Tenebris Posted April 18, 2015 Share Posted April 18, 2015 (edited) Index Traitoris http://shrani.si/f/u/Wd/2kfBDvdj/dark-mechanicus-symbol1-.jpg Cabal of Anarchmetry, Dark Mechanicus - Daemon Forge Boron's Reach [imageright][/imageright]Congregation of Anarchomancers - Origins Anarchy, the pure state of the universe, an universe unbound by rules, unfettered by dogma, an universe where everything is possible and everyone is a generator of ideas, action, motion. Around M35 on the remote planet of Surin a conclave of Magos met, they were the first Anarchomancers, the Wizards of Anarchy, the first generators of disorder. This Magos were all hereteks of the vilest ken but also some of the most inspiring and learned scholars of the Mechanicus lore of their generation. Eight of them gathered on Surin, eight of them broke their Machina Opus on the obsidian anvil, eight of them reneged their oaths to the brotherhood of fools that dares to claim the sole lordship over mankind's knowledge. The vile deed done eight Explorator ships sailed into the dreaded depths of the Eye of Terror. Anarchomancy is an ancient and forbidden doctrine among the scholars of technological lore. The principle tenets are of disorder, disharmony and chaos, all imbued into the stale and artificially imposed order, to break down the illusion of control and stagnation, all to create new energy, new ideas and new events, the main generators of inspiration and creativity. It was this vile doctrine that lured many a Magos to renege the oath to the Mechanicus but it was also this doctrine the main reason which led to the creation of the Conclave of Anarchmetry. The eight founding Magos of the Cabal were Deltran 71B, Kalana Omega Slyph, Lurien Thetha-9, 88-E, Boron the Mad, Caliopsis of Hanaa, Intara Elonari and Archmagos Ulan the Anarch, the leader of the Cabal. This individuals commanded together a vast fleet of Explorator ships and a powerful army of Skitarii, but the most powerful item in their possession was knowledge, the knowledge of the Arithmetics of Anarchy. The Arithmetics were a philosophy dating back to the M32 Philosopher-Magos Janak 92-16, who for the first time proposed the idea of anarchy as the main generator of ideas, a philosophy which cost him his life but which was transcribed in secret by his lost apprentices. Magos Ulan was the last in the line of Anarchs but he was not content with a life of secrecy and false identities, he wanted more, he wanted for his brethren to see the virtue in the teachings of Janak 92-16, thus when he was promoted Magos Explorator he set sail to the Segmentum Obscurus where rumors implied that Anarchomancer cells still existed. The odyssey of Magos Ulan is a tale for another time, let it be said that by the fall of M35 he gathered seven other powerful followers and openly defied his unemotional and all too reasonable brethren chancing everything on a last journey, a journey of discovery and truth, a journey into the Eye of Terror. It is unknown for how long the brave fleet of the Anarchs braved the dire tides of the Warp but official records state that in 772.M37 the remaining ships crashed upon a world classified as Beta-Rho 15 or in the parlance more common Boron's Reach, named after the last ship crash-landed, Boron's Folly. It was the ingenious philosophy of Janak 92-16 which led this group of Magos to be stranded upon a world amidst the very fabric of Chaos, but it was the brilliance of Magos Ulan which is responsible for the survival of the doctrine, for the Cabal of Anarchmetry survived, and even prospered on BR-15. Not long after the crash-landing on Boron's Reach the Magos built a massive forge from the remains of their ships, countless adepts were tasked to harness the power of the world and in less than three centuries the wind-swept dunes of BR-15 echoed with the sounds of industry and innovation. Magos Ulan died in a massive battle with his fellow Anarchomancer Intara Elorani, but his legacy still lives, clad in the black robes of his vast Skitarii regiments and hidden behind masks of brass and bone. The Cabal of Anarchmetry settled well on Boron's Reach and soon Chaos warbands of every type and kin came to subdue the renegade hereteks only to find themselves at the mercy of ingenious scrap-viruses, anarchy djinns and superb data-phage spirits. Thus the Cabal of Anarchmetry fought, thus the Anarchomancers survived and prospered. For every Chaos warband stupid enough to challenge the Magos, three more warbands sat behind the obsidian table to talk business and soon enough the screams of countless slaves and daemons filled the streets of Boron's Reach. Where better than within the realm of Chaos, anarchy prospers. The Cabal of Anarchmetry found not only a home but also many patrons, it found even divine entities with whom share the blessings of anarchy. Truly the vision of Janak 92-16 was the future of knowledge and