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Sang Priest + Tactical Termies

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Anyone tried running Tactical Termies with a Priest attached? The FNP goes some ways towards alleviating the termies' allergy to AP2 weaponry (66% failed  saves drops to 45%) and WS 5 means a 25% increase on PF hits against a WS4 opponent.


A list using both could look something like this:


+++ 1500 Flesh Tearers - Terminators (1499pts) +++

++ Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (Flesh Tearers Strike Force) ++

+ HQ +

Sanguinary Priest - Bolt Pistol, Auspex, The Veritas Vitae

+ Elites +

10-strong Terminator Squad - 2 Assault Cannons

+ Troops +

10-strong Tactical Squad - Heavy flamer, Meltagun, 2 Inferno Pistols on Sergeant
··Drop Pod - Deathwind Missile Launcher

+ Fast Attack +

3-strong Bike Squad w/ Attack Bike - 2 Grav-guns, Multimelta on Attack Bike

3-strong Bike Squad  - 2 Grav-guns


3-strong Bike Squad  - 2 Grav-guns


3-strong Bike Squad  - 2 Grav-guns


3-strong Bike Squad  - 2 Grav-guns


3-strong Bike Squad  - 2 Grav-guns

+ Heavy Support +

Predator - Autocannon, Lascannon sponsons, Overcharged engine


The Priest goes with the full-strength Termies and deploy on the board. The Tacs drop in and eliminate a critical target/cause general havoc while the Termies advance. The bikes grav down any major threats. The Pred is there mostly to hold a rear objective while providing some light fire support.

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I tried 10 tactical terminators with assault cannons and a lvl 2 librarian with divination in some friendly games and a tourney this past March. I think the priest is a great addition, maybe even necessary for that unit. The problem I had with the unit was that it was so many points it didn't allow for tactical error. I needed a lot of smaller units to grab objectives and counter enemy movements. It was difficult to prioritize where the unit should go, or what it should be doing. I also could have done a better job at placing objectives with specific consideration to that terminator squad's movement and threat range capabilities.


Still, It had great anti-infantry shooting power(divination was great with them). I never did get that wings power I had hoped for when I did try the sanguinary discipline. Interestingly enough that army list didn't actually perform that poorly and I did win some games with it. And let's not forget that a unit full of S9 powerfists is no joke. An opponent very easily might dismiss terminators as being a bad unit without considering their strengths in relation to the actual game at hand.


So, that MSU style bike support you have there might actually work as it would shore up the weaknesses of those terminators to some extent. And there's always an advantage, even if small, to running different units than people would expect. 


(I should also note that your opponent might be hitting you less with weapon skill 5 as well)

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Hmm, I like the concept but I think this is more of a Blood Rodeo featuring Tac Termies. biggrin.png

In either case, looks like a nasty list. It's too bad there's no points left to get a Libby in there to go in the Termy squad, because you could get some serious value out of him.

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I've used tactical termies with sanguinary priest and their survivability was just insanely upped :)

Thanks to Veritas Vitae they also rolled infiltration with night vision and were able to treaten enemy flank which won me the game.

They have much bigger potential than lot of people would suppose so they are surely worth a try :D

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Shield of Baal: Exterminatus.


I've ran my 10 man termie squad with priest behind an ADL with decent success, but I gave them Cyclone MLs instead. I personally like the longer range and a little bit of extra power against transports. Also opens up nice deep strikes if I feel they would do more flanking the enemy.

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Hmm, I like the concept but I think this is more of a Blood Rodeo featuring Tac Termies. biggrin.png

That's because, as Capt Caine noted, the MSU grav bikes shore up the Termies' weaknesses nicely

I've ran my 10 man termie squad with priest behind an ADL with decent success, but I gave them Cyclone MLs instead. I personally like the longer range and a little bit of extra power against transports.

I'm honestly torn between Cyclones and AssCans. I just find that AP3 doesn't really cut it anymore. At least the ACs should get one Rend in a turn between the two of them.

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I've pooled over a lot of different scenarios for the loadout between them two, and honestly I don't think there is a wrong answer as long as the squad has the same weaponry. I find that AssCannons are really really good at wiping out infantry and glancing transports/medium tanks down. While Cyclones are good at taking out medium armored infantry and importantly for my meta Crysis suits, as well as bunkered in guardsmen, and tyrnaids.


It's really set on your preference, and although I adore AssCannons I picked Cyclones because they fit my style a little more, I like having mobile missile launchers on something that doesn't have an AV.


Edit: I can't rely on missiles to take out anything but transports anymore, these guys are mostly focused on clearing out infantry, and blocking paths to more squishier targets. But it is fun to pop a transport and smash the unit inside!

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If you're going to run a list as cheesy as min-grav bike spam with Flesh Tearers, why would you then gimp yourself by taking the worst unit in our codex? It's not like people are going to think you're any less of a power-gamer.


If you really want to support that bike spam with a power unit that can as a bulkwark in your army, just take Dante in a jump command squad with some storm shields. It gives him FNP and some bodies to LoS the AP2 stuff to. Once the board starts to get messy, he can start jumping around from combat to combat, joining small bike units as escorts and then ploughing into new combats. 

I realise you're trying to brainstorm a way to make tactical termies viable, but this isn't possible in an edition where for the same cost as a termie, you can get a Necron wraith.

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Having Dante and friends can work great, but I think sang priest and termie squad can work great. Especially if you are running those cheese oozing bikes. If you can make your opponent focus on your more survivable terminators to save your more mobile grav weaponry for objective taking and flanking I think it would be a well worth cost
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Anyone tried running Tactical Termies with a Priest attached? The FNP goes some ways towards alleviating the termies' allergy to AP2 weaponry (66% failed  saves drops to 45%) and WS 5 means a 25% increase on PF hits against a WS4 opponent.


A list using both could look something like this:


+++ 1500 Flesh Tearers - Terminators (1499pts) +++


++ Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (Flesh Tearers Strike Force) ++


+ HQ +


Sanguinary Priest - Bolt Pistol, Auspex, The Veritas Vitae


+ Elites +


10-strong Terminator Squad - 2 Assault Cannons


+ Troops +


10-strong Tactical Squad - Heavy flamer, Meltagun, 2 Inferno Pistols on Sergeant

··Drop Pod - Deathwind Missile Launcher


+ Fast Attack +


3-strong Bike Squad w/ Attack Bike - 2 Grav-guns, Multimelta on Attack Bike


3-strong Bike Squad  - 2 Grav-guns


3-strong Bike Squad  - 2 Grav-guns


3-strong Bike Squad  - 2 Grav-guns


3-strong Bike Squad  - 2 Grav-guns


3-strong Bike Squad  - 2 Grav-guns


+ Heavy Support +


Predator - Autocannon, Lascannon sponsons, Overcharged engine


The Priest goes with the full-strength Termies and deploy on the board. The Tacs drop in and eliminate a critical target/cause general havoc while the Termies advance. The bikes grav down any major threats. The Pred is there mostly to hold a rear objective while providing some light fire support.



No, but since I have 10 tactical terminators and several sanguinary priests I'm going to try this next game :)


My last game I dropped 5 terminators in a pod and they did well against the Tau. Took out a ton of pathfinders that helped nullify his shooting prowess.

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