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Wyrdvane Psykers


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Anyone have any experience with Wyrdvane Psykers and summoning daemons? I'm going to run 3 squads of them this upcoming league with my traitor guard and am unsure if they are best taken as msu or a full 10 since when you perils (which I'm certain to perils with every summon) you just remove 1 guy. I'm probably only going to have enough dice to summon 1-2 times a turn depending on my warp charge roll.


Also, when I perils if I roll a 6 on the result table does just 1 nominated psyker power up or the whole unit? Thanks.

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OK, as far as the Perils effect goes - see the big black box on page 25 of the BRB.  A single, randomly determined, member of the unit is nominated to suffers the primary effect of the result on the Perils of the Warp table.


In terms of tactics, well the OR is not really the place to discuss them, but IMO a MSU unit would probably be best as the extra men represent wasted points.  If they get targeted, the opponent will likely pour enough fire into them to wipe them out, regardless of their squad size, so cheap and cheerful is probably the better way to go.  Especially if you feel you're unlikely to get more than a couple of casting attempts out of them over the course of the game.

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Ah thanks for the tips! Silly question as I didn't have my BRB available with me at work (always carry your BRB!) and MSU was what I was hoping for. I wonder what the best way is to randomly determine which of 5 guys gets snuffed or buffed.

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