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A Rules Conundrum.


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So here's a rules question that has been vexing us. A vehicle is assaulted and survives. Now we know that vehicles cannot be locked in combat but the question is what happens if the vehicle is unable to move. For instance it cannot back up.


My thinking is that since the vehicle isn't or cannot be surrounded then it just moves forward forcing a tank shock result but the rules for tank shock don't really let this happen. This came up because we were looking at the chance of Abboddon assaulting my Baneblade. I argued that if he did kill her then I would just move forward which gives a result from the Thunderblitz table.


But we've had instances with 'nids surrounding a rhino and forcing a locked in combat issue becase the rhino was unable to move. Which to me is not something that could really happen. A tank is just going to run you over.

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So here's a rules question that has been vexing us. A vehicle is assaulted and survives. Now we know that vehicles cannot be locked in combat but the question is what happens if the vehicle is unable to move. For instance it cannot back up.


My thinking is that since the vehicle isn't or cannot be surrounded then it just moves forward forcing a tank shock result but the rules for tank shock don't really let this happen. This came up because we were looking at the chance of Abboddon assaulting my Baneblade. I argued that if he did kill her then I would just move forward which gives a result from the Thunderblitz table.


But we've had instances with 'nids surrounding a rhino and forcing a locked in combat issue becase the rhino was unable to move. Which to me is not something that could really happen. A tank is just going to run you over.


I would say, default to to real life. no infantry sized combatant is going to lock a baneblade in combat. even the "little" tanks would weigh as much as a bradley, that 23 tons. dead bugs.


Most vehicles lack a WS stat on their main stat line.


Hit the throttle and run some bugs over; they cannot stop something moving, as stated that weighs so much and just says, "Squish," to anything attempting to stop it.  Hell, even an Astartes would not fair well inside their PA in a situation like this if hit.


Under the rules, check for entries that clarify that a tank is able to move even if surrounded by infantry; there should be some guidance in the vehicles section somewhere that this is not how things should proceed.

So this is odd. I just read Vehicles in the Assault Phase on page 78 and the Tank Shock rules on page 92 of the main rule book and it seems pretty straight forward to me. I'm getting clarification om what exactly our question was. In case I missed something.

As Jacinda says the pivot should be ignored as part of the tank shock so only count the models your tank ploughs through as part of the forward movement. Otherwise the standard rule applies of not being within 1" of an enemy model you're not in close combat with, so any model violating this rule should be moved the minimum distance away to comply.

Right...so pivot and move.  If you pass through the space occupied by the enemy model during your pivot, then ignore it. If that enemy model is "under" your tank when you stop your pivot and begin forward movement, it's been tank shocked.  Silly, but that's how it works.  In this case, pivot towards abby and move .1" forward...Thundercatsblitz, HO!


Now...if your tank's flank is against the board edge, you can't pivot, as this would illegally swing your hull over the edge of the table!  nevernevernevernever deploy a vehicle with its (straight, with rounded shapes you have wiggle room) flank flush against the table edge, it will become illegal for you to move in any direction except forward and back, as even a gentle curve away will necessarily violate the table edge.


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