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New Chapter Project Log? - As of yet unnamed


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So. I've been away from here for about 4 years. And even longer since I actually did anything worthwhile. While moving out of home into my (first) own place and sorti9ng stuff to sell, I came across all my old bits and pieces and decided I didn't want to sell all of it. I want some toys to play with!

I came across this chapter creation table and rolled online dice to work out some of the specifics for my chapter. Although I did cheat a little and allow myself 2 re-rolls if I didn't like a result - there a few ideas that I wanted to incorporate in. Here is how it is shaping up after that -

Why was the chapter founded? Strategic Prognostication - "Our tarot cards say there's going to be a threat here, maybe. Found a Chapter!"

When was the chapter founded? 38th Millennium - 23rd founding possibly? (Sentinel Founding)

Who was the chapter's progenitor? (I re-rolled twice and came up with these three results) Dark Angels/White Scars/Ultramarines

Gene Seed Purity Pure - Same as progenitor in terms of purity, and will maintain close links with it

Chapter Demeanour (I re-rolled twice on this) See, But Don't Be Seen - Run onto the battlefield in colourful armour screaming like a maniac?

or Purity Above All

or Cleanse and Purify

Based on the Chapter's Progenitor, how likely are they to suffer gene-seed mutation? 10% for Ultramarines and Dark Angels and 20% for White Scars

If they have one, what mutation do they have? (Re-rolled once on this) Lost Zygote or Doomed - the Chapter has either lost the ability to generate Progenoids or the Black Carapace, stopping future neophytes from being created. Unless they fix this fast, they're censored.gif

If one exists, what is the Chapter's Flaw? We Stand Alone - The Chapter is either distrusted for some reason, or shuns contact with others.

Figure of Legend Chapter Master

Deeds of Legend (I re'rolled once on this) The figure is remembered as the bane of the Orks, to such an extent that his name is known to the vile greenskins even to this day.


The figure led an action against an Eldar craftworld, boarding it and inflicting grievous casualties before withdrawing.

He and his Chapter are especially hated by the pernicious Eldar, for whom the event is still fresh and raw.

Chapter homeworld (I re rolled once on this) Hive World or Civilised

Homeoworld Terrain Urban

Rule of Homeworld Distant rule - "You see that castle up there? It's inhabited by the mighty sky-warriors of Emp-rar. Sometimes they come and steal our children."

Chapter Organisation Unique. If I decide to make them Ultramarines successors this will be divergent.

Combat Doctrine (Re-rolled twice on this) Thunderhawk Assault, siege or Stealth

Speciality Restrictions (If not Ultramarines successors and so have unique organisation. I re-rolled twice) Cannot field Assault Marines or scouts or First Company

Special equipment (Re rolled once) Traditional Weapon: The Chapter favours one specific weapon over all others. Choose one specific weapon to serve as the Chapter’s traditional weapon. Examples: Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Melta Gun


Rare Weaponry: Whether through the blessing of the Adeptus Mechanicus or sheer good fortune, this Chapter has a large stock of weaponry that is considered rare amongst the other Chapters. It is seen as a symbol of honour to wield one of these weapons in battle. Examples: Astartes Assault Cannon, Digital Weapons.

What form do the Chapters' beliefs take? (Re rolled once) Revere the Primarch - "Our Spiritual Liege is better than yours!" or The Emperor Above All - "Screw your spiritual liege. The big E is where it's at."

At what strength is the Chapter? (Re rolled once) Under Strength: The Chapter is recovering from a defeat or accident that occurred several decades ago, or has recently suffered heavy, but not irrecoverable losses. It is probably at a minimum of half strength, and should return to nominal strength within a decade


Endangered: The Chapter numbers only a handful of Companies or less having suffered devastating losses in combat, accident, or dramatic genetic instability. If recovery is even possible it will take many decades, making every Battle-Brother (and his Progenoids) an invaluable resource.

Who are your Chapter friendly with? (Re rolled once) Navigators or Imperial Guard from a specific World

Who are the Chapter's enemies? Orks or Eldar

So that's the framework of my chapter. Where I've re rolled, the one I end up going for will rely on decisions on other ones. I'd like to see what people think of this and perhaps what kind of chapter you visualise in your head from this. The one thing I will add to this is I plan for them not to have any vehicles. To save me money and effort mainly. And also I can sell the unopened land raiders and vindicators I have! biggrin.png

What would be reasons why a chapter does not use vehicles?

All seems workable, the DW tables can give you a nice framework to build on.


On the vehicles, it's doable, although I'm assuming we're not talking about spaceships/Thunderhawks/drop pods as they need to be able to get to the fight?


