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Road to Veteran's 2015


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So!!! Veteran's is back.


It's now the 6th Annual Vets tournament coming up.  And the tournament has grown from strength to strength.


I'm VERY excited about the new missions and new rules. 


For those who aren't aware or who havent seen the past BatReps - Vets is an incredibly complex multi-mission parameter 2500 point tournament. 


This year composition is featuring more heavily than before. 


The points break down is as follows:


180 points for Battle Points (36max X 5 games)

30 Points for Game Conduct (which is easy to get 100% for)

30 Points for Painting (also, very easy to get 100% for)


60 Points for Composition (purposely quite tough to get 100% for)


Here are some of the rules:



Here are the tentative ARMY COMPOSITION rules:




With the advent of 7th edition, and the availability to build a huge variety of exiting, yet terrifying new armies, Army Composition has increased in its tournament points.


Army composition is designed to give a small bonus to those playing themed, “fluffy” and representative lists that are a good reflection of the 40k universe, rather than an all-out “min-maxed” list designed to win.


All Players will start off with 60 POINTS for their army composition.

Points will then be deducted or added, to a minimum of 0 (max 60), for various things from the list below.


UNBOUND: Note, however, that if you have chosen an unbound list, you will start off with 30 POINTS for composition and work from there.


There are two categories for deductions: 1: BUILD STYLE and 2: UNIT DEDUCTIONS




•             -5 For every “Dataslate”

•             For a first Ally Detachment.

(BB - 3, AoC - 5, DA -10, CtA - 25)

•             -8 For any 2nd Detachment  (Not including Ally Detachment)

·         For any 3rd Detachment 

·         (-10 CAD, -10 CODEX (same Faction as Primary), - 15 Different Faction from Primary -)

(Additional negatives: Different Faction is: AoC - 5, DA -10, CtA – 20)

•             -20 For each Detachment after the 3rd (Ally Detachment or Other)

•             - 5 For each Formation (unless the entire army is one formation, then + 5)

(Additional Negative: -5 for each Formation that not BB)

•             +5 For Veteran’s Strike Force Detachment




•             -5 For every *UNIT* duplication, other than TROOPS.

(eg: 3 Devastator squads will warrant -10 AC points, 2 Sternguard units in Drop pods will be -20 AC) ***

•             -2 For every AV30  vehicle duplication in the TROOP slot after the first two

·         -3 For every AV32  vehicle duplication in the TROOP slot after the first two.

·         -4 For every AV34+  vehicle duplication in the TROOP slot after the first two.

·         (reduce the above numbers by 1 if the vehicle is open topped)


•             -3 For each unit of TROOPS after the first two that are not full strength

•             -5 For no TROOP units at full strength.

•             -4 if your list has no ELITE units that are full strength **

•             -4 if your list has no HEAVY units that are full strength **

•             -4 if your list has no FAST units that are full strength **

•             -8 if the total points of TROOPS is less than the total of any 2 other FOC selections.

•             +7 for no duplicate units (other than TROOPS and Dedicated Transports) in your army.

•             +3 for every TROOP unit choice in your Primary detachment after the first 2 that are different from the former. (Dedicated transports not counted) To a maximum of +9. Armies with only 2 accessible Primary Troop units will meet this requirement for every full strength unit after the first two full strength units.

1. A SM army with a Biker lord has scouts, bikers and marines as troops- is worth +3 points. 
2. A cron army with 1x 20 warrior squads, and 3x 10 immortals is worth +6 points.
3. A SM army with a standard lord has 1x10 scouts, 2x10 Tacs and 2x 5man scouts is worth +3 points.



•             -5 if your list contains a “Lord of War”

•             -4 if your list contains a unit with the “Mighty Bulkward” special rule.

•             -2 for every 3 (or part thereof) “Super Heavy”/”Gargantuan” Hull Points or Wounds.

•             -4 for each Ranged Strength D weapon your list contains.

•             -3 for each unit with a Close Combat Strength D weapon in your list.

•             -3 for each AV12+ Flyer, or T6 or more FMC after the 3rd

•             -2 for each AV11 or below Flyer, or T5 or lower Flying Monstrous Creature after the 3rd.

•             -3 For each Unique Character/Unit

(Dataslates and LoW Unique units do not count as they have already been penalised).

