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Daemonkin- tackling gk


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Tittle says it all, how would you tackle them? What units and combos should I look into? The gore pack with plasma bikers seem an obvious choice.


I'd like to use blood thirsters also (to counter the at least duel dk ever gk player seems to bring now) but with only a 3+ save he'll easily die to them in cc.


Any ideas?

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I am going to assume DK here means dreadkight.


Not so sure the thirster will die 'easily' in combat to a Dreadknight. Both the unfettered fury and wrath of khorne types have higher I value and stand a reasonable chance of Instant death ing the Dreadknight before he fights with their decapitate ability. Just watch out if the DK has force active, and be sure to use your shooting attacks before you charge (or snap shot if he charges you). If the thirster of Insensate rage survives long enough he will shatter anything with his strength D axe, but fighting last is much riskier.


Grey knights are quite vulnerable to Heldrakes and Ectoplasma forgefiends. Most GK armies I have encountered tend to gear their troops to deal with other 3+ save troops, so they can find guys with heavier armour (2+ saves, drednaughts, mawlerfiends, blood slaughterers) a bit trickier to deal with.

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I think DP initiative 8 is still higher than DK right? Maybe try an instant dath weapon, also you could always ally Khârn in to go toe to toe with them.

We are thinking on similar lines here. Khârn is immune to the instant death due to force too, which is useful against Gk. If you are going to ally in a beatstick try Abbaddon as he will just rip through any thing in the gk list in close combat.

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Most GKs (outside of Nemesis Dreadknights) don't like Plasma at all. I wrote an article talking about how to use the new Plasma Obliterator fortification with Khorne Daemonkin to the best advantage:





Hopefully this is useful with regards to your original question about dealing with GKs.

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also lord of skulls might be able to combat their deathstar. I was in a team game the other day where 2 imperial knights completely wiped a full death star of purifiers with draigo and 2 librarians.

While we're talking Lords of War slots, do Khorne Daemonkin have access to a Greater Brass Scorpion? Because they chew through MEQ and TEQ like no ones business....and if a Dreadnight happens to get lucky and kill it, the resulting explosion will be pretty fun too.

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