Reasons could be: maybe the Chapter's character traits focus on the strength of an Astarte, maybe they don't feel that they need anything more? Or maybe it's a tactical thing, they specialise in city fights or clearing ships/space hulks and vehicles are a waste of resources?


Edit: just a thought but if they were more focussed on void warfare, that might fit nicely with the 'friendly with Navigators' role?

I will say that having entire chapters focused on void warfare is starting to feel like a 'thing'. (One I'm guilty of too.) Of course, out of a thousand+ chapters having multiple void specialists is a given.


Some reasons for eschewing vehicles, beyond what LySiMachus suggested:



Planetfall/Drop Assault specialists

Tunnel or Underhive combat


Or negatives, such as all the vehicles and senior techmarines having been lost.

What would be reasons why a chapter does not use vehicles?

How about good-old-fashioned lack of availability? biggrin.png

Your Chapter, divested of the means to replenish it's stock of vehicles, could then begin to invest more and more in infantry-heavy tactics until it becomes a tradition.

As for how the shortage happens, there's a few paths you could take.

Possibly your Chapter could just have a poor relationship with the local Adeptus Mechanicus, or maybe they could be stationed somewhere where the local Forgeworld simply lacks the capability (no access to the STCs, perhaps, or maybe the Forge World itself was recently damaged in an attack and is still slowly rebuilding itself) to produce Space Marine vehicles.

If any of these ideas are of use to you, then feel free to use or modify them as you see fit. happy.png

On the vehicles, it's doable, although I'm assuming we're not talking about spaceships/Thunderhawks/drop pods as they need to be able to get to the fight?

Reasons could be: maybe the Chapter's character traits focus on the strength of an Astarte, maybe they don't feel that they need anything more? Or maybe it's a tactical thing, they specialise in city fights or clearing ships/space hulks and vehicles are a waste of resources?

Edit: just a thought but if they were more focussed on void warfare, that might fit nicely with the 'friendly with Navigators' role?

When I say vehicles I mean tanks, bikes etc.

I wanted them to have a cityfighting aspect to them. I just love the idea of them fighting it out through buildings and ruins. and also the modelling possibilites that go along with that.

Building from that on some of the other things like traditional weaponry - flamers and meltas might take precedence. Flamers for the close quarters cityfighting. Meltas for the anti tank capabilities in place of not having any tanks to fight tanks with.

What would be reasons why a chapter does not use vehicles?

How about good-old-fashioned lack of availability? biggrin.png

Your Chapter, divested of the means to replenish it's stock of vehicles, could then begin to invest more and more in infantry-heavy tactics until it becomes a tradition.

As for how the shortage happens, there's a few paths you could take.

Possibly your Chapter could just have a poor relationship with the local Adeptus Mechanicus, or maybe they could be stationed somewhere where the local Forgeworld simply lacks the capability (no access to the STCs, perhaps, or maybe the Forge World itself was recently damaged in an attack and is still slowly rebuilding itself) to produce Space Marine vehicles.

If any of these ideas are of use to you, then feel free to use or modify them as you see fit. happy.png

I like some of these ideas. If I was to go down the friendly with Imperial Guard route though, I'd want the Imperial Guard to be from the same planet and to have tanks in the fluff. Would that rule out lacking the resources?

I was also thinking about my legendary chapter master. I was thinking about having him currently interred in a venerable dreadnought. I don't know much of the background behind dreadnoughts, but as far as I know legendary marines that have been as good as killed are interred in them? Perhaps it is the only dreadnought the chapter has.

Small update. Had a play about on the Space Marine Painter and came up with this. This is Brother Kunimund, who usually carries a multi-melta.


I was thinking more of a grey rather than a metallic silver. I like the idea of a coloured trim and white shoulder insert just to break up the main colour. The trim isn't necessarily the colour of the company, they are divergent afterall. Any kind of squad/company markings I've not thought about yet, I just added the devastator squad insignia for the sake of it.

I didn't want a bright colour, one because I want something easy to paint, and two because I want them to be dark and foreboding.


Some late night playing around came up with this alternative. Just a slight alternative to break up the grey a bit more. Brother Sergeant Veremundo.



I've noticed a bit of a conflict with the 'we stand alone' and their pure gene seed with which they would probably maintain close ties to their progenitor chapter. Although i guess they don't neccessarily have to.


I was thinking of having them being very low strength, but being stubborn and crusading around bound to the thought they are shortly going to be wiped out as a chapter.

