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looking to make some centaur khorne chaos bikers

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I have in fact considered such a conversion multiple times, but I was never happy with the size of the torso when compared to the legs. The torso pieces from the Chaos Knights or Skullcrushers - or maybe those overmuscled Skullreaper/Wrathmonger torsos - should be a much better fit, though!

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Here's something that might help:








I still think the torso may be ever so slightly too small for the massive horse body, but there you have it. I would certainly advise you to extend the midsection with GS, so it looks more natural.


Anyway, hope this helps! :)

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I made a whole whack of centaur bikers that have yet to be painted. The torso-scale never really was an issue, but they definitly need a bit of greenstuff to bulk out the trunk/stomach connection. I used chaos knight shoulder pads as gut plates.


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