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Come The Apoc Allies


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Are Come The Apoc Allies worth taking?


I'm asking this as someone who, while having the rules, doesn't game at the moment.


Be it for fluff reasons (your warband are recently fallen enlightened and you want them to still have scouts, landspeeders, whirlwinds, etc.) or for rules, do you think it is viable to use Come The Apocalypse level allies (such as Codex Space Marines) with a (mainly) Chaos army? (All models Chaosified, of course.)


As was discussed when the Assassin data slate came out, deploying them greater than 12" from your Chaos forces may not be too difficult, and keeping them greater than 6" apart easier (depending on the unit type, of course. Backfield campers, for example)?


Thus I thought I'd make this thread to see what members thought might be viable, useful or fluffy.

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To take marines? not realy. The thing with chaos is that to make the ally stuff work it is offten to take the ally stuff as main army. But anything is possible depending on change to rules/scenarios. Shoty non buff units don't lose much by being apo ally[like let say a dakka tyrant].

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I've tried an Imperial Knight. While the Knight itself was disappointing in its first outing supporting my CSM, the One Eye Open rule never bothered me. There was more than enough room to operate without bumping into my CSM.


I don't know about allies that are less self contained than that, though.

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