•             -2 For each Forgeworld Unit  

(LoW Unique units do not count as they have already been penalised)

•             -3 For a Forgeworld Chapter



•             -3 If your list has between 8 and 12 Warp Charge.

•             -7 if your list has between 13 and 16 Warp Charge.

•             -14 if your list has between 17 and 20 Warp Charge

•             -20 if your list has over 20 warp charge.

•             -10 if your army is considered “unfluffy”, ”improbable” or “unlikely” in terms of existing                Warhammer 40k mythos.*

•             Up to +15 If your army is considered “incredibly fluffy”, “very probable” or “highly likely” in          terms of its composition, in the existing and established Warhammer 40k mythos.

                (NOTE: SEE RUBRIC)

*This is highly subjective and will only be ruled in cases where it is painfully obvious. 

Note:  The ally matrix is not representative of fluff, but rather designed for game balance.   

Note:  “Rule of cool”:  Exceptions will be made where “counts as” models/units from traditional-fluff contradicting

** Of course, this will not count if the army has no Elite, Heavy or Fast units. Units of one, will not count.

*** This will not count for units within a Data-slate/Formation, but will count for duplicate units in addition to the dataslate/Formation units.





Here is what the Veteran's Strike Force looks like:







1 – HQ







3 – HQ






1 – Lord of War

1 – Fortification



Veteran Warlord: 

1.      Warlords from this detachment may roll a die for their Warlord Trait and choose the corresponding number on any table available to them after the die roll.

2.      While the warlord is alive, any unit rolling to identify a “Mysterious Objective” may reroll the result.

Forged to Win:

1.      All non-vehicle TROOPS and any dedicated transport with a TROOP embarked on it from this detachment have the “Objective Secured” rule.

Aspiring Champion:

1.      While alive, one upgraded Character in a single compulsory TROOP unit gives his unit the Preferred Enemy and Stubborn special rules.

2.      Your unit must have access to an upgradeable/addable Character in order to make use of this ability.


Trusted Battle Brothers:

The units in this detachment are veteran comrades that are tried and battle-tested together.  Their cohesiveness comes from their frequent engagement side-by-side.  As a result, a VSF detachment may not have any additional detachments, formations or data slates – in essence the VSF is the only detachment you may take. 


Il try post some screen shots of the missions some time.  


I don't know what i'll be taking yet, but I'd like to make something fluffy and strong. 


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I'll be curious to see the mission packet, but this kind of comp makes the LVO finals IF/BA pairing seem really strong.  Taking full squads of troops, access to some bada$$ characters (Lysander AND Mephiston), good ol codex marine singleton goodies (thunderfire, storm talon, hunter/other cheap tanks) and BA fun.  I've been messing with lists of different sizes, but seems strong.  It's certainly not UNfluffy, but not sure you'd get max for fluff.  The idea would be to really cut down on the negative modifiers.

Or, of course just roll BA as VSF!




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For those interested, here are the actual rules (and then the missions we will play):

(Have a look at the local rules for Maelstrom (Stretegic Engagement)

(apologies about the formatting)




The Veteran’s Tournament is a tournament unlike any other currently in South Africa. It is separated from other tournaments not only by its size, but its complexity – deserved of the title: “Veteran”.

The missions have been inspired by various tournaments around the world and have been designed to be different, more challenging and more engaging than anything else you are likely to have encountered locally.






The reason why it is called The VETERAN'S TOURNAMENT is not because it caters to the old, wiley longbeards, but because it incorporates ALL aspects of the 40k hobby experience –

gaming, modelling and background.

It doesn't matter how long you've been playing, but rather how much you are invested in your hobby!

VETERAN's strives to be the tournament that is most challenging, most interesting and most fun for whomever takes part.




Every game in VETERAN'S is a fight to gain as many battle points as possible – not necessarily to deprive your enemy of his.

Unlike standard missions, there is no “winner” and “ loser” of each game, as each mission is merely a grab for as many BP as possible!


This is a fundamental difference, and requires a completely different play-style as you can win a battle, but lose the war. 

Do not focus on beating your opponent!

Rather, focus on getting points.


Each mission will award players with a certain amount of Battle Points.


To determine a winner,

Battle Points (180) will be added to

Composition Points (60)

Appearance Points(30) and


Game Conduct Points (30)  

and any other modifiers (if applicable) to a standard

Total of 300 points.


The winner of the tournament will be the player with the highest overall points.