inspiration and his last disciple, Magos Ulan the Anarch can only process a smile every time his data-djinn form observes his vassals from the noosphere. Anarchy is indeed the true state of the universe. Boron's Reach - Daemon Forge - Eye of Terror http://shrani.si/f/2K/d1/ZhrFzxy/iobig.gif A vista of Boron's Reach, note the sulfuric deserts which encompass the entirety of the planet. Boron's Reach is a dangerous planet, not only it is battered and scoured by the endless winds of Chaos but it also offers nothing but death to an unaugmented human. Vast sulfuric deserts cover the planet, incessant tectonic activity wreaks havoc with the few permanent settlements while poisonous acidic rain scours the flesh, the bone and the consecrated iron. For the first Anarchomancers stranded on Boron's Reach the planet was a vision of heaven, a place with untapped energy sources, a planet rich in mineral and ore, a planet where the Cabal of Anarchmetry will prosper and thrive, the first of the many boons that the Dark Gods offered to the Anarchomancers. In less than three centuries after the crash-landing BR-15 was a thriving forge world. The constant volcanic activity offered the Magos unlimited energy to power their forges and the dire dunes of Boron's Reach proved to be a ground even holier than that of ancient Mars. In the first centuries of colonization few expected the colony on BR-15 to survive, but survive it did. New Skitarii legions were created, pacts with the Neverborn were sealed and already the first warbands were making their overtures, hoping to claim Boron's Reach as their prize. Fools. The Anarchomancers do not suffer any authority, not the authority of science, nor the authority of law thus the only way to deal with them was with a show of strength. The void above Boron's Reach is filled with the remains of long lost fleets, of shattered ships and doomed crews for no one, no one ever managed to step on holy BR-15 without the Magos saying. It was this testament to the audacity of its keepers that made Boron's Reach a location of pilgrimage and ambition as soon warbands begun to trade with the lords of BR-15 instead of firing upon them. Centuries turned into eons as the Cabal of Anarchmetry transformed the planet of Boron's Reach into a heaven for all kinds of hereteks and visionaries, a place where every type of tech-heresy is explored and every anarchist welcomed. Soon BR-15 became known for the many wonders that such innovation, unrestrained ambition and countless slaves created. Bards sing of the Towers of Deceit, the tall spires of adamantium and obsidian which channel the souls of the Neverborn into ever more ingenious Daemon Engines. Troubadours tell of the Well of Endless Spite where it is said that a powerful Bloodthirster resides but all of these wonders pale in comparison to the Throne of Ulan, the main forge on Boron's Reach and the tomb of Magos Ulan the Anarch, the very place where Intara Elonari buried her main rival and, some whisper, her lover. The Throne of Ulan is the crowning achievement of Magos Ulan for he harnessed the volcano of Mount Janak to fuel his incessant forges. Streams of sulfur and magma power the towering forges, forges where countless slaves labor in praise of their beloved master and guide. Marvels such as the dreaded BR-15 Ruststalkers and the Ulan Dragoons are forged here and it is said that the data-djinn of Magos Ulan still haunts this hallowed forge. Truly Boron's Reach is a haven for all creatures of vision, inspiration and drive and the only rule on this planet is that there are no rules, no lords and no boundaries, only vision and creation. Still it is hard to argue that it is not healthy to mess with the Cabal of Anarchmetry or their Skitarii legions. The Doctrine of Anarchy For the Cabal of Anarchmetry, Chaos means freedom and freedom means anarchy. There Anarchomancers are willing to go to any length necessary in order to bring chaos where order resides, to break the stagnation of purity, to challenge any idea, any vision and every reality. The Arithmetics of Anarchy teach that order is stagnation thus chaos is the natural state of the universe, where evolution and adaptation are the main drives behind new ideas, new views and new achievements. Some late Anarchomancers pair the teachings of Janak 92-16 with the mandalas of the Raven God, yet even slavery to a single entity is a form of order, an order which prevents evolution. In practice the Cabal of Anarchmetry advocates freedom in any form, a freedom of invention and purpose, thus the surface of Boron's Reach is covered in a myriad of temples and shrines, a fane to both gods and mortals alike, a place where the very concept of an idea is worshipped. The driving principle of the Anarchmetry is to break the foundations of reality which is also the reason why more and more Dark Magi find themselves wearing the Anarchomancer colors. Few