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[Fluff] New Adeptus Titanicus Legion


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Hi guys I need a fluff check from some of the older 40k players. I have been playing a long game of Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy RPG campaign for the last couple of years and we are at the stage that a new Forge World is going to be inducted by Mars. For narrative reasons on my 40k Army I wish to make my Skitarii from this new forge world along with my knights. While all this is not a real issue I was wondering how a new forge world would go about creating a new Titan Legion. Mind you for context of time the nerrative when this campaign is taking place is in M33.

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Perhaps the same way a business might break into a new market. Set aside a small amount of seed money/resources, move a few people out there and check back later. If they grow and survive, re-integrate them into the parent company and repeat. If they don't, cut the project loose and repeat.
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The origins of Titans are pre-imperial, so the world might have it's own Titans already but not organised into a Legio but in some other indigenous structure. And any existing Titan force may not be too happy with the restructure and new doctrine. They may also have fallen into disrepair, key technologies for them lost. Sitting in giant facilities slowly rusting or worshipped as statues of gods. So there could be a lot of repair and maintenance work needed as well as search for selection and training of candidates with the rare neural architecture for moderati and princeps.

And if the local forgeworld has some variation on the doctrine of the Cult Mechanicus and some or all of them were worshipping the rusty immobile Titans as saints or avatars of the Omnissiah they might see the interlopers messing around with activating and piloting them as blasphemers and try and prevent it. They might even have some obscure nebulous prophecy about when the Omnissiah walks doom will come etc. So the project could face sabotage (not of the holy avatar titans of course, but everything else around them is fair game), pilots could be targets of bombs and tech-assassins.

If there's a Knight world associated with the Forgeworld there might also be conflicts from upstart Nobles of Knight houses who won't like the idea of being shifted from the Forgeworld's ultimate defenders to scouting for the bigger machines. And so might challenge trainee titan pilots to honour duels and the like!

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I like some of the elements you are talking about. I will however do some minor modifications to them. The indigenous Titans aer an Archeotech Cache on the world of Bel-Farrei a Knight World by current classification. Bel-Farrei is a colony of the Rogue Trader Dynasty House Yesfir who has strong ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus of the Hesperus Cluster. The Titans were recently rediscovered in an archaeological dig site lead by Explorator Myr Zephron. All of this is happening in M33 and the colony was established in M32.738 the world itself was uninhabited and lacked any life or atmosphere but had clear pre-imperial ruins as well as an extremely high level of rare metals and common industrial metals.

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