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Road to Veteran's 2015


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Most awesome tournament. Ever. Played old friends and had a ball.


Well run as per normal.


I feel as though Ive been 'Mind Wared'. My brain hurts. So much to do and keep track of.


Just to wind down Im listening to Led Zeps 'Kashmere'. very applicable to the tournie. A long slog.


Cant wait for the batreps and photos.


40k at its best.

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Games were:


1: vs. Tau

2: vs. Orks

3: vs. Daemonkin

4: vs. Sisters/GK

5: vs. Daemonkin/Daemons


Well, does not sound quite as bad as it could have been. Sisters might've been a bit of a pain considering how much armour you had. Still, the last combo looks nasty. It immediately makes me think of an Invisible Houndstar *shudder* (keep calm and apply Imperial Knight to the affected area).

Anyway, I am interested what sort of lists you faced.

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Sorry i've been so pants!

Gonna put up the pics, and fill out the missions when I can!

Game 1: Tau

Cant remember exactly what was in the list but....

They had the Tau formation of Riptide and/or broadsides giving Pref Enemy. with missiles

2x 3 of those - tank hunter and rerolls. dry.png Bleh.

commander with bling


3x Riptides

2x Devil fish

2x 12 firewarriors

2x 15 or 20 kroot

3x3 suits with bling

lots and lots of drones

He won first turn and set up as such.




I responded like such. I knew though, it was going to be a bit of a rough first turn.
I put mephy in the pod, and i put the chappy with the terms - who infiltrated forwad (WL trait). I wanted them on the board to draw fire. In retrospect, I should have had mephy there too.

I took loads of fire and lost all the terms and i think 2 razors.


I was really worried now. Already so much gone.

I moved up where i could, and concentrated on one flank, and on the mission points at hand. I got very lucky with a hit on the orbital on the broadsides - killing all 3 and their drones.

Then, I took two casualties from one of the 3man suits and 1 (maybe two?) casualties from another broadside squad. The BS failed morale!! Whoo hoo.

sicaran i think immobed itself <_<


I take some fire in return, but nothing toooo heavy.
His kroot come on. one on the left flank, and one on the right flank.

The chappy survives the fire from the kroot. Mephy however, doesnt. He goes down cheaply.

In my turn, everything comes on - i vape the kroot on the left, and the chappy engages on the right- vaping them.


I keep going for the points, and trying where i can to mitigate the fire of the big boys. My birds do well to reduce the amount of wounds, and the bikers wind up boosting a lot to grab objectives rather than shoot. My big tac gets caught up in combat with the riptide, who was heavily wounded, and survives numerous rounds of combat with my axe sarge.

I wind up shooting and fighting where i can, and the birds help thin the numbers considerably.

My placement allows me to avoid the main skyfire guys and stay alive where possible. His cheeky devilfish winds up contesting the tech site, meaning I'm prevented from getting the secondary.

I do however get the primary and the tertiary.


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Game 2 vs. the 5 scouting battlewagon ork list.

I cant remember everything that was in the list, but it started off like this:


3 Warbosses on bikes- 1 with lucky stick

1 painboy on bike

1 mekboy with field on bike


5x scouting wagons


20 dudes with klaw nob

20 ard boys with klaw nob

2x grot squads.

1x 30man boy squad (i think)

6-8 or so Nobs with weapons

4 meganobs

15 lootas

1x Deffkopta (ICs go here) and scout

He got first turn.  Deployed like such







First game and player turn.....Turn ONE~!!!!!!!


This absolutely blew my mind.  He didnt shoot, he just boosted EVERYTHING into range.  I couldnt believe how insanely fast this list was.  12" scout.  12" move, 6" boost - it was literally in my face turn one.  Turn two everything would just total me.  

Hoooooowever - there was one thing that my opponent didnt account for - 




did i mention my list has lots of melta?


My list had buckets of melta in it.  Around 12 if i'm not mistaken.  In turn one, the BA counter offensive was sickening. 

I blew up 3 of the 5 wagons and inflcted serious casualties elsewhere.








BA on the counter offensive...


He tried to take me out where he could, but didnt manage to kill anything noteworthy.  Most of my list was still off table anyway.  The bulk of the points anyway. 

When it came on though.....he hurt even more. 


It was bottom of turn 2 and the ork horde's back was already broken.  Sure there were threats - concerns needing to be dealt with -but the damage inflicted was heavy



The fact that i had so much mobile firepower still alive meant i could bring a lot of hurt to the enemy, yet. 




orks trying to push through....

The orks pushed through, trying to kill what they could, where they could, but they knew it wasn't looking good.


Not when I still had mephy, a chaplain and 5 terms still in the raven - ready to jump out.


Termies on clean up...





they got stuck in.  

