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Knight Magaera with Skitarii?


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I'd like to take a Knight Magaera with the new Skitarii but am figuring out how to do so.


Ok, as I understand it:


+ You can take a single Knight Magaera as a LoW;

+ But The Skitarii Detachment doesn't have an LoW slot;

+ And, Skitarii can't form a CAD;

+ Which leaves taking the Magaera as a separate Knight Detachment;

+ Which requires taking a second Knight as the Magaera can't outnumber other Knights;


+ Unless, I add the Magaera as the single LoW in an Allied Detachment like MTs with maybe a cheap Commisar and a 5-man Scion squad (that I can mock up as a Magos and Thralls).


Does that sound right and are there alternatives around the current rules?


Also, the Knight Styrix can't be taken in 40K right?

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There is no fluff worth over-spending points on a substandard unit. The Pally does more for less. Yes, it lack the bells and whistles the Magaera seems to possess, but you pay 20-45 points more for crappy base weapons, 6+ IWND, an odd flamer, and a claw that wrecks buildings. Not worth it, at all.



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