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Drop pod 1st turn advice (Blood Angels)


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Hello all,


Using the Angel's fury Spearhead formation soon in an upcoming game. I'll be playing a 3vs3 game against DE, Guard and Necrons.


I've got 3 drop pods to fill. Seeing as two can come in first turn, along with the formation, not scatter and charge! (w00t)


What should I fill them with? Death company might make a nice dent as would Dreadnoughts with frag cannons and flamer though I risk out shooting myself from assault.


Advice or ideas? just looking for suggestions or things to stay away from.

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Was thinking that sternguard might be fun, but pricey. I can take a tactical squad with a flamer and heavy flamer and hand flamer for about 50 pts cheaper.


Won't whatever unit that comes in most likely die the next turn?  


Could always go for a frag-cannon heavy flamer furioso?

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You definitely want whatever's podding in to have some serious shooting, because if they can't nullify immediate threats then they're toast. Even then, DP squads tend to be the first ones down. Frag Furiosos are solid for the cost, and can do a number on cover-camping infantry (and some light vehicles, too). I think SG are a fine choice, but I wouldn't waste too much time with flamers; try going for a mix of combi-meltas (you want about 3 or 4) and leave their special issue ammo for troop killing. Tacticals are solid with full flamer set-up, though; if you want to save some points, you could just run 5 with a HF and a Combi-Flamer on the Sergeant.

Edit: Right, Angel's Fury. He did say that like first thing, didn't he? rolleyes.gif I swear these Formations and stuff are gonna be the end of me. In that case, disregard my comments.

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Angel's Fury.


It allows for assaults on the same turn a unit deepstrikes.  Some restrictions apply, but that's the idea.  To come in, do some damage and then tie up as much as you can in a multi-assault all in one turn.

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I have used Angel's Fury and will continue to do so as I try it against different armies and different formations.  Three flyers against someone who is not expecting it (because BA is all jump packs, right?).  If you want to see the formation in devastating effect against a player who was not prepared for any flyers, check out my batrep here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305960-1850-blood-angels-vs-imperial-guard/


In this game, I took 3 pods and have a few thoughts:


1. Expect the squads to get wiped.  I'd consider meltacide assault or tactical squads with dual inferno pistols on the sergeants.  This will allow you to crack open armor on the drop.  If they have bubble wrap, use one squad to take it out and the other squad to pop the tank.


2. Deathwind Launchers are awesome.  For 15 points you get a Large template at Str5.... good for blob armies and pesky dismounts. This also increases the threat level of the pods... so they will start redirecting fire from your dropped dismounts and onto the DP.


3. The drop pods dont need Augur Triangulation as much jumpers. The main concern is dropping close enough to make the Inferno Pistols effective.


4. After using the melta on the armor, your Stormravens can clean up with the TLMM, TLAC, Stormstrike missiles, and/or Hurricane Bolters.  Since you've probably dumped out your 10 man tactical squad with 3 or 4 flamer templates, they can start to clean up the infantry that fell out of APCs.



The first thing to consider is making sure everyone else in the game agrees with how you feel the formation works.  If you just spring this on them I guarantee it will not go well.

 Also bring the WD47 or ePub... first turn reserve rolls and assaulting on the same turn as deep striking  are not in question... the only one I would caution is flying the formation in then dropping your pods off... there may be some contention there. Then again, you've already checked and they are probably bringing lots of skyfire :)

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