In the case of a TIE in overall points, the winner will be decided based on who has the highest score for Appearance Points.

In the case of a TIE in Appearance Points, the winner will be decided based on who has the least “YES” checks.




The Battle Points break down as follows:


15 Points for Primary Objective completed.

(10 Points for a Draw or Secondary Victory Condition)

10 Points for Secondary Objective completed.

(5 Points for a Draw or Secondary Victory Condition)

5 Points for Tertiary Objective completed.

2 Points for Each Bonus Objective completed.

(Note: For every Bonus mission requiring you to “destroy/wound” a unit, this unit must be dead/wounded at the end of game to count!)


There will be 5 Missions.





All Players will start off with 30 Points for their army appearance.

Points will then be deducted, to a minimum of 0, for the following:


              -8 For EACH unit that is Unpainted.*

              -3 For EACH unit that has a model that is not WYSIWYG within reason.

              -2 For EACH unit that is not Fully Based.**

              -10 For EACH unit that is deemed to be modelled to unfair advantage.

              -5 for EACH unit that is deemed to be “out of army theme” ***


* Unpainted will be defined loosely as less than the minimum of 3 colours. However, points may still be deducted if organizers deem a player abusive in the application of the 3 colour rule- eg: Colours are splashed on in order to have 3 colours rather than be painted.  One unpainted model in the unit renders the unit unpainted.


** Fully Based will be defined as having a texture/flock and/or paint of some kind on the base of the majority of model’s in a unit.


*** “Out of army theme” will be defined as having units from the same army in different paint schemes (not styles!) for no reason. This is a purely aesthetic condition.  Eg:  A marine army using Codex: Space Marines with yellow terminators and blue tactical marines. 



Army composition is designed to give a small bonus to those playing themed, “fluffy” and representative lists that are a good reflection of the 40k universe, rather than an all-out “min-maxed” list designed to win.  The concept behind it is to create an incentive to diversify the types of lists that are played.




Each Level is cumulative in its requirements for more points


The army is  representative of the faction’s fighting style.

It includes signature units that the faction is known for.

Any allies are not only likely but highly probable.

Troop choices make up the majority of the points in the army.


The faction and some of the units are documented as having taken part in a specific battle or the force and fighting style is well-documented.

The weapons/ wargear/upgrades and units chosen are reflective of the battle noted.

Units are led by characterful and personalised hero upgrades.

A strong majority of Troops selections are maximised units.



The army’s command structure (HQ) is likely and probable, not being top heavy or over-invested, counting for no more than 10% of the army.

The army’s command structure (HQ) does not conflict with existing fluff.

Each unit is unique in its gear or role and aesthetic.

Modelling of units is unique and each unit has squad markings represented, banners painted and appropriate heraldry.


The army is a near-perfect representation of a force(or part of a force) that took part in a well-documented battle. 

It makes extensive use of the fighting style of the faction in question with characters and heroes modelled and geared appropriately. 

The army is primarily or predominantly built around a majority core of Troops that account for 65% of the army.







We would like to remind you that an enjoyable and fair gaming experience is an important aspect of the hobby. As a result, the following system will be in place.


At the end of every game players are asked to check this box:


             Was your opponent pushy, abrasive and/or generally unpleasant? (In other words would you be uneasy or unhappy about playing this person again?) Yes/No

              Did your opponent play too slowly for you to complete the full game? (And did it negatively affect the game?)            Yes/No

              Did your opponent continue to over-measure or measure distances incorrectly after you had requested he correct it? Yes/No

              Was your opponent unfair and/or inconsistent in his application of Terrain and Cover rules after you had voiced your objections? Yes/No

            Did your opponent continually try to interpret rules in their favour or look for ambiguities to help them?    (Note: This does not apply if your opponent is simply correcting your understanding!)      Yes/No

At the end of the tournament, the “Yes” checks will be tallied up:


TOTAL “YES” Checks: 0 = 30 Points

TOTAL “YES” Checks: 1 = 25 Points

TOTAL “YES” Checks: 2 = 20 Points

TOTAL “YES” Checks: 3 = 15 Point

TOTAL “YES” Checks: 4 = 10 Point

TOTAL “YES” Checks: 5+ = 0 Points and SHAME…so much SHAME




              All current in-print Codices and current Electronic Codices are permitted- the latest online edition being  considered as the legal edition. 