tech-adepts enjoy the freedom granted by such a conclave of like-minded individuals and in the past entire wars were fought between the Conclave of Anarchmetry and their stolid brethren, Dark Mechanicus enclaves included. There is no denying that the freedom granted to an Anarchomancer is intoxicating but there is merit in this too for a mind unfettered by dogma and principle, is a mind allowed to dream, to create and to innovate. Few heresies are as abhorrent to the Cabal of Anarchmetry as is the eons old dogma of the Cult Mechanicus, thus every Anarchomancer worth his colors would do his best to challenge the established order and insert Chaos where order resides. Thus the teachings of Janak 92-16 spread across the galaxy and thus the Cabal of Anarchmetry justifies every vile act, pact and war in the name of freedom, Chaos and anarchy. Alliances, Feuds, Compacts The Cabal of Anarchmetry is an ancient order of tech-adepts thus it harbors many ancient pacts, feuds and compacts which are the result of its meddling with the established order of the universe. Here are some of the most notable interactions that the Anarchomancers entertain: Lady Admiral Flintana Oreliana, Mistress of the Void Cohort. The Void Cohort was a splinter warband of the ancient Night Lords astartes legion, a warband of chaos space marines which was employed by Magus Ulan as his personal army. The initial compact was formed between The Anarch and Lord Nelochon, a pact of mutual support in the overtaking of Boron's Reach from the remaining Anarchomancers. Following the disaster at the Battle of the Throne, Admiral Flintana herself ordered the crucifixion of her lord and commander and offered her services and those of the remnants of her warband in return for the lives of the Void Cohort. Zekalion of Olis, Master of the Hammer Zekalion of Olis is an ardent Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus who made his life goal to eradicate all Anarchomancer cells in the Imperium. He witnessed first hand the ravages of Janak 92-16's teachings in the wars of the Perellion Gap, thus he conscripted a vast levy of Frateris Militia and Skitarii Cohorts to oppose his nemesis, the Cabal of Anarchmetry. Meruin Geno-Hive Conclave The Meruinists are a clique of Dark Magi which consider free will and independence an abhorrence. The entire populous of the Meruin Hives is slaved to the will of a single Norn'Lord and his dreaded Isectus Legions are the main rivals of the Anarchomancers in the Scrap-War. Soon there will be a reckoning and it is rumored that already several warbands are declaring their allegiance in the incoming war. Along with the notable interactions above the Conclave of Anarchmetry is severely conflicted on the inside. The Ulanists still fight a guerilla war against Magos Intara while on the other hand Lady Kalana Omega Slyph is plotting to overthrow her rival, chancing everything on the Black Mouth warband which is said to arrive to Boron's Reach at the fall of the Salenaii Comet, an astronomical event occurring every 213 years. Organisation of the Hereteks Boron's Reach is indeed a haven for all kinds of anarchists and visionaries but this does not mean that it is without a form of order, for even the Archanarchist himself commands his legions of augmented warriors with an iron fist. The armed forces of Boron's Reach are comprised for vast legions of Skitarii, the first and the most numerous form of augmented life forms in the service of the Anarchomancers. These cohorts are slaved to the will of the Magi, receiving their orders in the from of impulses, drives and visions from the noosphere. The commanders of the Skitarii are mostly Magi who have proven loyal to the vision of the Cabal of Anarchmetry or who pledged themselves and their services in return for tech-heresy and knowledge. Currently all marks of Skitrarii warriors are employed by the Anarchomancers but a certain preference is granted to the vicious Ruststalkers of BR-15. The leadership of the Cabal of Anarchmentry is contested by last three remaining disciples of Ulan, Intara Elorani, Lurien Theta-9 and Deltran 71B whom claims the rank of Archanarchist. It should be noted that the three Magi are rivals but they are also bound together by their offices, resulting in a complicated and sometimes fractious relationship yet still they command vast power for themselves. Their offices are in fact the three main resources of Boron's Reach, its forges, its legions of warriors and the Neverborn. Every Magos commands several aspects of the three but in time the last disciples of Ulan focused their efforts in a single aspect of their trade, resulting in a precarious balance of power which ensued the widespread influence of the Cabal of Anarchmetry. Lady Intara Elorani won as a spoil of war the mighty forge created by Ulan the Anarch himself, thus hers is the power to create and destroy everything on Boron's