Maybe they are so prideful that this is the source of their problems - the falling out with the Mechanicus, their lonesome nature, the unresolved issue with their gene-seed and the dwindling numbers. They loathe asking for help and loathe bowing and scraping even more. They'll survive by their own hand or not survive at all. Does any of that appeal?

Maybe they are so prideful that this is the source of their problems - the falling out with the Mechanicus, their lonesome nature, the unresolved issue with their gene-seed and the dwindling numbers. They loathe asking for help and loathe bowing and scraping even more. They'll survive by their own hand or not survive at all. Does any of that appeal?


This is exactly the kind of thing I think I'm heading towards! Very stubborn and very proud. There's not distrust or dislike of other chapters as such.

I like some of these ideas. If I was to go down the friendly with Imperial Guard route though, I'd want the Imperial Guard to be from the same planet and to have tanks in the fluff. Would that rule out lacking the resources?

I'm not sure about having Imperial Guard and Space Marines from the same planet - there's that whole deal about the separation of powers, to keep any one man from wielding an army like those seen in the days of the Horus Heresy.

And really, if you've got Guard and Marines on the same planet, they're not likely to remain entirely autonomous and distinct from each other forever. tongue.png

So, the Inquisition could arguably suspect your marines of plotting to create their own pocket empire, and generally get stroppy and antagonistic with your lads.

But to answer your actual question, not at all!

The local Forgeworld could have a much closer relation with the Guard than with your marines, giving the Guardsmen's needs and wishes priority over the Space Marines' stuff. Or the Forgeworld could need specific material to create parts of the Space Marine vehicles (in accordance with their sacred and ancient traditions) but still be able to manufacture Guard tanks since they don't require the same rare material.

I like some of these ideas. If I was to go down the friendly with Imperial Guard route though, I'd want the Imperial Guard to be from the same planet and to have tanks in the fluff. Would that rule out lacking the resources?

I'm not sure about having Imperial Guard and Space Marines from the same planet - there's that whole deal about the separation of powers, to keep any one man from wielding an army like those seen in the days of the Horus Heresy.

And really, if you've got Guard and Marines on the same planet, they're not likely to remain entirely autonomous and distinct from each other forever. tongue.png

I see what you mean.

I see my guys as being these legendary warriors, who were living as separated from society on their homeworld as possible (Im not sure how separated you can be if the homeoworld was a hive world). They would show up and take recruits, often from some of the deepest hive scum - they would 'save' these people.

They would also show up in the planets hour of need, as friendly protectors, almost gods. But would be gone as quickly as they appeared once the job was done. Not because of distrust or dislike, but because of their separation from society.

I've always had this vision of them being cityfight specialists. I used to love the idea of a fully mechanised army. Now I'm totally opposite. They have an infantry siege method of warfare. (drop pods are acceptable)

I'm hoping, with suggestions and help from people on here, the background to my chapter will evolve and build. Almost like an open community project.

Well, here's something to consider. Astartes vehicles often use advanced cogitators and complex machine spirits. Maybe the local Forge supplying your chapter was censured for dabbling a little to close to Silica Animus (AI) and is proscribed from any related technology.


Question: what does your chapter do when confronted with a scenario that can't be solved with drop pods and footslogging seiges?

I'm now re-considering the not having any vehicles in their background (doesn't mean I can't build a small army that doesn't have any). That said, I still want vehicles to be limited. Perhaps a lot of them have been destroyed (they are at very low strength after all) and now they have sent themselves on a crusade , dooming themselves to their own death, there's no inflow of new vehicles. As was mentioned before, because of their pride and stubbornness, they have fallen out with the Mecahnicus.



Question: what does your chapter do when confronted with a scenario that can't be solved with drop pods and footslogging seiges?          



They go all in with what they've got? Stealth? Stealth is another tactic I had in mind for them. Being low in numbers, and because of the question you brought up, they quite often move stealthily towards their enemies? That said, if they're crusading around dooming themselves and taking as many enemies as they can with them in the name of the Emperor, they may not necessarily be very stealthy?


I'm literally writing as I'm thinking here....

Just a pointer, brother - the Chapter can manufacture the vehicles themselves if necessary. There's fluff that states that Chapters can mostly look after themselves, so you'll have to explain why the Chapter can't (or won't) make the stuff themselves.

They've abandoned their home world and fortress monestry to go on their 'final' crusade. They've taken what they've got and that's all they'll use.


As to why exactly they've done this - they're very low strength after a devastating campaign (I'm thinking on their homeworld - their fortress monestry is in ruins?) Although technically a victory, they feel they have failed the people that they protect. They have subsequently sent themselves on what they see as a penitence crusade,


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