Note:  Players with electronic codicies are urged to check their respective codicies for updates prior to the    tournament.

              No Apocalypse rules will be played.

             Forgeworld and Imperial Armour books will be allowed PROVIDED they meet the requirements stipulated and models therein are the most up-to-date version of the rules.

NOTE:     In order to include a Forgeworld model in your list, you must have either the official FW model, or a substantially converted model that is representative of the size and aesthetic of the model as well as the time invested in the conversion.  

              Rulebook Psychic Powers, if relevant, may be rolled for during deployment if applicable.

     Your Warlord must be the same in ALL games and must be noted on your roster as per the rulebook.

              Your highest point unit and lowest point unit must be noted on your roster.  If units are priced the same, the               owning player may list which unit of each is the lowest/highest. 

              In the case of Space Marines, Chapter Tactics must be noted on your roster.




 There should be no proxied(1) models.

              Models that are scratch build or “counts as” are, of course, permitted. However, their   representation should be clear and explained ahead of time to your opponents.

              Models failing WYSIWYG(2) convention will not score bonus points.

              Models that are not fully painted will not score bonus points.

              All models must be appropriately based for 40k, using the most recent base size produced for said model. Bigger  bases may only be used for scenic and modelling purposes, provided there is no in-game effect.

              In the event that the most recent model is substantially different in size/silhouette from an older version, the   most recent model (or a reasonable representation of it) must be used for fairness.

              Units/Models that are purposely, or otherwise, remodelled to gain an advantage in-game will either have points                 deducted, or be removed from play if a suitable compromise cannot be reached by players.

              You are required to have all Gaming Equipment: DiceTemplates, Measuring Tape, your Codex and the most               recent    FAQ of your army.

              You are required to have 3 Terminator Size bases as objective tokens or alternatively an Objective Dice        Set.

              Every player is asked to provide a themed piece of terrain to count as their "Imperial Statuary,     Chaos Shrine,        or Xenos Tech Site" (it even plays a role in the missions!)

                                The feature should be designed as such that models may not be deployable within this      terrain

                                (Treat it as impassable).

                                This terrain feature may be UP TO 4" long, by 4" wide, by 6" high.

                                This terrain feature will count as a piece of useable terrain in each of the games the owning player partakes in.

                                This terrain feature will be placed by each player before Fortifications, as soon as sides are chosen.

                                See below for each respective bonus.


1: A proxy is a model used in place of a model you do not have. Eg: A tau devilfish being used as a Space Marine Rhino.

2: WYSIWYG is “What you see is what you get” – the model is holding/armed with what the army list says he is armed with. (eg:  A bolter used in place of a plasma gun etc.)      






Imperial Statuary: (Currently) As per BRB.

Chaos Shrine: (Currently) As per BRB.

Eldar (Webway Conduit): All Eldar units within 2" of the Site may re-roll their “Deny The Witch” rolls for powers targeted at them.

Dark Eldar (Shrine of Pain): All Dark Eldar units within 2" of the Site count as having Power from Pain as one level higher. (NOTE: This is lost as soon as the unit is away from the site)

Tau (Weapons and Targeting Relay): All Tau models within 2" of the Site receive Preferred Enemy if they are using Rapid Fire weapons.

Necrons (Reanimation Relay): All Necron models within 2" of the Site may reroll 1’s  for their failed "Reanimation Protocol" rolls.

Tyranids (Gene Pool/Tower): All Tyranid units within 2" of the Site have the "Regeneration" biomorph upgrade.

Orks(Shrine to Gork/Mork):   The Ork player must choose if his shrine is to Gork or Mork.  One unit within 2” of the shrine to Mork gains the Stealth special rule.  One unit within 2” of the shrine to Gork gains the Rage special rule.


There will be a PLAYER VOTE – and 5 bonus points will be awarded to the player with the Tech Site that is deemed most: Interesting, appropriate, non-abusive and thematically engaging.




              Because of time constraints, terrain will be pre-set.

              Most games will see the players roll 1 dice to decide who chooses deployment side

ñ  The player that chooses deployment side also sets up their fortifications first.

ñ  Players with oversized fortifications/networks must call a Judge.  The judge may remove a piece of terrain to facilitate the placement of these pieces.

ñ   The player that chooses deployment side also  places the first objective

              Most games will subsequently see the players roll another dice to determine who deploys first/second and                 therefore goes first/second.