Reach. She is the queen of slaves, the lady of the forges as well as the last true voice of the Anarchomancer creed. Lord Lurien Theta-9 calls himself the Master of Visions for it is said that he is the sole custodian of the Arithmetics of Anarchy, a logis-cypher written by the Philosopher-Magus Janak 92-16 himself. It is known among the members of the Cabal of Anarchmetry that he has a long standing feud with his fellow disciple, Intara Elorani. Lord Lurien Theta-9 holds power over the most esoteric resources of Boron's Reach and he commands a daemonic legion of his own, bought and paid for in souls, now bound in its entirety into the Machina Lurieni or the so called Lurien's Host. Last among the disciples of Ulan is the silent and brooding Magos Deltran 71B, once a prominent lord of forges and Skitarii general. It is Deltran who commands the greatest legions of Skitrarii on Boron's Reach and it is he who has the sole lordship over the vast fleet of the Cabal of Anarchmetry. Though Lord Deltran commands the might of the Anarchomancers he rarely contends with his siblings in creed, preferring to wage war upon realspace and bring forth the anarchy and disorder cardinal to the Anarchomancers. http://shrani.si/f/39/17/1wL0deZ9/991st-deltrrian-cohort.jpg Ident-Rune of the 991st Deltran Cohort, Skitarii Legion "The Spikeheads" Lady Kalana Omega Slyph is the fourth and youngest of the Disciples of Ulan and she reneged her seat at the head of the Conclave when she sided with the Black Legion. Though her contributions to the Anarchmetric philosophy are minor she is considered the mistress of the Anarch Lords, the titan legion housed on Boron's Reach. Known as a sinister figure among the Anarchomancers and considered corrupted by her allegiance to the Black Legion, Kalana is still a formidable Magos and currently leads the forces of the Conclave of Anarchmetry in the Scrap-War. Major Campaigns BR-15 Schism The civil war known as the BR-15 Schism is one of the darkest times in the history of the Cabal of Anarchmetry. The first shot fired in hate was chronicled to have happened in 432.M38 when Intara Elorani fired upon her master and some say lover with her mechadendite pulse phaser. The conflict begun as a schism between two lovers which inevitably led into an all out war which cost the lives of no less than four Anarchomancers. The driving ideology of the Cabal of Anarchometry is that chaos and disorder lead to creativity and vision thus when Magos Ulan processed his idea to slave the majority of the living on Boron's Reach to his will, his action was met first with outrage and then with outright war. Magos Ulan, once a champion of freedom and creativity now set on the road to become a tyrant. Several of his followers sided with him, Deltran 71B, Lurien Thetha-9 and 88-E, led their mighty legions in battle against Boron the Mad, Caliopsis of Hanaa, Kalana Omega Slyph and Intara Elonari, the leader of the so called "New Anarchs". It is unknown for how long the war lasted but it was soon clear that Intara proved to be a master strategist and that she was not afraid to employ underhanded tactics such as daemon-codes, scrap-cyphers and data-phages to assassinate or control her rivals. Lord 88-E died to the blades of the infamous BR-15 Ruststalkers and the first incarnation of the Machina Lurieni died to the last after a week long bombardment with holy oil and sanctified silver particles. When Deltran 71B recognized the merit and generalship of Intara he sided with her and together they battled the remnants of the mighty Void Cohort, a traitor space marine warband employed by Magos Ulan, his last line of defense. In what was the Battle of the Throne the tyrant Ulan was killed and his djinn form was bound for eternity into the Throne, his greatest creation. Thus the first and last betrayer of the Cabal of Anarchmetry met its doom and thus Boron's Reach became the planet of Anarchomancers, where anarchy and freedom reign supreme. Ekon-Nekon War Ekon and Nekon were twin stars under the aegis of the Mechanicus. Both planets were mighty forge worlds, producing countless weapons and tanks for the ever starving Imperium. The twin stars coexisted in harmony, benefiting from the confluent polarities of the planets to generate vast amounts of electric energy to fuel their forges, order was both mechanical and natural, and Ekon and Nekon prospered together. Such harmony was abhorrent to the Cabal of Anarchmetry thus Lord 88-E was tasked to bring disorder, to break the convergence and to restore anarchy to Ekon and Nekon. The first act of the Ekon-Nekon War was a massive bombardment with neutronic warheads which broke the polarity of the twin planets. Lava seas rose, earth shattered and for the first time in seven thousand years the twin worlds were not aligned. The second act of anarchy was the infection of the Ekon Mechanicus with the infamous "Disharmonic