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ETL Preparation


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Hey all, apologies if this is the wrong place, but to help out my Chaos Brethern, I've prepared a quick spreadsheet to try and answer the question as to what model purchases represent the best ratio for £££ spent.
It also offers a "effeciancy score" based on the Ratio divided by the base size (on the assumption that base size contributes to the overall size of the model, and thus the complexity and painting time)


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Maybe, but if I was sitting here thinking 'I want to add something to my army from three totally valid choices that I would have bought anyway, which one helps out the ETL the most?' then something like this would be kinda handy.


Besides, as soon as points start getting counted, we're playing a game, and some gamers like efficiency. Its a logical extension of the fact that I painted my low cost high volume stuff for the Call, but saved everything else until the ETL starts.



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Isn't this taking it a little too seriously, is a few pixels in your sig really worth this much effort? :confused: I feel like you're missing the point of the ETL somewhat.

It's just like making an army list!


I like how competitive we are: if someone has limited time but wants to make the biggest contribution they can with the models they have or can afford, I think that's great :)


Most of us will vow crazy vows anyway - that's what the warp does...

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On the one hand, I agree with WarriorFish. The competition is a friendly incentive to motivate completion.


On the other, I see where this could be extremely useful if I had a massive amount of minis to paint. Which would pledge would I likely to be most able to complete? The one with five Warhounds and a Reaver? Or the six squads of 8 Berzerkers?


So it has its ups and downs. And ultimately, all you get out of it is a shiny pixel banner, whose design is dependent on the overall completion status of your mini and the possible ranking of your faction.

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Sure it's competitive but for me that's part of the fun, working out a way to be effecient and offering that help to others. Heck if I'd had access to the other army lists, I'd have added those to the spreadsheet.


All told though, I'm not going to just pick a bunch of special characters as whatever I buy and paint still has to fit into my army.

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Isn't this taking it a little too seriously, is a few pixels in your sig really worth this much effort? confused.gif I feel like you're missing the point of the ETL somewhat.

Do not listen to the unbeliever, you effort will be remember by the gods!!!

To go back OT, different people take different parts of the hobby differently. I am glad Lucio put the effort into this, and made a helpful tool for all chaos players to use. Let this be the first step in our Black Crusade 15.

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We were Tallinn of something similar in the heresy thread. Remember guys ETL is their as a motivation to finish models. Do the models you enjoy not the ones that earn you the most points. Also keep in mind everything you has to represent. Thank you though for the time spent making that list.
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Different people gain different enjoyment from the ETL.


Some a full army painted to basic table standard like Raven Guard, Black Legion, or any of those singular colour chapter that are spray and detail.


Some work on those expensive centre pieces.


No way is wrong so long as you end up with some painted models to add to the collection.

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Different people gain different enjoyment from the ETL.


Some a full army painted to basic table standard like Raven Guard, Black Legion, or any of those singular colour chapter that are spray and detail.


Some work on those expensive centre pieces.


No way is wrong so long as you end up with some painted models to add to the collection.


Anyone who isn't painting for chaos is doing it the wrong way!

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