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Rapier Weapon Batteries

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So I've been hearing a lot of good things about the rapiers from IA13 these days which has prompted me to acquire a battery, however I find the FW price for them far too pricey for such a small, simple model..anyone know of some good alternatives? I'm thinking of upgrading mine to cyclotrathe conversion beamers or laser destroyers, but I'm more interested in just any model that would at least somewhat resemble a rapier. 

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That's a nice thread with rapier alternatives, I'm a bit stumped as what I should use as well, thinking about going the skaven stormfiend route for some big chained brutes being led around by handlers. But I'm really not that fond of the idea.

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I'm a bit stumped as what I should use as well, thinking about going the skaven stormfiend route for some big chained brutes being led around by handlers. But I'm really not that fond of the idea.


Same I'm not a fan of that look. My best idea yet is using a space marine thunderfire cannon-which doesn't necessarily look like a laser destroyer but that doesn't really bother me, and a conversion shouldn't be too hard. However the problem is it's not cheaper than the FW option-admittedly there's a better chance of finding it for a cheaper price off ebay than FW models but still not the best alternative price wise. 

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Is there any weapon options for the rapier similar to a thunder fire cannon

Not really, no


Though you could have the cyclowhatever cannon to give everything beyond 24" a large blast with S10 AP1, or the hades autocannon with S8 heavy 4 dakka.


3 hades rapiers cost less than 200p for 12 S8 ap4 pinning shots per round...I added a divination sorcerer there once for extra lulz...

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Tauros tracks. Forge fiend weapons. Centurions should give you 6 spare lascannons if you build them with grav cannons.


Tauros tracks are a great idea I didn't think of that. 


I'd rather stick to GW products for tournament reasons but those do look like nice alternatives. 



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When IA:13 came out I wondered what I was going to do with getting some Rapiers.  As luck would have it, I had a buddy who bought 2 from FW, only put one together, never used them and then gave me his kits shortly after IA:13 dropped.  I got SUPER lucky.  


However, it is relatively easy to convert one from an Empire Helblaster Volleygun from fantasy.  It looks more ramshackle, which is why I'm using for my R&H Rapier Battery.  But it is all plastic and someone with better converting skills would be able to really do it up, one are simple kit bashes with whatever extra bits I had on hand.  Which, since it will be a nice sunny day with little humidity, I *should* be able to get these primed today!





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Tauros tracks. Forge fiend weapons. Centurions should give you 6 spare lascannons if you build them with grav cannons.


I used Tauros Tracks and extra cannons from Lemon Russ. Some plasticard worked well too to give the tracks some size. It was my first real conversion/scratch build unit- and it came out decent. I know if someone had a little more skill they could make it look really nice.

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Very nice 40kchris!


Is there a specific base size for the batterys does anyone know?




All the pictures I've seen for a Rapier there is no base for the gun but threes one for the extra crew.  I did put mine on a 60mm so everything is at the same height  and to make it easier to measure, assaulting, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found the perfect model to use to convert rapiers-the new kataphron battle servitors revealed in the Adeptus Mechanicus leak over in the rumors forum. The tracks are perfectly set up to mount a weapon on them, or you could just leave the body intact, give the servitor a bigger gun and make it more chaos like. They'll hopefully be released within the next few weeks as I will for sure be scooping a few of those up to use as rapiers. 

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I had the same thought, Lord. I only hope theyre not a crazy price like 10 pounds each. 30 pounds for a unit of 5, I would buy many. 




Looking at the base sizes, these things would appear to be very big - Centurian sized, so I'd guess 15-20 pounds each? I'd expect a pack of 3 for the same cost as Centurians.

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They are presented as three models in the picture so that would be my guess as well. Either way though they are still cheaper than rapiers, and will be easier to find for a cheaper price off ebay-rapiers are almost impossible to find. And as long as the body is a separate piece from the tracks, I should be able to make some cool conversions. 

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