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mixing chaos and loyalist back packs in the same arny

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No, they aren't really loyalist or traitor backpacks anyway. The "loyalist" one is the standard Mk VII power armour pack, and the chaos one is a prototype Anvilus backpack, which has enhanced stabilising thrust vents to help with void based operations, but has poorer rad shielding than normal packs. This fluff is from the first Horus Heresy Forgeworld Book.

Either type of backpack is legitimate in either a loyalist or chaos army. There's just a stigma attached because they only turn up in the chaos boxes, leading people to believe that they are the evil backpack. devil.gif

Hope this helps.


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No, they aren't really loyalist or traitor backpacks anyway. The "loyalist" one is the standard Mk VII power armour pack, and the chaos one is a prototype Anvilus backpack, which has enhanced stabilising thrust vents to help with void based operations, but has poorer rad shielding than normal packs. This fluff is from the first Horus Heresy Forgeworld Book.

Either type of backpack is legitimate in either a loyalist or chaos army. There's just a stigma attached because they only turn up in the chaos boxes, leading people to believe that they are the evil backpack. devil.gif

Hope this helps.


Wow, you really do learn something everyday. Many thanks Dallo thumbsup.gif

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The good thing about Chaos is you can use pretty much any bits from our Loyalist ex-brethren, loot it and use it!


Plus it looks pretty badass to have some trophies taken from the still hot corpses of the fake god followers! 


My guys are usually a mix of Chaos and Loyalists part though I try to keep coherency in one unit, like they each at some point fought some skirmish actions against a specific loyalist chapter and scavenged what they could, give each squad some personality.

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The equipment isn't loyalist or heretic. The wearer is. You can see it a captured equipment being used to replace damaged parts.

IDK, is the tentacle reloading the bolter on the chosen backbacks just a friendly little feature?

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I think by the point when a tentacle is growing out of the backpack we can pretty much assume the equipment became the Heretic Space Marine himself, so technically speaking it might not be considered as an equipment, more as a limb.


An I'm pretty sure if you throw a loyalist's head at this little tentacle pet it will gladly play with you!

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The equipment isn't loyalist or heretic. The wearer is. You can see it a captured equipment being used to replace damaged parts.

IDK, is the tentacle reloading the bolter on the chosen backbacks just a friendly little feature?

Ok, well I wasn't really thinking about Loyalists using Chaos equipment :tu:

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