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2000 pts Imperial Fist Campaign list

Phalanx Warder

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Just need a quick sanity check on the list that I am running for an upcoming campaign, it starts out at 2000 pts and will finish @ 4k.


This list is based on what I have painted currently and as I get more done I will add to the list.It is Infantry heavy but that leaves me room to add the cool toys at higher point levels (eyes my Glaive). I have 2 contemptors, and a Plasma pred, and 5 destroyers with jump packs painted also.






Alexis Polox                                                        165pts
RoW The Stone Gauntlet




Mortis contemptor                                              180pts


Rapier squadron                                                 170pts
X2 laser destroyers, quad mortar


15 X Legion Breacher Siege squad                    365pts
AA. vox, vex, x3 grav guns, breaching charge


15 X Legion Breacher Siege squad                    365pts
AA. vox, vex, x3 grav guns, breaching charge


X20 Tactical Squad                                             250pts

Heavy Support


10 x Support squad     
Auto Cannons, AA, Augury scanner                     300pts


Sicaran                                                                 205pts
Lc sponsons, armored ceramite, aux drive



I have 2 Landraiders, 10 breachers, dakka Pred, Contemptor, 15 tacticals and a Glaive to finish painting for adding at a later date.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I play tested this list plus 500pts the other day and it wrecked face!


You are right about the Sicaran though it took a lot of fire. The grav guns only have 18 inches they strip hull points like it is cool. I did miss interpret one of the restrictions for our RoW though thinking I could only take 2 Elite/FA options when I can take 3, so apothecarys may be in @ 2500pts but to be honest T5 marines is hard to make go away. We have house ruled that Polox can still teleport 1 unit via deep strike so I put that on my tactical squad. All in all to worked well but the breacing charges have to go away (killed my marines not the enemy)I can say I quite happy with the list

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