Resonance Malady", a heretical data-djinn which not only shattered the connection of the Ekon Skitarri with the noosphere but it also infected the billions of servitors with a dire killing frenzy. As Ekon fought its own warriors, the massive orbital guns of Nekon fired upon its twin planet. Seven full cohorts of Skitari lead the attack on the orbital platforms and it is said that Lord 88-E processed a smile when he found the great missile silos full of Deathstorm warheads. Needless to say the already plagued Ekon suffered further when Nekon fire rained down. The last act of treachery was the masterpiece of Lord 88-E. The remaining cohorts of the BR-15 Skitarii descended upon Nekon and systematically destroyed all the polarity clamps which tied the twin planets together. It is said that even now Ekon struggles with all its strength to escape the deadly embrace of Nekon. Thus once again the Anarchomancers triumphed and chaos was restored were order held domain. Metekh Disharmony In 882.M41 Lord Deltran 71B encountered an anomaly during his campaign in the Valosi Rift. What initially appeared as a space station soon proved to be the vilest heresy he has see in his long, damned life. The anomaly was a Cairn-Ship belonging to the recently discovered Necron Metekh dynasty, a heresy to the Anarchomancer creed. Deep down to the molecular level the abomination ship was mathematically perfect, pure, harmonious and clean. Not as single particulate, atom and curve was out of place, nothing spoke of disorder, of Chaos. The Cairn-Ship had to die for such abomination was abhorrent to the Cabal of Anarchmetry. The entire fleet opened fire upon the xenos galleon but all this effort was to no avail. As soon as craters appeared on the hull of the ship they closed, the living metal suturing itself with liquid grace. Perfection and order riled Deltran 71B so much that he ordered his entire Skitarii cohorts into battle. It is unknown what happened in the following battle but a lone frigate-class ship bearing the ident-rune of BR-15 appeared above the skies of Numinora, bearing the broken Magus Deltran 71B and the remaining few of his Skitarii warriors. It is said that Lord Deltran spoke of the xenos abomination to the Cabal of Anarchmetry and the sigil-chimes of the Anarch Lords sounded as the entirety of the Anarchomancer army boarded the BR-15 fleet bound for the Valosi Rift. Current strength and operations of the Cabal The Cabal of Anarchmetry is currently led by a conclave of three Magos, Intara Elorani, Lurien Thetha-9 and Deltran 71B, the so called Archanarchist. The world of Boron's Reach pours forth countless legions of Skitarii, entire Cohorts of Data-Hunters and even harnessed the power of a Titan Legion of their own construction, the infamous Anarch Lords. It is the main drive of the Cabal of Anarchmetry to spread disorder and disharmony on the stagnant universe thus many of their agents and vassals fight wars of anarchy in realspace. The current operations are the Siege of Numinora, a mighty bastion-world of the Adeptus Mechanicus in the Cadian sector, as well as the dire Scrap-War of Ultanash, a mighty battle among Dark Mechanicus Conclaves, fought entirely with drones and daemon engines, a war which will never have a victor but which offers the greatest prize of them all, the commendation of Warmaster Abaddon the Despoiler. To fight in the Scrap-War is one of the main efforts of the Cabal of Anarchmetry and their prodigal displays of Anarchomancy have awarded the Conclave the powerful backing of several Chaos Lords and Daemonic generals, all interested in the vile engines of war and data-phages employed by this clique of Dark Magi. Edited April 18, 2015 by Tenebris Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306318-index-traitoris-cabal-of-anarchmetry-dark-mechanicus/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hrvat Posted April 18, 2015 Share Posted April 18, 2015 You have my attention good sir. It reads very fluidly and subject is a novelty. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306318-index-traitoris-cabal-of-anarchmetry-dark-mechanicus/#findComment-4012446 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 18, 2015 Share Posted April 18, 2015 My word. First out of the gates and it's a hell of a start, brother. Very nicely done, I am taken with the whole premise. There's a smattering of minor nitpicks: a philosophy which costed him his life but which was transcribed in secret by his lost apprentices. I'll advise replacing 'costed' with 'cost'. It is unknown for how long the brave fleet of the Anarchs braved the dire tides of the Warp but official records state that in 772.M37 the remaining ships crashed upon a world classified as Beta-Rho 15 or in the parlance of the commoner Boron's Reach, named after the last ship crash-landing, Boron's Folly. I would suggest changing 'commoner' to 'more common' and 'last