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Which to choose?


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So I ran into a conundrum and was wanting the community's opinion. I want to run a psyker with my Dev. Squads for prescience and I found that for the same amount of points I can either run Ultramrines tactics with Tigurius for 165 points OR I can run Sentinel's of Terra tactics with a vanilla Libby and use Inquisitor Cotaez in an allied detachment. My list is a drop podding list with stormtalon and TFC and Dev Squad support. Obviously with my list I would like to run the Sentinel's tactics since I think it synergies well with my list, but also Tiggy is very good as well. So what is your opinions on which would be more viable or should I just try both and see how it works out. I use a custom chapter so I am open there just FYI. Thanks in advance.      

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The question is, do you value one unit with prescience per turn at 165 points or whatever Coteaz costs so much that you're ready to bend your fluff for that combo ? ;)


I can understand that Prescience is an interesting power to have, especially on high quality shots like Devastators. But, to put things into perspective, 165 points will get you two Landspeeder Typhoons and a Deathwing Launcher on one of your pods, or another Stormtalon. Obviously, your Devastators will miss a bit more than previously, but you had so much more dakka that it's worth it because in absolute you'll have more firepower per turn.


Just food for thought !

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Okay, I thought you had an HQ already ;)


I didn't mean to say that Divination was bad by any means :) But I felt that for 165 points it was a bit too expensive for my liking. Tigurius is a great character and you could use him as a mean Biomancy/Telepathy/Pyromancy shooty/buffy type of HQ thanks to ML3 and rerolls failed Psychic Tests ;)

How much is Coteaz ?

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Let me give you something else to mull around. Prescience is a nice thing to have but the higher your BS, the less it does for you. Those Space Marines are already hitting things 67% of the time. Prescience will let them re-roll the misses so it adds 67% of 33%. In short, they will be 22% more effective.


How many points are you spending on your Devastators?

How many points are you spending to give them Prescience?


If your Devistators are not AT LEAST 4 to 5 times the cost of your witch payker then you are losing potential and may want to consider finding other ways of adding in a few big guns. Either that or find a cheaper heritic.



In other words, using special characters just to get Prescience for BS4 marines is a colossal waste of points. Consider using those points on another Devistator squad or allying with a bog standard Inquisitor sans upgrades.

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Hmmmm. So basiacally I am paying 165 points to increase my hit chance with 4 lascannons by 10%. Mathematically that does sound dumb. Now that being said there still is a lot I can do with Tiggy, but which is better? Tiggy or Sentinels of Terra chapter tactics? something to think on.

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Remember that there's more to Tiggy than just his psychic powers. IIRC he'll be able to do deny the witch for anyone within 12" on a 4+ most of the time. Then and this is big for your army especially since you'll have at least three units in reserve at the beginning of turn 2, is that you can reroll reserves because of him.


But if you are using him just for one or so powers then don't.

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