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1500pts BA + UM for a tournament


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Blood Angels (Combined Arms Detachment)
Codex: Blood Angels

Librarian (110pts)
Auspex, Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon, Psyker (ML2), The Veritas Vitae, Warlord


Librarian (90pts)
Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon, Psyker (ML2)


Furioso Dreadnought (165pts)
Magna-grapple, Power Fist, Frag cannon, Heavy flamer
Drop Pod, Storm Bolter

Scout Squad (66pts)
5x Combat Blade, 5x Scouts
Scout Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword


Tactical Squad (120pts)
Heavy flamer, 4x Tactical Marine
Tactical Sergeant
Boltgun, Chainsword, Melta Bombs

Drop Pod, Storm Bolter

Drop Pod, Storm Bolter (35pts)

(Allied Detachment)
Chapter Tactics


Chief Librarian Tigurius (165pts)


Command Squad (210pts)
Apothecary, 4xVeteran, 4x Meltagun, 2x Storm Shield
Drop Pod, Storm Bolter

Tactical Squad (153pts)
Meltagun, 6x Space Marine
Space Marine Sergeant
Chainsword, Combi-Melta

Drop Pod, Storm Bolter

Stormtalon Gunship (125pts)
Skyhammer Missile Launcher

Centurion Devastator Squad (260pts)
2xCenturion, 2x Grav-cannon and grav-amp, 2xHurricane Bolter
Centurion Sergeant, Grav-cannon and grav-amp, Hurricane Bolter, Omniscope


1499pts total

So the plan is to roll on Divination or Telepathy with Tigurius, trying to get Perfect Timing, Forewarning and Misfortune or Invisibility, Terrify and Dominate. If that works out, he goes in the pod with the command squad, accompanied by one of the BA librarians. The non-warlord BA librarian also rolls on Divination, hopefully getting Perfect Timing and Forewarning and if so, he joins the Centurion pod. Depending on my luck with the psychic powers and my opponent, the warlord libby goes for either Biomancy, Divination or Sanguine, whatever best fits the situation.

Other than that the list is a pretty straightforward alpha strike drop pod list, with ideally the Furioso, Command Squad and Centurions arriving on turn one, depending on the opponent's army and whether I go first or second of course. If I get to go second, I will most likely outflank the scouts so my opponent doesn't have any targets on his first turn.

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