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Baal Predator


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Ok, Baal Predator ....  I have never fielded a Baal Predator as part of my Blood Angels army. I tend to be assaulty but lately I've been adding some Rhinos and tactical squads for an armored advance or a gun line. Which version of the Baal Predator do you tend to get the most mileage out of?


FYI some of the other units/vehicles I have in my army are a Stormraven (MM, AC, Hurricane bolters), Land Raider Crusader, 2 Razorbacks (HB, TL LC), 2 Rhinos, and 3 pods.





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I've never used the flamestorm cannon since it's not a torrent. I don't mind getting close but being inside an enemy unit is too close for a tank with that armor. 


The Baal generally does well at mulching soft targets. I always take a destructor over a baal if I have the choice though given the points. In larger games I'll run both.

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I always take a destructor over a baal if I have the choice though given the points.

You will always have the points as the destructor is cheaper than the baal, with similar upgrades (overcharged engines on the destructor). 85 for the destructor, 115 for the baal.


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Assault Cannon with Bolter sponsons is the most mileage if your gonna take it. I bring it to mix it up and for fun, but they never make their points back.. IA stuff is much better, too bad they can't balance FW vs Normal mech esp. for Space Marines.

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Hello, fellow brothers!


I do not have too much to add to the thread linked by Quixus.

I used to field triple-flamer Baal Predators and I loved the smell of marines roasted alive on 2+ with no saves of any kind allowed.

Too bad AV10 rear armour means these beauties are pretty easy to glance to death in CC and AV11 side armour means It is pretty easy to penetrate. The triple-flamer variant was hit like a ton of bricks by losing Scout USR. No more outflank means BP will spend 2 turns lumbering towards the enemy. I doubt BP could drive down the field without being ripped apart.


I believe the dakka-dakka variant (TL Assault Cannon & Heavy Bolter sponsons) is not a bad option. Compared to the other medium tanks (Predator & Vindicator) It is more effective against infantry, termies, monsters and light tanks because of the sheer volume of fire It brings. And It is fairly effective against heavy tanks (rending) and flyers (TL & rending), too.

This variant is flexible. Very effective against certain targets and a threat to (almost) anything. (AV14 around is the exception.) And I just love flexibility.


Captain Obvious


PS Sickaran is OP like almost any other thing from FW from Land Raider Achilles to Mortis Dreadnaught.

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PS Sickaran is OP like almost any other thing from FW from Land Raider Achilles to Mortis Dreadnaught.

Going to have to roll my eyes at that one.



FW is rarely game breakingly OP. Extremely few things are. Most FW things are generally overpriced for their performance or easily taken out of commission. You can come with an entire army of Achilles and I will laugh at you because the offensive capabilities might seem OK on paper but extremely poor in practice.

Sicaran is one of the best balanced things. This is what a SM tank should be. It matches the lore and can hold its own against the variety of Xenos tanks. The Predator is too weak.

So yeah, instead of complaining, try to analyse the units and see whether they are just as strong on the board as they seem on paper, because chances are that they are not.

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IMO they should have left Scout on the Baal.  It wasn't unbalanced in my experience and gave the Flamestorm Baal a reason to exist.  As it is, the only way to run one effectively is the AC/HB sponsons build, and this comes at a premium cost not really reflected in performance.  I don't think the Baal is bad, it's just not as good as it should be for its points cost (compare to an Assault Cannon Razorback or Land Speeder Tornado, for example).

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Baal predators are very good tanks, when you roll good... I always run 1 or 2 of those, with AC and HB, most often they perform good. From worst to best performance, in a game, from a single baal it would at worst after  rounds of firing a total of 60 bullets, killing a single Grey knights terminator. At best, trashing over 400 pts of Orks over 5 turns of battle.


The best parts with baal is that it can keep up with assaulty parts of the army, have good loadout and threathens anything on the table. 

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IMO they should have left Scout on the Baal.  It wasn't unbalanced in my experience and gave the Flamestorm Baal a reason to exist.  As it is, the only way to run one effectively is the AC/HB sponsons build, and this comes at a premium cost not really reflected in performance.  I don't think the Baal is bad, it's just not as good as it should be for its points cost (compare to an Assault Cannon Razorback or Land Speeder Tornado, for example).