ship crash-landing' to 'last crash-landed ship'. Magos Ulan died in a massive battle with his fellow Anarchomancer Intara Elorani, Personally, I would have Ulan assassinated by Elorani. If the particular incident isn't to be elaborated on, I think my suggestion would feel more... anarchic. But that's just my personal view. Maybe you have background on this planned in advance. To fight in the Scrap-War is the main goal of the Cabal of Anarchmetry and their prodigal displays of Anarchomancy have awarded the Conclave the powerful backing of several Chaos Lords and Daemonic generals, all interested in the vile engines of war and data-phages employed by this clique of Dark Magi. Again, with little other references, I may be preempting you here. I think that fighting in the 'Scrap-War' shouldn't be the goal but a means to an end - they know winning is unlikely for any faction, so they instead use the conflict as a testing ground for new, deadly weaponry. Winning would be nice, as having Abaddon as a patron would be a prize certainly worth fighting for, but in the meantime the war can serve a purpose. Sound any good? Like I said, these are minor nitpicks. The body of text as a whole reads very well and feels well thought out. The ideas and concepts involved so far impress me. I'd like to see more. ^_^ Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306318-index-traitoris-cabal-of-anarchmetry-dark-mechanicus/#findComment-4012464 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tenebris Posted April 18, 2015 Author Share Posted April 18, 2015 (edited) Thanks for the council Olis. I will edit the post when I will write down the remaining categories. Being a non-native English speaker sometimes I fall in the trap of using Italian grammar rules with English, or trying to "translate" from my mother language into English. That is why I appreciate A LOT your council, it helps me to be a better writer. As for Magos Ulan, there will be indeed a major battle, which will also be a major event in the history of the Cabal and in the personal relationship between him and his lover, Elorani. About the Scrap-War, you are right, I will have to phrase it better. @Hrvat Hvala! Edited April 18, 2015 by Tenebris Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306318-index-traitoris-cabal-of-anarchmetry-dark-mechanicus/#findComment-4012469 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 18, 2015 Share Posted April 18, 2015 No problem, brother. Glad to be of service. As for Magos Ulan, there will be indeed a major battle, which will also be a major event in the history of the Cabal and in the personal relationship between him and his lover, Elorani. You have my attention. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306318-index-traitoris-cabal-of-anarchmetry-dark-mechanicus/#findComment-4012488 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted April 18, 2015 Share Posted April 18, 2015 No problem, brother. Glad to be of service. As for Magos Ulan, there will be indeed a major battle, which will also be a major event in the history of the Cabal and in the personal relationship between him and his lover, Elorani. :o You have my attention. Mine too, bring on that Dark Admech social drama! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306318-index-traitoris-cabal-of-anarchmetry-dark-mechanicus/#findComment-4012533 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tenebris Posted April 18, 2015 Author Share Posted April 18, 2015 Ok, so the main body of text is complete, what needs to be done now is the general editing/correcting of the written. I think I might make a standalone post of the "BR-15 Schism" but I have to find time for that. Feel free to post your critiques, suggestions and corrections for the Cabal of Anarchmetry. On a side note this is my contribution to the Liber Challenge. The gauntlet is thrown. PS. Flint and Olis, you have a small tribute in the text. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306318-index-traitoris-cabal-of-anarchmetry-dark-mechanicus/#findComment-4012585 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted April 18, 2015 Share Posted April 18, 2015 Again, with the addition of more material, I have some minor points to make - well, it's basically just some proofreading, really. Although I would prefer to pick out each idea and passage that I like, there's enough here that doing so would take up too much room and detract from the necessary critique. Suffice to say that there is much that I like here. Centuries turned into eons as the Cabal of Anarchmetry transformed the planet of Boron's Reach into a heaven for all kinds of hereteks and visionaries, a place were every type of tech-heresy is explored and every anarchist welcomed. You missed an 'h' there. It's just a small spelling issue but it can be easily missed by a spelling checker (which is why learning to spell in school will