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Deathwind Launchers on Drop Pods ?


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Hey guys !


So, I've never considered using a Deathwind Launcher on a Drop Pod, but I'm going to try a Podded Dreadnought for a few games to support my Raven Guard army in preparation of a league.


I also will play a Stormraven on this list, and I was thinking about using it as a ferry for the Dreadnought in the cases I don't want him on the board in the first turn.


So, rather than dropping an empty Pod, I was thinking that if I go for dropping the pod without the Dreadnought, the Deathwind could have been a great area denial tool which might piss off the opponent.

And if I drop the Dreadnought, I was thinking that it would help to provide a bit more oomph to the arrival of the mighty veteran.


But since I have definitely zero experience with the Deathwind launcher, I'd love if you guys could share some of what happened when you fielded that !


Cheers :)

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I've used it a few times against my usual Necron opponent. While it usually didn't do all that much damage, it did two things that I found useful: it irritated the heck out of my opponent and it scared him enough that he wasted fire to take out the pod when he honestly could have left it. Since he was playing 'crons, his weapons were able to take it out very easily but still. I think it stayed on the board for two turns at least every time, and it definitely disrupted his plans. 


I'd say try it out. Having some options for that dread sounds like a good idea to me. 

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Cheers Jeff ! That's very interesting feedback :) As long as it pisses off the opponent, forces him to take shots away and creates a bubble 24" away where his infantry might try to avoid, that's all I'm hoping for !

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One is ok, multiple can cause kill zones. For one pod I wouldn't bother, but for 3+ I consider it an auto include.

I can imagine that 3+ would likely wipe out an area ^^ I only plan to have one drop pod (it's for a league play where duplicate units including dedicated transports are disallowed) for the Dreadnought which I might or might not put in the pod. I'll playtest with only one and definitely expect nothing amazing and see how it goes from there smile.png

Obviously you are taking it as a transport option, which you might not use all the time. If you really want to throw a spanner in the works... A big time distraction, you need to look at the deathstorm drop pod.

This would be a great idea ! Unfortunately, it's for a league and FW models aren't allowed :/ Which is why I thought about using the Deathwind as a micro Deathstorm :p

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This would be a great idea ! Unfortunately, it's for a league and FW models aren't allowed :/ Which is why I thought about using the Deathwind as a micro Deathstorm tongue.png

The Deathstorm was originally the Deathwind... Curses, foiled by league rules again.

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I'd say if you're going to take a Deathwind Pod purely to drop empty, it's kind of a waste of the Pod.  The only way I'd consider that is if the Pod is ObSec (ie. taken with Tactical Squads).  That said, it's not a bad upgrade for the cost if you want to add some legit threat to the Drop Pod, though in the long run the Storm Bolter will probably do about as much damage (given the longer range).

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I'd say if you're going to take a Deathwind Pod purely to drop empty, it's kind of a waste of the Pod. The only way I'd consider that is if the Pod is ObSec (ie. taken with Tactical Squads). That said, it's not a bad upgrade for the cost if you want to add some legit threat to the Drop Pod, though in the long run the Storm Bolter will probably do about as much damage (given the longer range).

Definitely agree with you here smile.png I don't plan on purely dropping it empty, in most cases the Dreadnought will ride in it. But sometimes it might be strategically more valuable to have the Dreadnought ride the Stormraven to arrive later, so I would drop it empty in this case.

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