And like those two, It should be a fast attack choice.
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Ran a dakka Baal Pred in a 2k game yesterday in a jump pack heavy list and I was happy with its performance. Of course it didn't make its points back, but it did soak up some krak missiles and las, caused a few casualties before being glanced out, and my las Pred went on to survive the whole game.

Its a great option to make your opponent pick between front av13 targets.


*edit- fargin auto correct is gash dang useless ain't it?

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I never tried the flamer variants and I never play with Baal predators in 7th edition. If you do play with them I prefer the assault cannon / heavy bolter combo. I add a storm bolter and let them hold a flank. Now I prefer vindicators in this codex/edition.

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As far as I can tell, FA is even more crowded than HS in a typical list. If it was still FA, you'd have even less reason to take it tongue.png

But yeah, removing Scout really hurt it.

When it was a FA choice, it opened up AV13 wall lists (Baal Preds + normal Preds/Vindies). Now I just don't see the point. Normal dakka pred does almost the same anti-infantry job for cheaper and at longer range (ergo, less chances of getting side-shotted). And let's not even go into comparing with fast Vindies.

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I'm disgusted with what GW did to the Baal in the new book. Completely irrelevant now that they are HS.

As far as I can tell, FA is even more crowded than HS in a typical list. If it was still FA, you'd have even less reason to take it tongue.png

But yeah, removing Scout really hurt it.

True, in a way, but it wasnt so much that FA was available, it was just that it wasnt HS, so you could take three baals and three preds or three baals and three vindicators.

FA was also available, because it only had speeders, bikes and VanVets(?), but that wasnt the primary draw.

With 6 AV13s, your Tactical Rhinos were a lot easier to defend, throw in some AV13 Dreads in pods and you could conceivably have 10 AV13 vehicles.

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PS Sickaran is OP like almost any other thing from FW from Land Raider Achilles to Mortis Dreadnaught.

Going to have to roll my eyes at that one.



FW is rarely game breakingly OP. Extremely few things are. Most FW things are generally overpriced for their performance or easily taken out of commission. You can come with an entire army of Achilles and I will laugh at you because the offensive capabilities might seem OK on paper but extremely poor in practice.

Sicaran is one of the best balanced things. This is what a SM tank should be. It matches the lore and can hold its own against the variety of Xenos tanks. The Predator is too weak.

So yeah, instead of complaining, try to analyse the units and see whether they are just as strong on the board as they seem on paper, because chances are that they are not.


Listen to the man.


Predator is fine - Sicaran is OP.

Predator is too weak - Sicaran is balanced.

Different words, same meaning.


In case your playgroup is fine with FW (mine is more than reluctant), bring a Sicaran instead of Baal Predator, Predator or Vindicator.

If not, all three are fine additions to your army. Which one is the best, depends on the enemy.


Captain Obvious

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PS Sickaran is OP like almost any other thing from FW from Land Raider Achilles to Mortis Dreadnaught.

Going to have to roll my eyes at that one.



FW is rarely game breakingly OP. Extremely few things are. Most FW things are generally overpriced for their performance or easily taken out of commission. You can come with an entire army of Achilles and I will laugh at you because the offensive capabilities might seem OK on paper but extremely poor in practice.

Sicaran is one of the best balanced things. This is what a SM tank should be. It matches the lore and can hold its own against the variety of Xenos tanks. The Predator is too weak.

So yeah, instead of complaining, try to analyse the units and see whether they are just as strong on the board as they seem on paper, because chances are that they are not.

Listen to the man.


Predator is fine - Sicaran is OP.

Predator is too weak - Sicaran is balanced.

Different words, same meaning.


In case your playgroup is fine with FW (mine is more than reluctant), bring a Sicaran instead of Baal Predator, Predator or Vindicator.

If not, all three are fine additions to your army. Which one is the best, depends on the enemy.


Captain Obvious

It is not the same. Sicaran is balanced compared to mainstream armour of other factions while the Predator can not compete. This is not solely about the power difference between Sicaran and Pred.

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