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Obliterator tactics


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I'll second most of what's been said here, but I do occasionally Infiltrate them with Huron's Warlord Trait.




Infiltrated, that's one mean Alpha Strike if you get first turn with the twin linked short ranged weapons :D

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One thing I have found is to alway keep them moving up the board to apply constant pressure on the opponent. T5 and 5++ should be enough to see them through, however the number of times I have found them out of position by leaving them still, or a charge of opportunity would have arisen, happens almost every game.

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Sorry to bring up a dead(ish) post; but i looked through here and noticed nobody mentioned it.

Cursed earth.

-Deep strike on spot (they are Daemons!!!!)

-+1 to Invul



-Deepstrike without mishap

-MoN T5 4+ invul

-MoT 3+ Invul (THATS A SS TERMI!!!!)


These guys suddenly become great Beta strikers with staying power.


Just food for thought. 

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