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help creating a multi legion force

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Hey guys i wonder if you can help. Now i wabt to create a multi legion army. Now primarilyvit will be night lords and most of the army will be in those colours. However for certain units ie obliterators mutilators possessed daemon engines cultists and apostles for example will be painted in colours of a warband of the legion their are most commonly seen with. Ive had a idea for a squad of 5 Emperors children chosen anyone got any idea of a unit commonly associated with black legion and alpha legion?
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I doubt Alpha Legion would join up with anyone really as they're a pretty paranoid lot. That and I doubt anyone would know they are AL. An EC warband would be fairly easy to tempt but most other Legions may be a bit hesitant after the Eye raids by them. Black Legion have a superiority complex so would want to be the ones in charge really.


The main way you could think of it is part of a much larger invasion force where a powerful Lord has managed to coax other Lords and smaller warbands to join the attack.


End of the day though, it's your army so justify away :tu:

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Well, from what I've heard, the Chosen are usually reminiscent of the Black Legion so you could ran another unit of them :) While the EC Chosen would be Mark of Slaanesh, precise fighters aimed at destroying the enemy elite before they could strike back, the Black Legion Chosen could be both a fire support and harrowing unit meant to cripple lower quality infantry. Alternatively Terminators sound a pretty good bet for Black Legion ;)


Regarding the Alpha Legion, I have trouble seeing any iconic unit with special rules that would fit them. Off the bat, I would go with a very large squad of Cultists (that's what I'm doing in my AL warband) to represent their heavier reliance on non-Astartes Operatives. A large squad of 35 Cultists would work best with an Apostle giving them Zealot, but I think that they can work without. To force a Leadership check, they would need to kill 9 Cultists on the first turn, and even then they have a Leadership of 8 and will be able to regroup with that except if they are below 9 models. Which means that the opponent would have to dedicate enough firepower to kill 26 cultists for that ^^

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I dunno, considering how fractured the Alpha Legion would be with their various millions of cells, I'd argue that they could be one of the more mercenary Legions, serving as contractors, saboteurs, assassins, etc.
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I doubt any EC would see that they own any debt to anyone as everyone else would be lucky to have them. Tempting them with slaves would be more likely to work.
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Would be a case of "they bring a tool we can use. We just need the right carrot to put them where we want them". I've had similar thoughts but the opposite way round.


My force is core EC. I'm adding a squad of Slaanesh tainted Iron Warriors after my EC Lord gave them the right temptations and they gave into them at the right point. Now I'm also thinking to add a Night Lord squad who are basically mercenaries and being paid in equipment to use their talents to disrupt communications and spread terror before an attack.

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Hey guys i wonder if you can help. Now i wabt to create a multi legion army. Now primarilyvit will be night lords and most of the army will be in those colours. However for certain units ie obliterators mutilators possessed daemon engines cultists and apostles for example will be painted in colours of a warband of the legion their are most commonly seen with. Ive had a idea for a squad of 5 Emperor's children chosen anyone got any idea of a unit commonly associated with black legion and alpha legion?

Just to say - check out the Siege of Vraks if your looking for some idea toward the Alpha legion & mix warbands?


Not sure which units to use to be honsty to rep Alpha Legion for your warband.  For the Black Legion, as said Chosen would be the first though for them.  Might also say about going Chosen for the Alpha Legion to rep them as a cell unit/kill team type unit with all the diffrent wargear?  Maybe have the Black Legion as Terminators instead?


But so far it sound cool & be great to see a army log for this :D

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Hey guys i wonder if you can help. Now i wabt to create a multi legion army. Now primarilyvit will be night lords and most of the army will be in those colours. However for certain units ie obliterators mutilators possessed daemon engines cultists and apostles for example will be painted in colours of a warband of the legion their are most commonly seen with. Ive had a idea for a squad of 5 Emperor's children chosen anyone got any idea of a unit commonly associated with black legion and alpha legion?

Just to say - check out the Siege of Vraks if your looking for some idea toward the Alpha legion & mix warbands?


Not sure which units to use to be honsty to rep Alpha Legion for your warband. For the Black Legion, as said Chosen would be the first though for them. Might also say about going Chosen for the Alpha Legion to rep them as a cell unit/kill team type unit with all the diffrent wargear? Maybe have the Black Legion as Terminators instead?


But so far it sound cool & be great to see a army log for this :D

Excellent il be primarily focusing on the Night Lords as primarily it will be a Night Lords force with the other legions mixed in :) . Hopefully i should have enough done that i may be able to take it to ToS either end of this year or next year

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