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lightning claw vs spine shiver sword vs blade of relentless

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Depends on what codex / supplement you want to use.  However, the Spineshiver Sword isn't that useful on a Slaanesh Lord as he's already Initiative 6.


Personally I'd go with:


- Burning Brand and a Lightning Claw if I was running the base Codex.

- Lightning Claw / Power Fist if I was using Black Legion.

- Daemonheart, Blade of the Relentless and Slaughterer's Horns if I was running Crimson Slaughter.

(note:  All three would also have a Sigil of Corruption and, aside from the Black Legion Lord, Melta Bombs)


Of those three, I'd go with the first.  The Burning Brand on a Bike or Jump Pack equipped Lord is brutal, especially combined with a Blastmaster or two in the back field.  As you'll not get +1 Attack for 2CCWs due to having the Brand, the Lightning Claw is the best point-for-point melee weapon available if you want to preserve the advantage of having Initiative 6.


You'll lack AP2, but as he's mobile, this shouldn't be an issue, he just needs to avoid anything with a 2+ armour save (or be accompanied by a squad with a couple of Plasma Guns and a Power Axe / Fist on the Champion).

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I agree with Dam13n. Burning Brand is always a solid choice that puts fear into your opponents hearts. 


Spineshaver blade is nice but kinda pointless on Lords imho. Give it to a Prince if you use it at all. It really needs the AP2 sweet spot.

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