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Slaanesh Terminators

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For slaanesh 4 with dual claws + 1 with HF LC + icon of excess is pretty funny



Gotta get lucky with the Deepstrike but they can tear s*** up. I like to give them Combi-Plasmas just in case you drop out of range. But Slaanesh Termis with LCs look badass and that the main reason to take any unit, right?

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If you are taking 2x claw terminators its probably better to take a landraider than deepstrike them. I like the Landraider Spartan as it has frag launchers, which makes sure you don't lose the advantage of that lovely I5.


If you are thinking about deepstrike then go with combi weapons and power weapons of your choice.


I like 3x melta and 2x plasma combi in the squad, backed up with powerlances and one chainfist.


This is completely personal preference, I think power mauls probably work out as the best all-round power wep for the points.

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Can deepstrike work for non termicide squads? I'm running a mech list to a land raider coudl be cool, but it pretty much doubles the cost of the squad.
I was thinking maybe just keeping them cheap other then vets, mos and a few combi reapons with one with a powerfist and reaper autocannon, is a chainfist worth the extra points?
I'm thinking deepstrike and hopefully bust a tank or elite unit, then try to get into combat. Do people ever use the slaanesh standard with them?

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So I'm wanting to add a unit of allied terminaotrs to my Thousand sons, the idea being traitor scars who have fallen to Slaanesh, so I was wondering what sort of loadouts had people had luck with terminators outside of naked Termicide?


That sound really cool, always though be cool to see a Fallen White Scar's force.  Just to say might be worth checking out the Horus Heresy novel Scar's if you've not already read it?


What sort of role are you wanting for the unit?



Can deepstrike work for non termicide squads? I'm running a mech list to a land raider coudl be cool, but it pretty much doubles the cost of the squad.

I was thinking maybe just keeping them cheap other then vets, mos and a few combi reapons with one with a powerfist and reaper autocannon, is a chainfist worth the extra points?

I'm thinking deepstrike and hopefully bust a tank or elite unit, then try to get into combat. Do people ever use the slaanesh standard with them?


I never use my deep strike terminators for termicide. 


I general use my Terminators as a counter unit, along with standard going for elite unit, moster - Writhknight, tanks & depend how the gaming going for Line Breaker points. 

See how the flow of battle goes as it where.  Main part of my list is my Chaos Lord - Narach with the Axe of Blind Fury, Combi Plasma & MoK.  Then I have 3-4 Terminators with Combi Plasma.  Since last year added Sorcerer Nârik Gharrok, Lv2 w/familiar, just to help give my unit that edge with Bio or Divination.  I've still to try out the rest of the psychic power just test out, but it mainly been both Bio & Divnation in my current games.

My Terminators unit been well know in the gaming commuinty here.  When I was adding in a Knight ally last year, just rememeber everyone who know me tell me to keep my Terminators unit along with my Lord that all cost, one of my most trusted unit along with my Obliterators & my Chaos Marine units. 

Then during the event one my oppent & friend (fought there Wolves round 3?) that Rapid Fire suggesting about adding in a Sorcerer help give them that edge.


I just want this unit to be a hard hitting unit both shooting & combat.  My terminators general take Power Axe, just I don't want to be stuck in close combat.  I just found the most I'm stuck in combat, more save & most chance I'm going to loss out with my dice rolling.

I am about to add a Chainfist to the unit to help soon (just spent a bit of time today painting the new Battle Brother) for Throne of Skulls which has 1875pts, just I have spare 25pts & it help allow me to add this to my unit.  Just in the event I come across say a Knight or against a Dreadnought.  Also look cool model wise.

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Was thinking of using a termi lord model I converted with brand and lightning claw, my Tzeentch terminators have axes as they are more liekly to survive, with mark of Slaanesh I'd only go for maces, maybe some lightning claws or power swords as well, I'm torn on the idea of lances as they have no benefit if charged, whilst the others at least keep their bonus's so to speak.

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Can deepstrike work for non termicide squads? I'm running a mech list to a land raider coudl be cool, but it pretty much doubles the cost of the squad.

I was thinking maybe just keeping them cheap other then vets, mos and a few combi reapons with one with a powerfist and reaper autocannon, is a chainfist worth the extra points?

I'm thinking deepstrike and hopefully bust a tank or elite unit, then try to get into combat. Do people ever use the slaanesh standard with them

The Landraider is not just a transport like a rhino. Think more like a Predator with extra transport, so while it might double the cost of the squad don't forget what else it brings to the battle.  


The chainfist is worth it over the powerfist for the anti tank punch.  The powerfist does not really do anything that a power axe cant do for free.  


The reaper autocannon is one of the most ridiculously overcosted items in the codex and to be avoided.  Its 15 points more than the standard autocannon and is actually less useful.  If you want to bust tanks you could have 2x (and a half) combimeltas for the same price.


To make the Icon of excess worth it on terminators then you need to max out the squad. That gets it down under the 5pts a model mark.


The kind of strategy you are suggesting might be more effective with 2 or 3 obliterators deepstriking instead, but I don't recommend you put mark of slannesh on those guys.

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What power weapon do people give the champion (I'd give him lightning claws but the charecter costs for them don't seem worth it on a one wound champion of chaos) I'm leaning towards maces for the rest of the squad due to the strength going nicely with the extra initivtave, but was thiking of mixing a guy with claws or a sword in there for ap3, so could a power sword be worth it on the champion? 

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The sword is an ok choice.


The other weapon I often use on my slannesh champions is the power lance, which looks cool and is more powerful than the sword on the charge.


In a 'take all comers' type list I usually put the chain-fist on the champ as his extra attack and ''look out sir' tend to make him

1. stick around longer  2. Make it more likely to do damage with the fist.  3. Make things like dreadnoughts reconsider charging the squad.


However in combat with standard infantry; I get worried that he has to challenge and is fighting last (wasting that nice I5). With his 2+ save he is usually fine, but it is something to consider.  This isn't a problem if your squad has an independent character attached as the IC can do the challenges and the Champ can smash face with the chain-fist.

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The champion has the same number of attacks as the other terminators in the codex.

Must admit I've never used a power lance, it the whole only good for one turn if you charge that gets me, especially with the terminator squad as it's deepstriking and a lot of my opponents are loyalist marines, orks or eldar or tau (yeah I know the terminators won't do well against the last two but if your using the chaos dex you've pretty much already lost if you face those two even in casual play.)

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Same, only games I play competitily are BFG, LOTR and maybe X wing, the balance of 40k has just put me off, as have been the times I  faced a tourny player who despite claiming to be taking fun lists still took power lists.
Is boon of mutation ever worth it on termi champs? (I'm modelling one atm, hence the questions on it :P

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The champion has the same number of attacks as the other terminators in the codex.


Oops sorry, my bad.  I can't quite shake the idea that "champions" supposed to be better than the rank and file!


Termies  in combat are bad news for almost everything that hasn't got a lot of AP2 melee weapons.  If you can get past the shooting, both Eldar and Tau will find assault with I5 terminators quite damaging. 

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If you don't like the Land Raider transport option, maybe you could consider a Dreadclaw Drop pod?


It costs less than half of the Land Raider Price, you jut don't get the Lascannons and 14 AV, but you gain an extra Jink and the mobility is much better.


I've had some success with DS in Dreadclaw for 4 Termis + a Bio sorcerer but this Tac could apply to any set up. Also even if your opponent wants to focus it down it will take quite a lot of punishment before being reduced to a non threatening unit.


Time it well and your opponent will have to chose between blowing up this 5 man termisquad in a can threatening his whole gunline or shooting at the rest of your valuables rushing to him!

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