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2 related questions.

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Hi, Im looking for Pedro Kantors arm, the one with the storm bolter. I cant seem to find it anywhere and Im wondering if anybody has a good site for finding it.


And my second question is, is the pauldron attached? If so, how easy/difficult would it be to remove the CF iconography?

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Hmm, can't say I know of anywhere to get that piece, sorry. I find it very hard to get bits of characters, so you may be out of luck to get a piece of a not that popular character (apologies to any crimson fists here).


Best option is probably to buy the whole pack, maybe try to get it reduced somewhere or second hand. Failing that, just buy him and use all of him for different things :/


And from what I remember from my metal version which is buried in storage somewhere, the pauldron is attached to the arm. Not sure if it's the same with the fine cast.

Characters are indeed hard to find when it comes to bits. Im not too fond of the idea of buying the entire mini since Im only interested in the arm. Though I guess if I removed the iconography I could use the body for a veteran or something like that.

Although not storm bolters, Sanguinary Guard arms have a few weapons to choose from.


As for how easy it is to remove the icons from Pedro's shoulder, if you get a new finecast model it is very easy to shape. You could even do the work with a nail file. Finecast has its problems but it is super easy to work on.

Kantor's arm has the Shoulderpad attached, but you can trim the finecast clean in nothing flat. Removing the iconography from the rest of the model...that would be a royal pain. Lots of tiny fist icons all over the model. I would either buy the whole model and trade/sell off the body or get the Angelus Bolters from the Sanguinary Guard kit and get some flexible ammo belts from Zinge Industries.


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