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750 point Nurgle tomorrow


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So I got challenged to a 750 point game tomorrow kitchen table style (40" diameter) by DE/Eldar. My friend likes him some poison warriors in raiders and wraith guard in wave serpents. I believe last time he melted my daemon princes so this time I'm gonna go Typhus bomb... I think.


750 points



zombie x10

zombie x10

Nurgle Oblits x3

Nurgle Bikers x7


Because we are playing on a 40" table I want to go for the good ol' biker slingshot. Zombies on backfield objectives in cover (preferably out of LOS), Oblits as the linebackers hoping to use their assault cannons, Typhus starting with the bikes just in case they get focused so they don't flee off the table. I think I'm going to have Typhus tank shots for the bikes since I can't afford to lose any models in the first turn. I want to have the Oblits open up the transports then slingshot turn 2 the bikes and Typhus into combat. Whatcha think?


P.S. even if Typhus is face tanking blaster shots its at T6 for the bikers majority toughness right??

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Typhus is a terrible pairing with the bikers, he slows them down, and restricts them from doing what they do best, closing into short range, blasting the heck out of their target and either charging or getting the heck out of dodge.

Personally, if I were to keep Typhus in such a small list (and that's a big if), I'd have him with the plague zombies who can at least serve a purpose of cheap ablatative wounds, as he stalks across the board.

Split your bikers into 2 squads, drop 1 man and spend the points on more zombies. If you're using Typhus minimum squad size on each is at least 20, and preferably 30, so that there's 20+ left when they get into charge range.

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Ended in Victory for Typhus 10-6. Maelstrom mission 1. He chose for me to go first.

His list:


Archon with 2++ and WWP attached to 5 scourge + heat lances (I think?)

venom with wracks and liquifier

venom with wracks and liquifier

6 reaver jetbikes with caltrops

void fighter jet thing


He reserved everything except the jetbikes whom he LOS on his objective (all the objectives pretty much turn out to be skyfire this game, wierd). His wracks were some sort of coven formation and he was unbound. I LOS the zombies on my objectives and line up Typhus with bikes and oblits heading for a ruined building to hide from heatlances in.


Turn 1: He fails to steal and there is no nightfighting. I move the bikers and Typhus up the board and pass dangerous terrain. Oblits couldn't quite reach the building. Fail to cast Weapon Virus on 4 dice. Bike kills 1 reaver. He deep strikes in his venoms and disembarks his wracks. Venoms and reavers kill 5 nurgle bikers with splinterfire and such (ouch, thats why Typhus fearless is nice).


Turn 2: Typhus's plague wind scatters badly. Oblits enter the building and assault cannon at a viper stripping 1 hp. 2 remaining bikers slingshot Typhus into combat where he promptly rolls a 1 and hurts himself then fails to hurt anyone. Void fighter fails to come in, but he precision deepstrikes his scourge and blows up the neutral building. Oblits save like a boss. Typhus somehow leaves 1 wrack standing.


Turn 3: Weapon Virus on reavers. Oblits blow up a viper and 3 jet bikes with plasma cannon fire. Typhus murders that last wrack! His Void fighter still doesn't come in (this is why I don't reserve important :cuss!) and all his shooting kills 1 nurgle biker so theres only 1 left (finally made some saves). He charges his other unit of wracks at Typhus rather than be Obliterated by Obliterators. Typhus manreapers them all instead instagib style. Reavers charge zombies and kill 5 with the hammer of wraths thing they do but whiff regular hits.


Turn 4: Move the zombies at the last 2 reavers + zombie combat for support (they kill 1 reaver then he hit and runs). Oblits kill the last venom with asscans. Last bike dies to overwatch when Typhus charges and kills the archon (he split off the scourge to leave the archon as a sacrifice hahaha... almost worked!) I forget to roll on the chaos reward table.

His jet comes in and kills a boatload of zombies but they fnp so a few in each unit still up. His scourge strip 2 wounds off Typhus he's down to 1!


Turn 5: Typhus rolls snake eyes on terrain test. whiffs spells. 4 and 4 dice all fail. Oblits kill 1 or 2 scourge. Typhus can't catch them scourge. His jet flies off the table LOL (the table was to small for it) Typhus saves like a boss and the game ends.

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