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Road to Veteran's 2015


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That reminds me, what powers for Mephiston? I guess he's going to roll with the Terminators and the Chaplain inside the Stormraven?

Used Mephiston on the weekend. Rolled on Biomancy and got Life Leach and Haemorrhage. Lets just say he didn't have the greatest life expectancy...

Been rolling BA powers and been really happy. I love the primaris.

Everything else is just gravy. Rolled Rage the other day too - 10 attacks on the charge- with rerolls to hit from Chap....devastating.

Haha; in my other game with Mephiston (my Apocalypse game) I cranked him up to nine STR 10 INT 9 attacks only for him to miss the lot against an Invisible Be'Lakor...dry.png

Back on topic, as you're running a Mech list with a Mech command tank, outriders and air support, how do you think you'll do on the fluff score?

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The fluff score works on a a very strict rubric -so i wont get anything. 




Each Level is cumulative in its requirements for more points


The army is  representative of the faction’s fighting style.

It includes signature units that the faction is known for.

Any allies are not only likely but highly probable.

Troop choices make up the majority of the points in the army.


The faction and some of the units are documented as having taken part in a specific battle or the force and fighting style is well-documented.

The weapons/ wargear/upgrades and units chosen are reflective of the battle noted.

Units are led by characterful and personalised hero upgrades.

A strong majority of Troops selections are maximised units.



The army’s command structure (HQ) is likely and probable, not being top heavy or over-invested, counting for no more than 10% of the army.

The army’s command structure (HQ) does not conflict with existing fluff.

Each unit is unique in its gear or role and aesthetic.

Modelling of units is unique and each unit has squad markings represented, banners painted and appropriate heraldry.


The army is a near-perfect representation of a force(or part of a force) that took part in a well-documented battle. 

It makes extensive use of the fighting style of the faction in question with characters and heroes modelled and geared appropriately. 

The army is primarily or predominantly built around a majority core of Troops that account for 65% of the army.




I have no DC, Baals, Furioso's or Sang Guard - or even VAS or ASM jumpers...so...no go :(

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Buddy of mine made an excellent point about the VSF - and said that units I would want to tactically protect in missions 2 and 5 are likely to be units chosen by the enemy anyway.....meaning I should just as well go for the bonuses offered.  


With that out of the way, It seems like a really good buff to have.


Troops and vehicles with Troops in them still obj sec . ...so...i'm being swung to the VSF.

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As Ive been reading Morticon's list it is only fair to show him mine.


Warboss Zhadsnark Da Rippa.


Mad Dok


Big Mek: bike,Da Lucky stik,KFF and Killsaw


Painboy; bike BP and grot orderly.



15 bikes,nob,pk,bp

4 bikes,nob,bp,pk

4 bikes,nob,bp,pk.

30 boyz,shootas,nob,pk,bp

30 boys,sluggas,nob,pk,bp

30 gretchin,3 runtherds.squig hounds.


5 deffkoptas,3 buzzsaws,t/l rokkits


15 kommandos,nob,pk,bp, 2 burnas. Snikrot.


15 lootas.


2 meks,killsaws and 1 kombi skorcha


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Any more play tests before the weekend?


None :(  


TOo busy with work. 

As Ive been reading Morticon's list it is only fair to show him mine.


Warboss Zhadsnark Da Rippa.


Mad Dok


Big Mek: bike,Da Lucky stik,KFF and Killsaw


Painboy; bike BP and grot orderly.



15 bikes,nob,pk,bp

4 bikes,nob,bp,pk

4 bikes,nob,bp,pk.

30 boyz,shootas,nob,pk,bp

30 boys,sluggas,nob,pk,bp

30 gretchin,3 runtherds.squig hounds.


5 deffkoptas,3 buzzsaws,t/l rokkits


15 kommandos,nob,pk,bp, 2 burnas. Snikrot.


15 lootas.


2 meks,killsaws and 1 kombi skorcha



15 BIKES?! O_o

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Any more play tests before the weekend?

None sad.png

TOo busy with work.

As Ive been reading Morticon's list it is only fair to show him mine.

Warboss Zhadsnark Da Rippa.

Mad Dok

Big Mek: bike,Da Lucky stik,KFF and Killsaw

Painboy; bike BP and grot orderly.


15 bikes,nob,pk,bp

4 bikes,nob,bp,pk

4 bikes,nob,bp,pk.

30 boyz,shootas,nob,pk,bp

30 boys,sluggas,nob,pk,bp

30 gretchin,3 runtherds.squig hounds.

5 deffkoptas,3 buzzsaws,t/l rokkits

15 kommandos,nob,pk,bp, 2 burnas. Snikrot.

15 lootas.

2 meks,killsaws and 1 kombi skorcha

15 BIKES?! O_o

Full unit ;)

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Its probably Fair to reveal my list as well.

