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MKVI Devestator shoulder pad woes


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Hello, looking for some advice. I plan on having the entirety of my army equipped with MKVI shoulder pads. I also plan on having two squads of Lascannon Devs in my army.


I'm not sure if it would be easier to

A - Cut away the arm and piping and add to another shoulder pad that has no trim.

B - To cut / file / smooth the trim of the right shoulder pad.


For reference:

MKVI armour


Lascannon shoulder pad


Any tips are appreciated! 


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Yeah, the Lascannon set doesn't have the arms. And if you go for the Space Marine Heavy Weapon set, you get the arms, but only one Lascannon (though it does also include a Plasma Cannon, Multi-Melta, and Heavy Bolter). However, with the arms, both sets work with Mk VI armour.



The easiest way to use the plastic shoulders would be to trim the ridge of the pauldron.


An even easier, but far more expensive way, would be to buy FW LCs on eBay. They usually come bundled with the gun arm.

I doubt non-standard bundles were originally sold by FW.


The easiest way to use the plastic shoulders would be to trim the ridge of the pauldron.


An even easier, but far more expensive way, would be to buy FW LCs on eBay. They usually come bundled with the gun arm.

I doubt non-standard bundles were originally sold by FW.



The Legion LCs come as a pack of 5 without arms. If you buy them on eBay, they are bundled with only the LC and the backpack ammo magazine.


The Space Marine Heavy Weapons Set comes as a pack with every heavy except the ML, 4 Mk III backpacks with rear-facing vents to accommodate the shoulder-mounted weapon, one weapon arm, and one free arm in a fist. If you buy these bits from eBay, the sellers usually bundle the LC with the two arms and the backpack.


It's simply a matter of finding the original pre-Heresy LC bundle instead of the newer, legion LC which doesn't come with arms (as those are found on the Legion Heavy Support marines).


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