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Iron Warrior Tester (First model in over four years!)


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Hi all! Got a local tournament coming up in a couple of months and I've finally worked most of the bugs out of my list. I'll be running a nurgle list, but with an Iron Warrior paintjob.  Soooo, without further ado, here is the test mini!  This is the first marine I have done in about four years, so I'm pretty happy with how he turned out.  I've got some more basing material coming in the mail, but until then it's plain ol' drybrushed gravel.




Was meant to be a little above table top quality.  C&C! ^_^



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@ Inquisitor Seylek

Stripes can be a pain. Most use a base layer, and then really thin down the paint to be used for the stripes. Use an edge of sorts (plastic ruler) to draw the lines, and then fill in your stripes afterwards.


Or you can use frog tape(or whatever brand of painters tape you can find) and make really thin strips. Fill in the uncovered sections, and BOOM. Hap- err... Grimdark little stripes.



That is an AMAZING model mate! Being a combination Iron Warrior/Nurgle model, I only have a single complaint. Not dirty enough. Needs more grime, some rust and oxidation (perhaps on the backpack?)


That aside... really impressive work. Not bad for a four year hiatus. Almost like you never stopped!

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As a former IW player, though I still intend to do a CAD with IW, I love it.


Also I have to disagree Brother Talon, if you've read the book Storm of Iron (and if you haven't I would really suggest doing so, it's amazing) you'll notice that pre-battle IW armour is clean and grime free on the outside with an oily-ish surface due to the polishing, so I think this model looks exceptional, almost as if they're preparing the siege and starting the battle.

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