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How to kill titans?


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I have an upcoming 3000pt game with two friends.  It is going to be 1500pts of IG(me) and 1500pts of Blood Angels vs 3000pts of Eldar.  The BA player is new to the game and is running a relatively standard list that another friend helped him with.  


We will most likely be going up against a pulsar revenant titan, wave serpents, and possibly an imperial knight.  What are IG's best options for dealing with superheavies outside of bringing your own?  The revenant moves 36" jump jets so a conscript tarpit is never going to happen unfortunately.

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Yeah, superheavies are meant to take on superheavies.


Otherwise, the only thing I'd add to Mehman's suggestion is lots of melta, preferably deep-striking melta. Scions will die like flies to the stuff you are describing will be parked in your enemy's deployment zone, but they will shave-off hull points with meltaguns before they do.

Pask in a vanquisher with two vanquisher wingmen on top of a skyshield with a techpriest standing by to repair them.




shadowswords with 4x Lascannon upgrade and prescience caster


Avenger Strike fighter with missile launchers...it can deepstrike and gets BS4 against ground targets...hello, rear armor!


squadron or two of devil dogs

If your friend is new to the game then I question the merits of bringing the big hitters against him, never mind two of them. It always seems to be Eldars players too...


As mentioned without SHs of your own your only option is to go heavy on the big guns. Delivering melta quickly will be vital but don't forget that you'll also need to come at it from multiple angles as your melta units will get one shot before they're destroyed or it flounces off beyond their reach next turn. Pask and tank commanders as march said will help along with general big guns like artillery.


Don't forget that they mount fearsome guns and capabilities and will be supported by the rest of their army so you don't want to stock up on the most expensive and best options only. The ability to weather the inevitable storm and losses and still throw death back will be the difference between victory and defeat. For example you can expect Pask to get targeted right away, so quantity will be as important as quality.

first of all you'll need to work together with your friend, and see if optimisation is possible.

second, you'll need to get to know what he can do. here's a short overview of what the revenant bring to the game:

-2 strength D large blasts, 4 S5AP3 shots.

-9HP, and a 3+/4+holofield

now this models docks in at nearly 1000 points, making it a very expensive unit! just don't lose focus on the game while you're trying to kill this model, ater all, he can only take out 3 units a turn if you keep your distance. If a unit is not optimal against it, don't bother using it against the titan and use it against something it'll make back its points.


two strength D shots a turn means he'll be eating up your superheavies if you're not carefull. invest in camo netting, it's cheap, and unless he rolls a 6, you'll get your save ;)

the revenant is only 12/12/10 and relies heavily on its 3+/4+ save.


here's a list of units I would recommend fielding:

-manticores.these are THE badboys in your arsenal, as they excell against both the eldar troops, but also all of their vehicles

-special weapon squads with meltaguns, or alternatively triple melta vets with a lascannon to hide in your lines. The knight will likely end up there, wreaking havoc. having some deterent units in your line is a good idea, and maybe catch him by surprise.

-vanquisher squadrons, with divination casting inquisitor psychers nearby. I think 2 of these units should suffice. make sure to invest in enough distracting armour, or otherwise it'll be a nobrainer to focus on your ani-titan units. tactics wisee it's better to split these all up, but in an apoc game timing is essential,and keeping them together in a squadron will save you more time.

-demolishers,as these, well, can wreck anything


if you're up to proxying, or your bloodangel play has the models, you could put triple melta vet squads in droppods and go nuts. such a unit would come in at 125 pts i believe, and is capable of dealing with,well, all the units you've listed he'll be fielding.

I do have one baneblade/shadowsword I can use, but no deepstrike outside of throwing guardsmen from an airplane.  Also, the Revenant is 4x large D blasts, not 2.  I thought pods were dedicated transports, can you start allied units in them?


As for why the SHs are happening, he just recently got the titan and has been itching to use it.  He is also very bitter about our last 2 games and wants revenge against me.  The newbie is just collateral damage.  I'm fully expecting him to pretty much table me in the first 2 turns and then mop up the marines. 

ah yes, an error on my part yet he can still only target 2 units with it, so unless he does some good scattering you can still use that to your benefit.

what models do you have available, and what models does your friend have?

if you're confident you'll be tabled you might as well try an unbound list consisting of 10 lascannon heavy weapon squads. or how about 10 vanquishers in a steel host formation?

actually, with a steel host formation i think you'll be doing about 3-4 hullpoints at best. if i were to do one of those options i think the lascannons are the better option, or even just 9 manticores, that's 9 up to 27 S10 blasts coming down turn 1, far better than 9 vanquisher shots if you ask me!


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