never be replaced by spelling checkers, imho). Troubadours tell of the Well of Endless Spite where it is said that a powerful Bloodthirster resides but all this wonders pale in comparison to the Throne of Ulan, the main forge on Boron's Reach and the tomb of Magos Ulan the Anarch, the very place where Intara Elonari buried her main rival and some whisper, her lover. I suggest replacing 'this' with 'of these'. I would also suggest adding a comma after 'and' prior to 'some whisper'. The Throne of Ulan is the crowning achievement of Magos Ulan for he harnessed the volcano of Mount Janak to fuel his incessant forges. Streams of sulfur and magma power the towering forges, forges were countless slaves labor in praise of their beloved master and guide. Marvels such as the dreaded BR-15 Ruststalkers and the Ulan Dragoons are forged here and it is said that the data-djinn of Magos Ulan still haunts this hallow forge. Again, you need to swap 'were' for 'where'. Also I think 'hallow' needs to be changed to 'hallowed'. Trully Boron's Reach is a haven for all creatures of vision, inspiration and drive and the only rule on this planet is that there are no rules, no lords and no boundaries, only vision and creation. Still it is hard to argue that it is not healthy to mess with the Cabal of Anarchmetry or their Skitarii legions. 'Trully' can be changed to 'Truly'. One too many l's there brother. In practice the Cabal of Anarchmetry advocates freedom in any form, a freedom of invention and purpose, thus the surface of Boron's Reach is covered in a myriad of temples and shrines, a fane to both gods and mortals alike, a place where the very concept of an idea is worshiped. Another 'p' is needed in 'worshiped' [sic]. Few heresies are as abhorrent to the Cabal of Anarchmetry as is the eons old dogma of the Cult Mechanicus, thus every Anarchomancer worth is colors would do its best to challenge the established order and insert Chaos where order resides. Both instances here should be changed to 'his', I think. Meruin Geno-Hive Conclave The Meruinists are a clique of Dark Magi which consider free will and independence an abhorrence. The entire populus of the Meruin Hives is slaved to the will of a single Norn'Lord and his dreaded Isectus Legions are the main rivals of the Anarchomancers in the Scrap-War. Soon there will be a reckoning and it is rumored that already several warbands are declaring their allegiance in the incoming war. I'd add an 'o' here to make the word 'populous'. This cohorts are slaved to the will of the Magi, receiving their orders in the from of impulses, drives and visions from the noosphere. I would chande 'this' for 'these'. Lord Lurien Theta-9 calls himself the Master of Visions for it is said that he is the sole custodian of the Arithmetics of Anarchy, a logis-cypher written by the Philosopher-Magus Janak 92-16 himself. It is known among the members of the Cabal of Anarchmetry that he has a long standing feud with his fellow disicple, Intara Elorani. Slight spelling error here - you've missed an 'i' out. :) Ekon-Nekon War Ekon and Nekon were twin stars under the aegis of the Mechanicus. Both planets were mighty forge worlds, producing countless weapons and tanks for the ever starving Imperium. The twin stars coexisted in harmony, benefiting form the confluent polarities of their planets to generate vast amounts of electric energy to fuel their forges, order was both mechanical and natural, and Ekon and Nekon prospered together. Another one that a spelling checker would miss - 'form' can be changed to 'from' here. Such harmony was abhorrent to the Cabal of Anarchmetry thus Lord 88-E was tasked to bring disorder, to break the convergence and to restore anarchy to Ekon and Nekon. The first act of the Ekon-Nekon War was a massive bombardment with neutronic warheads which broke the polarity of the twin stars. Lava seas rose, earth shattered and for the first time in seven thousand years the twin stars were not aligned. The second act of anarchy was the infection of the Ekon Mechanicus with the infamous "Disharmonic Resonance Malady", a heretical data-djinn which not only shattered the connection of the Ekon Skitarri with the noosphere but it also infected the billions of servitors with a dire killing frenzy. As Ekon fought its own warriors, the massive orbital guns of Nekon fired upon its twin planet. Seven full cohorts of Skitari lead the attack on the orbital platforms and it is said that Lord 88-E processed a smile when he found the great missile silos full of Deathstorm warheads. Needless to say the already plagued Ekon suffered further when Nekon fire rained down. The last act of treachery was the masterpiece of Lord 88-E. The remaining cohorts of the BR-15 Skitarii descended upon Nekon and systematically destroyed all the polarity clamps which tied the twin planets together. It is said that even now Ekon struggles with all its strength