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Khorne Armorcast War Machines "Count As"


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I was recently given a Cannon of Khorne and a Cauldron of Blood and the old Robot Blood Slaughterers from a old friend who just want to get rid of them.


I'm just wondering since there is no rules for them I was wondering what should I "Count As" the models for?


I was thinking the Cannon to be used as a Vindicator. The Cauldron I was either thinking of using it as a Defiler or a Predator.


As for the old Robot Blood Slaughterers. I know forgeworld makes them now and they would be way too small to count as them wouldn't they? So prob count as a Hellbrute instead with a Heavy Bolter and Power Scourge?


What's everyone else's opinion for the "Count As" of these models?

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They're great models - always lovely to look at and so characterful. I think the Vindicator is a great equivalent for the Cannon, and I could equally envisage the Predator/Cauldron combo. 


I'm unsure on how large the Blood Slaugterers come up in comparison - you may want to compare directly against the model if you can to get a better understanding, or someone who owns both may be able to help more directly!


I love my Armourcast Warhound, and can't wait to paint for the ETL this year.

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I'd agree with Cannon = Vindicator and Cauldron = Predator. Cauldron might be a bit small to be a Defiler, I think? I haven't seen a Forgeworld Blood Slaughterer in person, but have been told they're a littlleee bit taller than a Dreadnought, and ~2-3 the length. Your "Helbrute with Heavy Bolter and Power Scourge" idea would work well, but they might also make a good stand-in for Bloodcrushers.

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Thanks guys for the advice. The metal Blood Slaughterer about 1/2" shorter than a SM dreadnought. If you're right about the FW version I think it would be like 1" or 2" bigger than the metal one. So I think I'll stick to the Helbrute.

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Personaly i would go like this.


Blood cauldron= Blood throne for a Khorne herald.

Cannon of khorne =Skull cannon

Old Blood slaugtherer= either a dread or as a maulerfiend, but that would require extra conversion work by adding a second set of wheels or even threads.

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Sure I'll get some photos of them, they aren't painted well, but I'm not the one who painted them. I'm going to strip them and repaint them.


Slayer - I don't use the throne at all but does the thrown have a cannon? The Cauldron has a front cannon on it. The Cannon of Khorne I can see using the Skull Cannon.


Only reason I was thinking Defiler for the Cauldron was because in the old rules they say it has power weapon blades on the front and it has a cannon that shoots out boiling blood as hot as lava.

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Here's all I got from the guy and some models to compare size. Sorry if they are really huge I uploaded them to the B&C Gallery if you'd like to see them too.



Cauldron of Blood with a Defiler and Skull Cannon.


Cannon of Khorne next to a Rhino.


Some Epic Knight next to a Legion of the Damned model I painted.


Angron from Epic.


Blood Slaughterer next to a Helbrute and a Daemon Prince.

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So based on the size of the Cauldron and the Defiler I think I might choose the defiler for a proxy. The cannon should still be a vindicator. And the Blood Slaughterers will be Helbrutes.

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Lovely old models there!


I remember there used to be Apoc datasheet for the cauldron, the cannon and other once-epic chaos war machines (I may still have them somewhere in the depths of my PC).

A kind opponent might let you still use them.

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