like the deredeo. Have you used sentinel legs to give him some height? Any chance of a light agrax or nuln oil wash on the heads so we can see them in a bit more detail as the light has washed them out a bit. Â And I would stick with the satellite dish. Â Lastly congrats on getting onto the GW flickr pool. I would love to be able to be good enough to have a piece shown on there. Â PS how did you know it was on there? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted April 15, 2016 Share Posted April 15, 2016 IT'S ALIIIIVE! Good to see you're back to your Iron Warriors, Bulba. Â That Deredeo is absolutely awesome, the Sentinel leg bits transform it. I'd say stick with the Iron Warriors Contemptor head, especially since you'll be adding extra armour and whatnot. Â That Chaplain looks very Night Lords-ish. I think it's the combination of the head and the weapon. Not to say that's a bad thing, he looks awesome. Â As far as the Proteus', I'd say add the radar dishes, it help convey their special ability. Can't wait to see more from you! Brofist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lokkorex Posted April 15, 2016 Share Posted April 15, 2016 I'd also stick with the satellite dish. Those dreads, chaplain and tanks are amazing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fenbain Posted April 15, 2016 Share Posted April 15, 2016 That Deredeo is truly inspired and makes him look a lot more imposing. I'm getting serious Metal Gear vibes from him! Great job :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ion Posted April 15, 2016 Share Posted April 15, 2016 I really like the Leviathan's pose, it looks a bit like he just charged through a group of enemies and is now skidding to turn around after overrunning them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forward Assist Posted April 16, 2016 Share Posted April 16, 2016  "Please put down your weapon. You have 20 seconds to comply.'  "I think you better do what he says, Mr Kinney!"  A very smart piece of work. I'd say go with the standard helmet as the IW looks a little flat by comparison but, either way, an exceptional conversion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brofist Posted April 18, 2016 Author Share Posted April 18, 2016 Thanks for the kind words everyone. I'm a big fan of the Deredeo msyelf. Glad it's a hit with the rest of you. Â I have a number of other things in the works and I'll throw them up here once I get them mostly finished. My progress is slow, but rest assured I'm alive and chugging away at conversions :) jimbo13 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pounder Posted April 18, 2016 Share Posted April 18, 2016 Amazing Sicaran and Landraider, really great conversions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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