 There will be 5 Rounds played using the Veteran’s Missions listed in this rules pack.

 Players will be matched randomly at first, then by the Swiss system every game thereafter, matching highest game points, with highest game points.

 Each game will play to a maximum of 3hours 15 minutes, with a “Final Action” policy in place.

      O     Players are to decide at the 2hour 30minute mark how many additional Game turns will be played.

      O     Both Players must get a full Game turn.

      O     “Final Action” is defined as the finishing of a single unit’s movement, shooting, combat or morale                    tests and its relevant opponent resolution for purposes of calculating the result.




Every game your Warlord survives will potentially see him grow more powerful.


              For every game your Warlord survives he will be allowed an additional d6 roll on whichever Warlord Table  you wish

              You may still only choose one trait, however the additional roll will allow you more opportunities for  something useful. Eg: If your warlord survives mission 1, and mission 2, then in mission 3 he may roll 3d6 on any Table, in any combination eg: 2 on Command, 1 on Personal.




Every mission will use the “maelstrom” missions strategic cards under the mission heading “Strategic Engagement”.  The following amendments will be in play:

o    The deck will be divided into 2 or 3 piles.

§  1.1 – 1.6 : Faction Specific  (if applicable)

§  2.1 – 3.6 : Numbered Objectives Markers

§  4.1 – 6.6 : General Tactical Objectives

o    At the start of your turn, you will generate UP TO two(2) tactical objective cards chosen from a pile of your choice.

o    If the generated card is impossible to complete at any time in the game, you may redraw the card.

o    You may discard one card at the end of your turn.

o    All cards with a value of d3 points will count as 2. 

o    Warlord trait #5 on the Tactical Chart will be worded as follows:

§  “For any card granting d3 points, the warlord may roll a die and on a 4+ gains +1 point instead of ‘rerolling  the dice’ as stipulated”.

o    Each objective marker must be in the middle of one of six 24” x 24” segments. 

§  Once placed, roll a scatter dice and shift it d6” in the direction noted.

§  A roll of “Hit” sees it stay where it is.





The following rules will be in place:


·         If an opponent has a “Super Heavy”/ “Gargantuan Creature” in their list and the opposing player does not, then the opponent receives the “IMPENDING DOOM” rule:

o    Impending Doom: opponent receives a +1 modifier to any roll to Seize the Initiative.

·         If an opponent has a Super Heavy”/ “Gargantuan Creature” in their list, the opposing player receives an additional warlord trait rolled on the “Escalation Warlord Traits” table – this is in addition to any other existing traits chosen. 

·         If an opponent has a Super Heavy”/ “Gargantuan Creature” in their list that is ALSO a “Lord of War”, the opponent receives the “THROUGH ATTRITION, VICTORY!” rule with the following amendments:

o    Through attrition, victory!:  The opponent will receive +2 battle points for every  THREE hull points or wounds removed from the Super Heavy Lord of War at the end of the game. 

·         If an opponent has a “Lord of War” in their list that is NOT a Super Heavy/Gargantuan Creature, the opponent receives the “TROPHY KILL” rule.

o    TROPHY KILL:  Receive +3 points for slaying the Lord of War.





              Bye- In the event of a Bye, a Ringer opponent will be organized. In the event of a ringer opponent not being               available, the player will receive an average of his total tournament Battle Points for the Bye game. Additionally, in the   event a Ringer opponent cannot be organized the bye player will be chosen as the one with the lowest APPEARANCE             and BATTLE POINT score. Players may not volunteer for Byes.


             Tabled Opponents - Tabling an opponent will not automatically qualify you for all victory conditions met. Please check              the mission at hand to see if you have fulfilled all the other Mission Objective requirements. In  the case of objectives, you must still have models on the objectives to claim them etc.


              Reserves - are the responsibility of the owning player. In the event that a player forgets to deploy or forgets to roll    for a unit in reserve, that unit will count as destroyed. However, if the error is discovered in a timely fashion, leeway is requested.  (ie: prior to the shooting phase).

                (It is important to note, that Sportsmanship should play a role here, and even though Reserves are solely the responsibility of the owning player, if you as the opponent are aware of a unit in reserve, you should remind them).


