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Psychic powers while locked in combat

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Can we use psychic powers whilst locked in close combat?

Referring to page 47 of the rule book it says that "units that are locked in combat cannot move in the movement phase, run or shoot in the shooting phase, and can not fire over watch when charged" this says nothing about psychic powers and nothing is stated in the psychic phase that I can see. I could understand if one might see that no shooting in the shooting phase may pertain to witchfires but since it clearly states that there's no shooting "in the shooting phase" why would they be so specific? Also the only thing the witchfire entry says is that they can't be used to overwatch which someone in CC couldn't do anyway so to me this reinforces that there is some kind of separation in rules. Am I just being dense here or is there a genuine rule I'm missing that says I'm right or wrong? Let me know what you guys think 

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