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Another Blood Angels blog......


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So it's been quite a while since I have done anything with Blood Angels (3 codices ago I believe), so I thought it's high time to restart them.  Going through my bitz box I found loads of un-built Blood Angels so have come up with a list.  Now normally I have a tournament or the like to focus me to get it done but this time as I have nothing coming up I have decided to take it slower and paint each model to a higher standard but I still need motivation so hence the blog.  The plan is to update it each Monday with built or painted models. So here goes.....
My List
Sanguinary priest w/ xtra weapon and JP  76
Dante  220
10 x Death company w/JP and 2x fists 280
10 x Death company w/JP and 2x fists 280
10 x Death company w/JP and 2x fists 280
5 x Sang Guard  2x swords, 2x axes, fist, banner 200
5 x Tactical marines w/Plasma cannon 85
5 x Tactical marines w/Plasma cannon 85
4 x Bikes 2xgrav gun and combi grav 124 (xtra bike is to be ablative wound for grav guns)
10 x Devastators w/4x Lascannon 220
Plan is back field I have 4 5man squads for long range fire, the dev squad splits into 2 with 2 lascannons in each, Dante and priest go with Sang guard and then there are 4 hard hitting unit piling up the field.
So here is my test model of one of my tac marines. I'm going for an urban basing theme with rubble and marines using cover.



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Only a day late but another tactical Marine done:

Also kit bashed my Dante


think I need to try speed up my painting now, next target is rest of 1st tac squad built and hopefully painted then I can paint a character.

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You can get similar razor wire from model stores or good ol' eBay (where I got mine from and is identical to GW's).


Really like those Tactical marines Sagnus! I love those bases and that red looks crisp. Just gotta hope that Melta bomb doesn't detonate too soon!

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