Since Im one of Moritcon's "heavy hitters" biggrin.png

+++ New Roster (2499pts) +++
++ Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
Ministorum Priest [Close Combat Weapon, Frag & Krak Grenades, Laspistol, Rosarius, The Litanies of Faith]
+ HQ +
Uriah Jacobus, Protector of the Faith [bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Frag & Krak Grenades, Rosarius, The Banner of Sanctity, The Redeemer]
+ Elites +
Repentia Squad [Act of Faith: Spirit of the Martyr]
Mistress of Repentance [Frag & Krak Grenades, 2x Neural Whips]
9x Sister Repentia [9x Eviscerator]
+ Troops +
Battle Sister Squad [Act of Faith: Light of the Emperor, 19x Battle Sisters, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Frag & Krak Grenades]
Sister Superior [bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Melta Bombs]
Battle Sister Squad [Act of Faith: Light of the Emperor, 19x Battle Sisters, Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Frag & Krak Grenades]
Sister Superior [bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Melta Bombs]
+ Fast Attack +
Dominion Squad [Act of Faith: Holy Fusillade, Bolt Pistol, 4x Dominions, Frag & Krak Grenades, 4x Meltagun]
Dominion Superior [boltgun, Combi-Melta]
Immolator [searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer]
Seraphim Squad [Act of Faith: The Emperor's Deliverance, Frag & Krak Grenades, Jump Pack, 10x Seraphim, 2x Two Hand Flamers]
+ Heavy Support +
Exorcist [Exorcist Missile Launcher, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers]
++ Grey Knights: Codex (2014) (Allied Detachment) ++
+ HQ +
Librarian [Frag, Krak and Psyk-out grenades, Nemesis warding stave, Psychic Hood, Psyker [ML 3], Terminator Armour]
+ Troops +
Terminator Squad [brotherhood of Psykers [ML 1], Terminator Armour]
6x Terminator (falchions) [12x Nemesis falchion, 6x Storm bolter]
Terminator (hammer) [Nemesis Daemon hammer, Storm bolter]
Terminator (psycannon) [Nemesis force sword, Psycannon]
Terminator (psycannon) [Nemesis force sword, Psycannon]
Terminator Justicar [Nemesis Daemon hammer, Storm bolter]
+ Fast Attack +
Stormraven Gunship [Ceramite Plating, 4x Stormstrike missile, Twin-linked assault cannon, Twin-linked multi-melta]
+ Heavy Support +
Nemesis Dreadknight [Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis greatsword and power fist, Personal teleporter, Psyker [ML 1]]
++ Fortifications and Stronghold Assault (2013) (Fortification Detachment) ++
+ Fortification +
"Imperial Strongpoint"
Aegis Defense Line [Comms Relay]
Imperial Bastion [Gun Emplacement with Quad-gun, 4x Heavy Bolters]
Imperial Bastion [4x Heavy Bolters]
Created with BattleScribe

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Most years there has only been a 5pt difference between 1st and 2nd ,so the FOC,WYSIWYG and Painting make a huge difference. Its going to be hectic this year as we have some good players coming with the sole purpose of killing stuff with no intention of trying to win the overall competition so their lists are going to be terrifying.


I always refer to this tournament as 'the thinking mans tournament' which is why Ive never won it


The first year of the tournament I did no planning,,just pitched up with 2500 pts. If I hadnt beaten a 10year old kid in the last round I would have come rock bottom which would have been hilarious for my peers as I had been doing well in the regionals and nationals.


I was playing Chaos in those days,before I saw the light.

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Played Nigel's (DirtyRat) Orky list last night.   


Good lordy.   It's far, far scarier on the table.  Played mission 1. 



He got first turn, and I got quite lucky with the draws. Wound up with 17-15 to him.  


I'm now once again feeling more like the CAD over the VSF ><;  So conflicted.

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For what it's worth, the two strats I rolled were:


Night fight, 

-1 to enemy reserves.


I didnt really want either of them and found the lack of reroll to be a bit of a bain. 


I didnt make use of the mysterious objective roll either.  There were also 2 occasions where lack of Obj Sec on my vehicles cost me points (or at least gained my enemy points). 


Pref Enemy was quite nice on the squad though.  I'm thinking of changing the Axe to a Maul so i can help thin out the orkies.  I'm unsure of that though.  


Also, now toying with the idea of a skyshield with ready for take off.  Any thoughts/ideas on that?  I'd lose one razorback to get it. Not sure if i'm just over-reacting - but i feel like i need the firepower on the table.  

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so, having those last minute tweak change thoughts.


I didnt like how my Tacs couldnt hold their own when it came down to it. 


I'm thinking of dropping 5 guys (this will take me down 3 points for comp though) and the grav gun, which will see me gain 85 points.


I'm wanting to use the points to upgrade three sarges to vets with weapons, and then use the ten points for something else like MBs or even another TH termy?


Thoughts here? 

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Went with the CAD btw, and went with this:





MEPHISTON                                                                                                                                       175


                Veritas Vitae, Grav Pistol, Auspex                                                                            125

DAMOCLES RHINO                                                                                                                          75




                4x Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield                                                                          220





                Lascannon, Melta Gun, Melta Bomb.                                                                      175

1x RAZORBACK – Lascannon/twin-plasma                                                                            85


                Lascannon, Melta Gun, Veteran Sarge, Power Sword, Grav Pistol                              210

1x RAZORBACK – lascannon/twin-plasma                                                                             85


                Heavy Flamer, Power Maul, Veteran Sarge, Infernus Pistol                          120

1x RAZORBACK – lascannon/twin-plasma                                                                             85


                Heavy Flamer,  Melta Gun, Veteran Sarge, Power Axe, Infernus Pistol    200

1x DROP POD                                                                                                                                     35




                Legacy of Glory – Schism of mars                                                                              160


                Extra armour, TL-Multimelta, TL-assault cannon                                                 205


                Legacy of Glory – War of Murder                                                                              245




                2x Meltaguns, 1x Infernus Pistol, 1x Grav Pistol                                                  135

1x DROP POD                                                                                                                                     0



                3X Multi-Meltas                                                                                                        165

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