Really, from this point on- it was pure clean up. 



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Vs. Daemonkin -  Aangrath the Unbound + 2 Thirsters (plus the lord that turns into a thirster).




Something stupid.


Aangrath the Unbound

2x Thirsters - both with bling and sillyness

1x Chaos lord -that when you kill him - turns into a thirster.

1x Daemon Prince 

2x 10 or so Cultists

Chaos Chosen

Land Raider


I completely lucked out here.  There was a roll off in fact as to who i would be playing, as two players had the same score.  I thought i was unlucky to play the Aangrath player - until i realised that the mission special rules were possibly the BEST, BEST match up for me under these circumstances.

It allowed me to burn the tech site- and send one of his units off the table till turn 4 - no doubt that was angraath.

I got first turn too.  


I came down in my pod- and made a terrible tactical choice of trying to kill the prince rather than the raider with the meltacide squad.  No idea why.




it failed and i got countered into oblivion.  The thing was though, that i was very mobile so was focusing on the mission at hand, getting every available point I could - siphoning the plasma and getting the maelstrom objectives where possible. 



bad choice of targets on my part...i went for the princes, hoping to take them down a bit before they started flying -not realising that theyre probably not going not be flying much anyway.  Really poor form on my part.  Should have used the melta for what theyre good at- killing land raiders.  

I failed to get off one wound <_<

Thankfully, it was either a lucky las cannon shot or the orbital (think it was the orbital) that saw me stun the raider.  At least it was stuck for  a turn.




damned flyign things...
He moved his beasties out, as you can see in the pics above, the one on the left to engage centrally, and the one on the right to take out the pod and guys -making very quick work of them.  I lost the pod (raider i think!!), the guys and a razorback,

Thankfully however, I had a stellar counter attack in my turn - the Raptor didnt come on, but the raven did- which meant i could position it, and then start taking control of the center. 


All along though, i was racking up the points, keeping an eye on the first and second missions. 

I destroyed the one thirster on the left. 


By turn 3, he moved his thirster bottom right and...



Took aim on these guys......



with his raider full of possessed! He assaulted the mens and wiped them out.  Thanfully- turn 3 my support came in. 




With the Raptor, the Raven, the Terms, Mephy and crew- i totally destroyed the center and the remaining BTs.  I even had to deal with a 3rd thirster thanks to the wargear


Then Aangraath arrives late to the party - angry that he's been held up. 

My opponent made the huge mistake of deciding to strike him in when he was sent off board (as per the mission).  This meant that he had to land in turn 4! Meaning he could only charge turn 5. Opponent was not happy. 

It took a few turns of shooting, and I took 1 or two wounds off of him, but that was it.  Angry jumped around, while my army moved around grabbing points and mission objectives.  

I wasn't too fussed.   The mission went on to turn 7, but by that turn I was well, well in the lead.  

A fun game, but not particularly threatening as a result of Angry being off board.



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vs. Sisters of the Sacred Beard.

I really enjoyed this game. The opponent is a very solid player, that always brings tough, tough lists.

He cleaned up last year at Vets, but lost out because of composition. This time round he brought a super high comp list that was super hardcore too.

Looked something like this:

Level 3 Libby
10x Terms - various bling
20x Sisters - some bling
1x Immolator
20x Sisters - some bling
1x Immolator
5x Dominions - 4meltas

1x Immolator
10x Repentia

10x Seraphim
Dreadknight - sword, pack, incinerator, psycannon.

Imperial bastion network thingy

So- we set up- i was ready to kick some ass, and my opponent managed to seize on me. I was not happy. It was also a victory point mission, meaning I had to kill stuff of his. He had guys in the bastions, guys off board, and 2 big sister squads. It wouldnt be easy.

He wound up playing uber aggressive, and actually moved his Knight right into my lines on the bottom left.

Added to my woes, he cast some powers, and actually suffered Perils on the first of what would laterbe two models -he rolled a 6 on both of them, granting him a 3++ <_< The knight especially. This meant the knight had a 2++ <_<


dry.png In my turn, i boosted my bikes that were on the bottom left far away from the knight. I moved away generally, leaving one stunned razor behind to take it in the face.

What I did do however, is drop a pod on the doorstep of the bastion- meaning the guys couldnt get out. I shot where i could - doing some damage here and there.

The orbital bombardment went off- hit the building, the turret and the libby on top of it - libby was wounded, and failed his save. However, he had precog, and the reroll saw a 5+ <_< I was bleak. I had chosen to bring down my pod with combat squaded units- that way i could try hold the door up for as long as possible and keep multiple threats open.


The seraphim approached from the top right flank. Thankfully his raven didnt come on this turn.


