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Entering the Garden of Nurgle?

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Hi all. How does a chaos marine enter the garden of nurgle? As far as I know the garden of nurgle is a state that exists in the minds of beings and is not a real physical place (correct me if I'm wrong) so how would someone walk among nurgles homeland? We know typhus did, but how?



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Things in the minds of beings echo and take physical form in the warp smile.png

The EoT doesnt fully cut it, as it's the zone where warp and realspace merge, so you have real, physical planets, etc but affected by the warp. You have to go through the eye and fully into the immaterium, where thought is given form, essentially your soul goes on a journey, with or without your body.

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The best to put it would be that it just happens. There are a couple of short stories by Anthoney Reynolds(Vox Dominus and the Tallyman) where some Word Bearers find themselves as guests in the Garden of Nurgle.
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Typhus got invited into the garden (I believe when already in the warp when the DG were stranded) and went on a pilgrimage ending with him dipping his scythe into a pool at Nurgles throne- becoming the host of the Destroyer Hive

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The best to put it would be that it just happens. There are a couple of short stories by Anthoney Reynolds(Vox Dominus and the Tallyman) where some Word Bearers find themselves as guests in the Garden of Nurgle.


There is also mention in the KDK book of entering Khornes domain through a Vision Quest.

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