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Alternate berzerker heads?

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I've got a few boxes of berzerkers that I'm assembling for my Daemonkin (and the ETL). However, I don't like the bunny ear helms. Any suggestions on alternates?


I might also see how many bare heads are in the bits box and just try to model horns/tentacles to give them more of a possessed/daemonic look. This might be an option as I do like the look of the non-helmeted warp talon head. They don't have to be daemonic looking though.

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I too would say remove the ears. The berserker helmets look rather good without them.


That or, as you say, raid your bitz box.

It depends how uniform you want them to be.


Another idea popped into my head as I was about click 'post':

Remove the 'ears' and replace them with horns (either GS or from other CSM helms) or add a Mohawk of spikes.

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The Skullreaper's kit has some nice options in it, and I also think that you can get some good milage out of either Chaos Knights or Chaos Warriors from the WHFB range.

As an example of the Skullreapers, I've included an early WIP shot below. These guys though are even taller than the Berzerkers conversions using the torsos standing 40mm to the top of the helm vs 32mm on a standard Chaos Space Marine.


Khornate Chaos Space Marine Before 1



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I like the space wolves blood claws unhelmed heads, lots of angry screaming faces. I like the facial hair and hairstyles, but they might not fit your theme.


I think with the proper colors the forge world night lords terror squad heads could work very well. I plan on using mine for warp talons.

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The Skullreaper's kit has some nice options in it, and I also think that you can get some good milage out of either Chaos Knights or Chaos Warriors from the WHFB range.


As an example of the Skullreapers, I've included an early WIP shot below. These guys though are even taller than the Berzerkers conversions using the torsos standing 40mm to the top of the helm vs 32mm on a standard Chaos Space Marine.








I also support this. They also have some nice bare heads (horns and all), and decent torsos/arms if you want to make any marines who are following Khârn the betrayer when it comes to dress sense. They also have a couple of extra mutations (claw hand and scorpion tail), and lots of nice 'daemon weapons'.

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Thanks for the suggestions!  Some very cool items here that I'll be looking in to as I continue to prep figs for the ETL.  Even if I don't use them for this batch of berzerkers, there are few other projects I have in mind where these ideas will be useful.   

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