              Time Wasting – While some players and some armies play at different speeds, time wasting is blatantly         obvious.                 Players that find their opponents are wasting time may call for a Referee AFTER they have warned their opponents themselves and the transgressions continue. The referee will then warn the player, and watch the game. The Referee may decide after he has watched the game, that time may be extended, a set turn limit enforced or points docked. If the player is warned 3 times for Time Wasting in different games, they will suffer       a 5 point penalty.


              Illegal Play – If it comes to light that a player has done something (unintentional or otherwise)         illegal/mistaken during a game, the actions should be immediately rectified, if possible. BOTH players must           inform the Ref of the incident after the game. This is to create an open atmosphere so that neither player      feels they are going behind the other’s back. The player will be cautioned, and his next opponent informed of               the transgression.

                 Transgressions will be dealt with on a flowchart as a guideline, and then considered case-by-case.

                 A 5 point penalty will be incurred if the offence is discovered during the game and it has had a minor effect            on the game (depending on the mistake). This penalty will only be incurred if the mistake cannot be rectified.    If the offence has had a major effect on the game, the opponent will receive a 15 point bonus, to a maximum     of 36 available battle points for that mission.

                 In the event that the transgression is discovered after the game, the offending party and their current  opponent will be informed.

                                  A 15 point penalty will be incurred regardless of whether it affected the game or not, and the    opponent will receive those points.

                 However, if a reported incident occurs again after a caution is issued, the player will receive a 25 point     penalty.

                 If it happens a third time, the offending player will be asked to leave the Event with no refund given.


             Gross Unsportsmanlike Conduct – In addition to the “fun game” checklist, there will be a back-up   Yellow/Red/Black card system in place that the organizers hope will not be used.  If a referee deems a player    to be overly aggressive, abusive, argumentative or overly unpleasant they may be issued a card entirely at Referee discretion.


Yellow = 10 Point Penalty

Red = 20 Point Penalty

Black = Asked to leave the Event with no refund given.


              “ Bail Whales”  - It has become an unfortunate occurrence that some players renege on their responsibility to           other gamers and organisers during two day tournaments.  While sometimes this is honestly unavoidable, the      frequency of these actions imply otherwise.  As a result, players dropping out after Day 1 will be politely                 excused from participation in the “Tri-Tourney Circuit” (Veteran' s/Skirmish/Gladiator) for a period of 1 year. 


 You are required to have TWO PRINTED copies of your Army Roster which list all options chosen and their points cost if any.





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When is the tournament this year? If you have to paint anything up for it, try to fit it into the ETL window this time!!! tongue.png

All models must be appropriately based for 40k, using the most recent base size produced for said model. Bigger bases may only be used for scenic and modelling purposes, provided there is no in-game effect.

Ouch. That's a full re-basing of your army to 32mm then...

Every player is asked to provide a themed piece of terrain to count as their "Imperial Statuary, Chaos Shrine, or Xenos Tech Site" (it even plays a role in the missions!)

Thoughts? I guess this only counts as one of your source pieces if you include it in your roster?


Every game your Warlord survives will potentially see him grow more powerful.

For every game your Warlord survives he will be allowed an additional d6 roll on whichever Warlord Table you wish.

 You may still only choose one trait, however the additional roll will allow you more opportunities for something useful. Eg: If your warlord survives mission 1, and mission 2, then in mission 3 he may roll 3d6 on any Table, in any combination eg: 2 on Command, 1 on Personal.

Any way to use the Veritas Vitae for shenanigans here?

If an opponent has a “Super Heavy”/ “Gargantuan Creature” in their list and the opposing player does not, then the opponent receives the “IMPENDING DOOM” rule:

Impending Doom:
opponent receives a +1 modifier to any roll to Seize the Initiative.

Any feasible way to stack this? Initial thoughts point towards a Callidus but I doubt you'd ever take one.[/indent]
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The 32mm base thing will be alright- GW have said either are okay.   I have all my stuff on 32mm anyway - i casted conversion pieces and bases :D 


As for the Tech Site - everyone has one for "free" and it gets placed with terrain.  


Veritas will DEFS see use.  The potential for all sorts of traits makes for a really strong tactical warlord.  I'm thinking maybe a biker captain? 


The only way i would look to that would be to roll on the strat table - hope for ...#4? was it?  Seize on a 4+.   Pretty sexy.  With Corbs in there thats a reroll!

also- tourney is in 2 weeks! 

