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Astronomican Ghosts : a loyal space marine chapter

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Hi all,


As a presentation, what would be better than some pics of my personnal chapter : the awesome Astronomican Ghosts ?

Nothing too much fancy but good table top minis and space marines in a desertic environment.


Let's have a little game : what kind of chapter doctrine do you think I use ?


The first members of a devastator squad :




Assault squad n°5 (5 more are arriving soon) :


The "Sanctis Animi" vindicator :


An epistolary with a magnetized force sword :


Objective marker n° 1 :

Did you the white panthers for that scheme?(i could be incredibly wrong, away from resources) everything looks amazingly well painted! Soo we can't pick a doctrine without some fluff, so share your story, how do these marines fight?

Hi all,


Thanks for the amazing replies.

This paint scheme was created for a nice, bright table top army as I have enough of dark and unreadable minis.

That was also designed to be able to play with any doctrine or Space marines codecii.

So what's your feeling on this ?


I'm still on the creation process for the fluff but :

- they are originated from the macharian sector

- they patrol the exterior border of this sector where the light of the Astronomican is very tiny

- their chapter symbol is the crowned skull

- their battle devise : Each Bolt round counts.

- they may be childs of red scorpions

Oh sorry. I think there is certainly a misunderstanding due to my pour english skills.


I am not looking for a doctrine to choose. My goal is be able to play the codex or doctrine I want without giving wrong information to my opponent due to modelism or hobby.

  • 2 weeks later...

Some news : an Ironclad dreadnought



Thanks deathspectersgt7.


Here is the beginning of the chapter's fluff, as english is not my mother tongue please be comprehensive (still CIP, Chapter In Progress) :


This chapter was recently created from progenoid glands of Red Scorpions.
Battle cry: "Every bolt counts !"

Internal organization: The chapter is divided into 10 large companies. The composition of the types of squads is not fixed within companies but varies according to the needs of the captain. Thus each Space Marines, even those are specialised, must expect to see his role evolved due to logistical necessities and tactical or strategic needs.

Missions: The Chapter patrols in the most extreme part of the territory recovered during macharian crusade. The Astronomican there is so tenuous that it is difficult to navigate between systems. So those who will never see the Emperor light shine with strength took the name of Astronomican Ghosts to recall their dedication and courage when watching where humanity has ever dared to travel.

Relations: Chapter maintains excellent relations with the great imperial organizations and Mechanicum. On the one hand they have a crucial task for the Imperium in this sector and on the other hand the chapter really needs to have an efficient logistic support to continue his mission.

Recruitment: although young, the chapter has a relatively large catchment area from the worlds conquered last in the macharian crusade and can rely on a pool of childs of hardened veterans of the Imperial Guard. The tests are performed on each planet once all imperial years by the apothecaries of the chapter. Only the best subjects are selected but the chapter knows that if necessary it may decide to rapidly increase its selection quotas.
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody,


Some news in my current projects :


3 objective markers

And veteran sergeant Justus


Next time :

Little friends and Justus and a drop pod.

These are brilliant! They remind me of their parent chapter (good idea). Love the battleworn look you have achieved. Bright but dirty.


I must say I love your objective markers. A simple but well executed and fantastic idea!


What more do you have planned?


Loving this so far!


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