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How does the Hamadrya work with psychic focus?

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Hey guys i have a question regarding mr blackheart

He has the hamadrya which is a combat familiar which makes him a mastery level 1 psyker. Now at the start of evrry turn he rolls a D3 to see which discipline out of biomancy divination and pyromancy he generates a power from. You then roll as normal as if hes a level 1 psyker. Would he be able to benefit from psychic focus? Id argue yes down to the fact he dosent keep any previously generated powers but id like your guys thoughts

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Nobody in my gaming group has asked, but you may be right...he may get the primaris.  On the other hand...he rolls for the discipline...does he roll d6 for the spell too?  Mr. Blackheart is a special case who gets the benefit of the Hamadrya, but does his rules actually call him out as a Psycher in the codex/dataslate?

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Nobody in my gaming group has asked, but you may be right...he may get the primaris.  On the other hand...he rolls for the discipline...does he roll d6 for the spell too?  Mr. Blackheart is a special case who gets the benefit of the Hamadrya, but does his rules actually call him out as a Psycher in the codex/dataslate?


He generates powers like a Psyker Mastery Level 1. Since he does not have a set power from the discipline, yes, he does roll.


With that said, I'd say no primaris...

Only if he generates powers from more than one discipline, just like any other Psyker.

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I guess the point of discussion is that his discipline and actual spell are rolled up each turn, so the wonder is whether that means he could choose the primaris over the spell randomly determined for that random discipline that particular turn.  Since he is only doing it by special rule, and the rules are essentially permissive, I guess you'd have to clear it with your opponent.  

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I guess the point of discussion is that his discipline and actual spell are rolled up each turn, so the wonder is whether that means he could choose the primaris over the spell randomly determined for that random discipline that particular turn.  Since he is only doing it by special rule, and the rules are essentially permissive, I guess you'd have to clear it with your opponent.

He cannot deliberately choose the Primaris to replace the randomly generated spell. It specifically states that. Nothing about Psychic Focus has been FAQ'd regarding this, though.

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Hamadrya and Psychic Focus are pretty clear about this as far as I can tell. Hamadrya "makes Huron a Psyker", so he's a Psyker. At the beginning of the game, Huron has Psychic Focus since he's only rolled one power from one discipline. If during the course of the game, he rolls a different discipline, he loses Psychic Focus, as per the Special Rule.


So, he has the Primaris of the first discipline that he rolls, until he rolls another discipline, when he loses it. Simple.


The "swap" stuff is just an artifact from 6th edition.

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You don't think he just has the primaris of whatever spell discipline he has at the time since he still only maintains one spell at a time?


No, because Psychic Focus tells us it is simply lost if the Psyker gains a spell from another discipline during a game.

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It's no more a worthy "RAW at its finest" complaint than not being able to declare a charge if you've elected to run in the shooting phase. Them's the (pretty straightforward) breaks.


Indeed, it's a charity of the 7th Edition rules that he would get a primaris power in the first place; RAI should be that he does not get the primaris power because in 6th when Codex: Chaos Space Marines was written the only way to get the primaris power was to swap for it.

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