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Did I read it right - you get dinged for duplicate transports in the troop section?  Make sense as far as wave serpents are concerned, but might push you toward 1x rhino, 1x drop pod and 1x razor with combat squaded guys.


So what's your plan, Mort?  Just BA?  Go for Veterans strike force?  Yea or nay to Dante?




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That composition list is amazingly exhaustive!  Seems like the sort of thing that would benefit from an automated spreadsheet or the like.


I think I'll try bumping that composition ruleset up against a few of my lists tonight to see how they stack up . . .

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Did I read it right - you get dinged for duplicate transports in the troop section?  Make sense as far as wave serpents are concerned, but might push you toward 1x rhino, 1x drop pod and 1x razor with combat squaded guys.


So what's your plan, Mort?  Just BA?  Go for Veterans strike force?  Yea or nay to Dante?





Orogen,  you get dinged for anything after the first two, so i could rock 2x razors and have no penalty.  3 razors will only net me a -3 penalty.


I'm still REALLY struggling to know what to do.  


I really, really like the BSF, but i think Obj Sec is going to be VERY NB in this tournament.  So, I'm leaning towards the VSF.  


I was thinking of this "core"


1x Chappy (JP, Veritas)

1x Damocles

1x Ravens

1x  Raptor (Monster Hunter)

1x Sicaran (Mars)


Thats 610 already.


Then, I really, really want Mephy in the mix.  If I put him in and Dante in, it's another 395


So, that leaves me with 1490 points free to fill 1x Elite, 1x Fast and 3x Troops min.


Melta-cide squad - 135

10x ASM - 2mg, Fist, vet - 225

10x Tac - MG, LC - Razor - 255

10x Tac - MG, LC - Razor - 255

10x Tac - MG, HF, Vet+Axe - Pod - 220
1x Furioso - Frag can, hf - Pod - 165
Then around 235 points to play with?
needs a hammer? Maybe actual hammernators? 

Alternatively, another Troop squad? Feels a little thin on the ground for 2500.  Think i need more damage output.  

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Usual meta for this?


Jol, the Cape Town tourney scene no longer has any discernible meta.  It's actually insane.  The lists are so, so broad and so varied and you see a bit of EVERYTHING - including titans and other lords of war. 


The only thing I would say is i need to have enough melta for big monsters and big vehicles. 


But otherwise, ive never ever played in a more varied environment. 

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As great as that is, it sure does make planning tricky. Are the usual "big hitters" going to be in attendance and if so, is it those you are worrying about or is it the unexpected from someone else?

Only I'm surprised you've left out your VAS.

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As great as that is, it sure does make planning tricky. Are the usual "big hitters" going to be in attendance and if so, is it those you are worrying about or is it the unexpected from someone else?

Only I'm surprised you've left out your VAS.


I'm not sold on losing the VAS just yet!!! :P 


I may make the ASM an attack bike squad, and use the points to make the DC/Terms/etc the VAS.


The "big hitters" will defs be there. 


Nigel and his orks.  

Tristan and his sisters

Sid and his god forsaken multiple wraith knights.


its going to be heavy.


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Why the chaplain? To unlock the additional relic(s)? Probably going to need a librarian and/or priest in there somewhere?

There's been some good discussion in another thread about the utility of a 3SS/3melta command squad with jump packs - might be a useful tool here.

Hmmm... trying to think of other deep strike options or similar to take full advantage of the damocles but the 2x fliers and maybe a tank or two will do that pretty well.

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Chaplain  - Veritas - Auspex



5x Terminators  - 5hammers


10x TAC - Lascan, MG

Razor - las/plas

10x TAC - Lascan, MG

Razor - las/plas

10x TAC - HF, Gravgun

Razor - las/plas

10x TAC - HF, MG, Vet, Axe



3x Attack Bikes  - 3MM

5x ASM - 2MG, 1Infernus Pistol, 1Gravpistol


1x Raven - extra armour

1x Raptor - Monster Hunter

1x Sicaran - Tank Hunter


If i take this as a VSF, I will get 60/60 for comp. 

It's not uber killy, and not too BA, but its pretty cool. 




If i take it as a BSF or CAD - I will get 57/60.

But, i think the VSF abilities are possibly better.


Doesn't really need a the BSF bonuses, and i think the CAD bonuses are also very good since the vehicles in a CAD are Obj Sec, while only the infantry or transports with infantry in them are obj sec.



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