This is where most of my army repositioned to, away from the Knight.
It allowed me a more central place from which to work. The lascannons tried to take some shots at the vehicles across the way - taking out an immolator or two and stunning the exy over the course of the 2 turns.


You enjoying your bunker?
He maneuvered around- shooting where he could, and sending the knight in to take care of the pod and the guys.


So, in turn 3, I dropped another one down.
Pretty much infuriating him. His other term squad finally got out of their bunker. My raptor had come on blazing away at his seraphim, and his raptor returned the favour. THe knight went up to engage with the pod guys, while the Doms came in on the bottom left flank to take out the razor. The razor squad, with the support of some long range las, eventually wound up wiping out the Doms and the vehicle.



Thankfully i didnt go down!

But by this stage, my terms, and mephy and crew were all out on the board. I had LOADS of melta to bring to bare and LOADS of guns on the table.

I took out the repentia, (who had charged my sicaran) i took out the Knight, the Exy and even shot up the raven.



I charged in to the bunker, eventually wrecking its face too. The game ended turn 4 or maybe 5 (it was the only game i was short on time), and the opponent could do little to come back from not getting enough along the way.

It ended with a solid victory in my favour.


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vs. Daemonkin/Daemons.

So, i'll try do my best at remembering what was what in this list. Im super fuzzy on the details -but largely because of the beer tongue.png

2x Nurgle Princes.
1x Khorne duder on a jugger

17x Hounds

15x Hounds

13x Hounds

8x Letters

8x Letters

Skull Cannon

Soul Grinder

Soul Grinder

2x 3 Bikers with melta

2x 3 Plague Bearers

5 or so possessed

Okay, so try two on this - last one got deleted.

So....looking at the enemies list, I was legitimately worried. The (now fearless) dogs were going to be a huge, huge concern. Added to that, the soul grinders and then the flying Nurgle princes with 2+ cover were also going to be huge, huge issues.

We selected our respective "elite" units as per the mission requirements- he selected his big doge squad, and I selected one of the letter squads.
I then selected my tactical squad in pod and he selected one of the razor squads. The doge squad with the veteran abilities would be really, really tough to deal with.

I got first turn and he scouted forward. The short board edge game may work to my favour- but we will have to see.


He deployed like such: ^

And like such: v


I may have gotten drunk in this game....

But this was my deployment. The sicaran was there to go full on against the Soul Grinder. I figured that 6x s7 rending tank hunter shots would take out the one, and then my melta-cide squad would take out the other, giving me the much needed First Blood.
My thinking regarding setting up so far forward was to allow me a fall back area and room to maneuver in the back should i need it. Chances are I would need it.


The first turn, saw the meltas come in.


Great angle of attack here - BA ready to inflict massive amounts of carnage on the enemy!! RWAR!!!!!


Turned out that massive amount of carnage was nothing.

I wiffed 3 of 4 melta/grav hits, and got nothing to pen on the one that did go through.
My Sicaran also managed to do nothing to the Grinder.
My Damocles then blasted with the s10 orbital - over the bikers hoping to wipe a squad -and...nope nope. Nothing there either.
The multimelta bikers shot off- and maybe damaged a dog. <_<

Not good.

Disastrous first turn.

The enemy then moves forward -completely destroying the melta squad and then popping the razor squad on the left too.


ignore the cents tongue.png

The game proceeded slowly (in terms of enemy casualties!!), with the enemy encroaching on me fast. I needed the raven and the raptor in ASAP.

Things do get a bit blurry here unfortunately, but, basically I skit around trying to shoot what I can, where i can. My reserve rolls are not ideal. I think one of my birds is delayed by a turn or two - think it may have been the raptor.

The Raven does get on fairly soon, and the death squad is able to get out relatively quickly. I launch them at the central doge squad, and whif a stupid amount of attacks- or he gets lucky. Either way, with S10 on meph, and rerolls and 12x S9 hammer attacks rerolled, i still manage to only take out a few dogs -and of course, theyre fearless. <_<

This battle is long and protracted and takes up about 4 combat phases or so.


on the other side, my guys move onwards, and try do as much damage as possible to the target units. I bring my pod down behind the lines of the enemy. The do precious little.


I do manage to take out one of the Princes from shooting with my raptor - which is a good thing- yay monster hunter.

But, the combat that held me up in the middle has taken the bite out of my attack and allowed the dogs on both my flanks to run rampant.

By the time we get into the 5th or so turn, the remnants of my term squad and meph only just make it into combat with his elite unit. They again whiff on the attack, leaving far too many dogs alive.

By the end of it all, the enemy has both my elite units, and the primary objective. I manage to secure the tertiary - and get line breaker and Warlord (for a total of 9 points)

He smashes me with a total of 29 - Primary, Secondary, Linebreaker and FB.



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