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BA and the new codex vs new meta?


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To be honest I havent been able to play with our new codex because of a newborn child and other life events. But it's itching and so I wanted to throw the question out there; are we holding our own in this new meta? Are you winning games? What is working and what's not?
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Our new codex holds it's own. It's much more competitive than the codex it replaced (mostly because you can field a lot more models now with the reduced points costs). It's not a strong as Necrons or Eldar or Tau. With the entire army having furious charge and gaining +1 init (with the Baal strike force detachment), all our assault units are much improved.


I've found that DC with jumppacks work very well. Another big improvement over the last codex is commander Dante. He is a beast.

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First of all, congratulations on your newborn! And welcome to the club. msn-wink.gif

Second, I find our new codex pretty powerful, mostly due to the considerable points drop, for it's the first time that I feel like I can field almost everything I need in a list!

Since the release, I've played against Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Space Wolves, IG, Necrons and up to this date I've yet to be defeated. smile.png

The things that work for me the most so far are, the new jump packed-cost efficient DC, and Dante.

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10-man Sanguinary Guard, grav weapons and Dante are the best things from the new dex for me, besides jump death company. The synergy between everything is a pure joy; Dante and the SG go hand-in-glove whilst even a small DC alongside them can wreak havoc thanks to opponents being in a mad dash to shoot up the SG before they get close. The rest of the units give plenty of options for supporting these. I even managed to table an Eldar army with 5 wave serpents and 3 wraithknights, something which I could never have done with the old dex.

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Sanguinary Priest is one of the best support characters around due to his low cost. Fragioso is one of the best things to pop out of a pod for its points. HF Tacs is something I am learning to appreciate. Those are the highlights for me anyway, talking from the perspective of a SW player. SG and DC are amazing wrecking crews, but there are better ones around.

If I was going to make a pure BA army if would consist of two Tac units in Pods, Fragioso in pod, SG unit with SP and Librarian with Gallian's Staff, fast Predators, Grav Bikes and DC. Also Dante. Should be around 2.5k so you can mix and match to your heart's content.

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AP 2 as Dantes silly high initiative and Str5 is crazy.


While we aren't Tau or 'crons, the thing to remember is that we hit harder where most people don't plan for: Assault, if you can break their line and distract the big guns, you've done it! Plus our nobility is top notch for grabbing objectives.

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How are you guys using DC with JP? I've only ever been able to utilise DC effectively in an assault vehicle...

decision fatigue.


jp dc backed up with turn 1 and two drop pod threats means there's nothing they can ignore. have flamer and melta pods drop turn one to pop stuff or strip infantry while jp fnp units run up the table, ready to assault turn two.

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AP 2 as Dantes silly high initiative and Str5 is crazy.


While we aren't Tau or 'crons, the thing to remember is that we hit harder where most people don't plan for: Assault, if you can break their line and distract the big guns, you've done it! Plus our nobility is top notch for grabbing objectives.


Actually, it has been a while since I have seen anyone mentioning Tau, them placing well or hell, even having trouble with them.


However, I can definitely see the difficulties against Necrons. BA melee usually consist of extremely high volume, something that Necrons do not really care all that much about since they have decent save and RP. Look out for those.

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^ Second this. Can't remember the last time I played without at least a Sicaran and often one or two other IA models. The Sicaran is so well suited to BA I keep forgetting it isn't from our codex.

Wha? Sicaran is obviously a Space Wolf tank :O


Seriously though, one of the best tanks in the entire game and a godsend to SM armies who need ranged pressure.

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First of all, congratulations on your newborn! And welcome to the club. msn-wink.gif

Second, I find our new codex pretty powerful, mostly due to the considerable points drop, for it's the first time that I feel like I can field almost everything I need in a list!

Since the release, I've played against Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Space Wolves, IG, Necrons and up to this date I've yet to be defeated. smile.png

The things that work for me the most so far are, the new jump packed-cost efficient DC, and Dante.

Would you mind sharing your list as I am trying to build a competitive army and would really like to see something that is working.

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I think we are fine as a pure BA codex now, but the meta is really about allies. I have only been running pure BA lists, just because thats what i prefer. But if your thinking about BA and meta allied detachments should really be auto-included. With the new Eldar and SM dex around the corner they will hopefully make Cents non drop pod compatible and change serpent shield. All the new 7th dexes are fairly well balanced except maybe the Necron codex, but it's still too early to scream OP.  BA are doing just fine.. :)

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First of all, congratulations on your newborn! And welcome to the club. msn-wink.gif

Second, I find our new codex pretty powerful, mostly due to the considerable points drop, for it's the first time that I feel like I can field almost everything I need in a list!

Since the release, I've played against Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Space Wolves, IG, Necrons and up to this date I've yet to be defeated. smile.png

The things that work for me the most so far are, the new jump packed-cost efficient DC, and Dante.

Would you mind sharing your list as I am trying to build a competitive army and would really like to see something that is working.

My list against which of those?

In my games I generally favor lots of infantry/jump infantry models in expense of vehicles.

For example, in my latest game against SW, I had 56 models in a 1750pts game:


TDA Librarian ML2 with Galian Staff+SS,

Sang Priest with VE,Auspex,pistol and JP

2 5man squads of JP DC +fist & PW each,

8 WW+fist+2 Grav pistols,

5 Assault Terminators+ 3 TH/SS

10 Tacticals+Gravgun+HF

10 Tacticals+Gravgun+HF

10 Assault Marines with fist, melta flamer.

I won 9-2, including behind enemy lines and slay the warlord (by a bolt pistol tongue.png)

His list had 3 units of Grey hunters with rhinos and a razorback, a wolflord and wolf guard on thunderwolves, 2 lone fang squads, 2 swiftclaw squads with meltas and Attack bikes, and 10 JP wolfguard, a squad of scouts and a unit of bloodclaws.

Against Tau the list was similar, except I swapped Assault termies with a second 10man Assault squad like above, the Librarian swapped the TDA for a JP.

IIRC, he fielded an Ethereal, 3 squads of Fire Warriors, 2 Pathfinders, a piranha, 2 Crysis Squads with plasma, fusion blaster, missiles and drones, a unit of Broadsides with shield drones and finally a Riptide.

Against Space Wolves I used the Baal Strike Force, and against Tau, Necrons etc, I use CAD.

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