to escape the deadly embrace of Nekon. Thus once again the Anarchomancers triumphed and chaos was restored were order held domain. Strangely enough, you've used the word 'stars' a few time in the Ekon-Nekon War passage (which I have perhaps unhelpfully split to address a spelling error) where, imo, you should have used the either the term 'planets' or 'worlds'. The section itself appears as a reasonably well written account but the use of 'stars' appears to be the only true error. The Cairn-Ship had to die for such abomination was abhorrent to the Cabal of Anarchmetry. The entire fleet opened fire upon the xeno galleon but all this effort was to no avail. As soon as craters appeared on the hull of the ship they closed, the living metal suturing itself with liquid grace. Perfection and order riled Deltran 71B so much that he ordered his entire Skitarii cohorts into battle. I think you missed an 's' here. ;) Right, now then. Pedantry aside, I would like ask a question: If the Anarchomancers and their followers value anarchy above order, then surely there would be difficulties in commanding the denizens of BR-15, correct? The hierarchy of command, after all, is just another form order. Another thought occurs - keeping positions of power on BR-15 could be equally difficult, I think, due to the beliefs of the Anarchomancers. If they truly espous the idea of 'everyone for themselves' (or some such) then any power held by any individual would be a juicy prize to anyone with ambitious thoughts. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306318-index-traitoris-cabal-of-anarchmetry-dark-mechanicus/#findComment-4012623 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tenebris Posted April 18, 2015 Author Share Posted April 18, 2015 (edited) Thanks for marking out the errors. It is feedback like yours Olis which allows me to become better with my writing and with my English in general. @On the argument of anarchy and order, in specific of how it creates a working society. There exists no formal leadership, council or lord recognized by the Cabal of Anarchmetry but this does not mean that there is no order on BR-15. With every Magos trying to follow his vision, follow his inspiration it is understandable that conflict is common but it is also understandable that very few actively fight among themselves in an open way, lest they risk mutual destruction. Most of the power games result in either an assassination or in an alliance, more often than not I dare say in a mutual compact. The peak position of power is held by the first disciples of Ulan simply because they are among the longest living and most experienced Magi on BR-15. It is logical that only the most daring adversaries would hope to match the sheer number of Skitarii legions that the "Council" commands and while conflict is present this struggle is also perfectly in line with the Anarchometric doctrine, forcing the individual to adapt, to evolve, to be a genius or perish. As I have said, BR-15 maintains a form of "controlled chaos" where the individual is not challenged unless he challenges others, where the mighty indeed prey on the weak but the weak are not truly weak. I envision the Cabal of Anarchmetry and the society on BR-15 as a "typical" Chaotic Evil society which still has some cardinal rules, rules which are not laws, but the result of "common sense". Now when threatened by outsiders or challenged in their doctrine the Cabal of Anarchmetry acts on the outside with singular intent, or at least tries to, since freedom and autonomy is for them much more important than the termination of existence. What Ulan and his followers have managed to create is a society where the intelligent are allowed to prosper and where only those with the means to realize their own dreams are entitled to them. Indeed the result of so much freedom is the constant backstabbing, politicking, betrayals and assassinations but also marvelous devices, ingenious technological achievements and a really wealthy and I would dare say "free" society. At the end of the day it is the nature of Chaos to compete, to struggle, to adapt. The Anarchmetry is simply a very radical doctrine which states and promotes Chaos as the natural order and the human genius as the sole arbiter of fate. Edited April 18, 2015 by Tenebris Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306318-index-traitoris-cabal-of-anarchmetry-dark-mechanicus/#findComment-4012650 Share on other sites More sharing options...
sitnam Posted May 27, 2015 Share Posted May 27, 2015 I must say i really enjoyed you work here; the concept is unique and it reads really well. Anarchist-punk skitarii for the win! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/306318-index-traitoris-cabal-of-anarchmetry-dark-mechanicus/#findComment-4060485 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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