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Brother Raul

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Havent tried him yet, but i'm itching to give him a run! Double primaris seems like good way to go (i think it's legal, but no psychic expert) I'm leaning towards quickening and shriek (bs5 witchfire action) or quickening and prescience. 


Command squad, Hammernators or Scouts seems like good unit options with command squad having a slight edge.

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Only two rolls. One of his three choices are taken up by Sanguine Sword. He then gets two rolls on whatever table he is entitled to roll on and if they are the same table, he gets the primaris in addition. He also gets force.




Sanguine Sword


Table A random power

Table A random power

Table A Primaris




Sanguine Sword


Table A random power

Table B random power

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Quickening and the str 10 seem sufficient for the beatstick role. Prescience for support, or shriek with bs5 is just strong regardless. Prescience being WC2 makes it a bit klunky some turns if you want to cast multiple spells.

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He is still very good, having a hidden dude with high initiative and many attacks that hits like a truck is amazing :) he needs a transport though now, in my opinion its best to put him in a drop pod or land raider.


Which psychic powers you go for depend on many variables, but as a general rule I would say divination, Prescience is always good and except for the last one the other powers are usually beneficial as well (like Mephi rerolling his 2+ save.. or DC with 4+ invul and countercharge :D)

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That's what I did on the weekend. I rolled Haemorrhage and Life Leach sad.png

Oh yeah, it is very "high risk - high reward" kind of thing smile.png

At least -1T can work with the recent bike spam somehow...

The safest bet is to go with Telepathy; since there is a lot of synergy all around with BA army (terrify + shriek is nasty smile.png )

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If I played competitively I would run him with Divination or Biomancy together with Sternguard in a pod or a rhino. But I guess I'd have to build the rest of the list around that. Honour Guard are less versatile and can quickly become too expensive.

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That's what I did on the weekend. I rolled Haemorrhage and Life Leach sad.png

Oh yeah, it is very "high risk - high reward" kind of thing smile.png

At least -1T can work with the recent bike spam somehow...

The safest bet is to go with Telepathy; since there is a lot of synergy all around with BA army (terrify + shriek is nasty smile.png )

Mephiston can't pick Telepathy.

I've been using Mephiston in a pod with UM command squad(5 meltas, 2 storm shields) and Tigurius to great effect, going for Biomancy on Mephy and Divination on Tigurius.

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Thanks for your replies and sharing your experience brothers. Think as SP is too fragile as WL and been thinking about the meph. Agree with Remtek that biomancy prob isnt needed any more and that quickening is prob the best synergy. I guess shooty marines need divination but has anyone used a cqc com squad with sang? Was thinking this....in a pod.
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Think about meph as an 'upgrade' for a librarian. A level two Libby with a plasma pistol costs 105 points. For 70 points more you get:


An extra psykic dice

The ability to go to strength 10

2 more base attacks and and WS5 + I5

An extra wound and T5

Artificer armour



If he's being protected in a unit (like your Libby would be) things like artificer armour and his extra wound may never become relevant, but they are very useful and will often be the difference between life and death. His biggest asset are lots of strength 10 attacks. It's easy to overlook this, but this is what makes Meph great. Combined with quickening and force he puts the hurt on everything except 2+ eternal warriors. Stay away from those :p

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What about this pseudo Death Star:




-Brother Corbulo (wha????!? Don't see that often!)

-Vanguard Veteran x5

--Sgt. w/ Relic blade and Storm Shield

--1x VV w/ 2x LC

--1x VV w/ Plasma pistol and Chainsword

--1x VV w/ Plasma pistol and Storm Shield

--1x VV w/ Storm Shield and Chainsword

--5x Melta Bombs

-Rhino (Drop Pod for 10pts less)


Total cost = 555pts



Why this?


A) VV equipped thus cost the same as 5x TH/SS Terminators in a Drop Pod

B) this:


3x Plasma pistols for ranged AP2 dakka

3x 3++ SS for tanking Wounds

3x AP3 melee weapons (Meph, Relic Blade, 2x LC)

-5x Melta bombs + Meph w/ Sanguine Sword for anti-vehicle

WS + 1 to ALL (Corbulo)

I + 1 to ALL (Corbulo)

I + 2 on the Charge (Corbulo + Baal Strike Force)

FNP 5+ to ALL (Corbulo)


This is expensive but against MEQs this is absolutely deadly...all 7 models attacking well before enemies can even process it. Make Corbulo the Warlord for extra lulz

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No AP2 in close combat (unless I missed it). Terminators or MegaNobz would be able to attack with relative impunity. I would probably ditch the Lightning claws for TH/SS (or some other AP2 option).

No you are correct. That particular build is maximized anti-MEQ. I am sure there are ways to configure it more for anti-TEQ or anti-MC. I think it is more a template build where you swap out the dakka/specific weapons for what you need. The key is that it maximizes Initiative buffs (avg of I6) so Axes, PFs, or TH kinda throw a kink in there.

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