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Alpha Legion Vs Sons of Horus

Michael Cooper

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Having a game with a friend, 2000 pts each, we are both bringing our respective primarchs, I have a feeling he will be bringing a Spartan assault tank with 10 Justearan and abaddon with horus in it, this is a guess but a good guess, leaving him 600pts to spare on other models, which I think may also include a Whirlwind scorpius
For my list I have the following:

Alpharius - 415pts
5 x vets in rhino (with sniper) - 160

(all one unit)

5 x terminators (4x fists) - 195


10 x vets in rhino (with sniper) - 235


5 x lascannon squad - 235

1x master of signal - 85 (for the +1BS and bombardment)


5 x plasma cannon squad - 210


1 x sicaran (side las) - 175


1 x predator - 125 (side las)


1 x medusa - 155


This comes to 1990 pts

The whole army will have preferred enemy (re-roll 1's to hit and wound)

Idea is to attempt to pop the Spartan open, then plasma/ medusa/ sniper the terminators inside, then confront horus with alpharius when hes weakened

any ideas or tactics I can bring to this fight? any suggestions on different units I could use instead, possibly thinking about using a sicaran venator instead for maximum anti-tank firepower

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Agreeing with Kitwulfen here unless you're using a different force org. but your opponent shouldn't be any more units than what you've already mentioned, horus and abaddon alone come to 720 points and around 1000 for a Spartan and 10 justaerin.

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I wasn't aware of the support officer rule :') but it was 2000pts so you can double up your force organisation.

I was however successful in the game, I did instead take out the sicaran for a venator, dropped the plasma cannon squad and put in a predator and an apothecary to my primarchs squad

He had the Spartan (with horus, 10 justearan and a librarian) with a medusa, basilisk and 10 vets in a rhino

I went first (he failed to steal the initiative on a 4+)
I blew up the rhino with 1 predator, then the orbital strike from the master of signals killed what was inside
I took out the basilisk with the medusa and other predator
Combined fire from the venator and lascannons took 3 hull points off of the spartan

His turn he popped the termis out and blew up my primarchs rhino, killed off the vets in that squad, leaving my primarch and apothecary remaining, he failed his charge so was standing in the open

My turn I killed 5 of his terminators, his Spartan and medusa from shooting, missed my charge against his primarch

His turn he charged Alpharius, took him down a few wounds, this combat lasted until his next turn when he killed alpharius, leaving horus on 2 wounds left and 5 justearan,

My turn, I shot everything into the squad, including a medusa shell, 3 direct hits from a executionor cannon, bolter fire and lascannons, the squad killed and horus on 1 wound, horus moved closer to my guns in his turn and killed a few of the other vet squad

Horus was slain in my turn by my lascannon team

All in all a good game, he did have bad rolling throughout the game and I was very lucky with the accuracy of my blasts, plus he was outnumbered greatly and my preferred enemy from alpharius was handy on more than one occasion

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You cannot double up force orgs in 30k ala the 6th ed rules, nor can you take multiple CAD detachments as in the 7th ed rules.  Army building in 30k is different - you get what's on the Age of Darkness force org, and that's pretty much it.  If you two had fun playing the lists you guys had, then more power to you.  Whatever house rules you guys are happy with - just recognize that the list you were using wouldn't normally be permissible.

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And I wasn't aware of the no double force org in 30k lists xD yeah we are good friends and we play just for the fun of it really, but if I was ever to play against anyone else I will definitely take that into consideration, thanks for pointing it out xD
yeah the more men the better, I usually play tyranids and it works well when I play them xD
yeah hes a very bulky model (3) plus 6 vets (6) plus an apothercary (1), so all adding up to the transport capacity of 10 in the rhino :P the downside is having to wait a turn after disembarking to charge, and Av11 xD
master of signal is alright... I was just lucky with him tbh, my friend placed his models rather precariously and I managed to get 3 shots on his bombardment thing, he was mainly there to fill the hq slot (which turns out wasn't allowed) and for the plus 1 bs on my lascannon squad, that combined with preferred enemy made them horrifyingly accurate xD

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